
  • 网络main roof;hard roof
  1. 根据监测数据分析得出了工作面压力分布规律、直接顶和老顶来压步距和来压前预兆。

    According to monitoring data produced pressure distribution patterns , direct top and the old top to pressure to step away from pressure and the former well of the working-face .

  2. 煤层老顶以上约20倍煤层厚度的层段可划分为软塑型、硬脆型和中硬型,并对其岩性结构和物理力学性质进行了分析研究。

    The segment that overlies hard roof and thickness is roughly 20 times of coal seam can be divided into plastic , rigid and middle-hard types , whose rock texture and physical mechanical properties are also analyzed .

  3. 本文将长壁工作面上覆老顶视为位于Winkler弹性基础上的Kirchhoff板。

    The paper considers the overlying main roof over a longwall face as a Kirchhoff plate on the Winkler elastic fundament .

  4. 结果表明,老顶初次断裂步距应在反映自身稳定性的步距基数A基础上,用反映周围力学环境的刚度比β、载荷比D、载荷范围b1进行修正。

    The result shows that initial fracturing span of main roof should be corrected by using stiffness ratic β、 load ratio D and load range b_1 which reflect mechanical position of main roof on the basis of span cardinal number A which reflects the stableness of main roof itself .

  5. 老顶岩层板结构断裂规律

    The fracturing rules of main roof strata as a plant structure

  6. 采场厚老顶破断规律分析

    Analysis on Fracture Character of Thick Main Roof in Mining Area

  7. 极限分析与老顶初次来压步距计算

    Limit Analysis and Calculation of First Weighting Interval of Main Roof

  8. 浅埋煤层老顶岩块回转过程中的溃沙分析

    Sand inrush in roof rock 's rotating in shallow seam mining

  9. 长壁工作面老顶破断的计算机模拟

    The Computer Simulation of the Main Roof Breaking of the Longwall Face

  10. 利用人工神经元网络预测老顶来压步距

    Prediction of intervals of main roof weighting by an artificial neural network

  11. 采场老顶变形与破坏的时效特性研究

    Time effect of deformation and failure of main roof in the workings

  12. 老顶周期断裂及顶板来压预报

    The periodic fracture of main roof and the prediction of roof weighting

  13. 采场老顶初次来压时的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of the Main Roof during First Weighting in Longwall Face

  14. 采场老顶来压活动瓦斯涌出规律的研究

    Study of the main roof pressure and gas outburst rules

  15. 坚硬老顶周期来压声发射前兆分析

    Acoustic emission omen analysis of periodic weighting of the hard main roof

  16. 急斜煤层开采老顶破断力学模型分析

    Mechanical model analysis of failure in steep seam mining

  17. 倾斜煤层采场老顶初次来压步距的计算

    Calculation of the first weighting rate on longwall faces in gently inclined seam

  18. 老顶初次断裂过程及其矿山压力显现

    The initial fracture process of main roof and its mine ground pressure manifestation

  19. 软岩采场老顶破断的有限元模拟

    Finite element simulation of main roof breaking of longwall face with soft rock

  20. 坚硬老顶对支架的冲击规律

    Impact Law of Main Roof Blocks for Supports in the Workings OLD HOUSE

  21. 老顶断裂位置及断裂后回转角的数值分析

    The Numerical Analysis of the Cracked Position and Inclination of the Main Roof

  22. 急斜煤层老顶破断运动的复杂性

    The complexity of movement of broken overlying strata in steep coal seam mining

  23. 长壁工作面老顶初次来压的弯曲失稳解析

    Analysis on bending failure of initial weighting of main roof in longwall face

  24. 老顶断裂前后的矿山压力变化

    The Influence of the Fracture of the Main Roof On the Mining Ground Pressure

  25. 采场支架与老顶总体运动间的力学关系

    The mechanical relationship between the supports and the whole movement of the main roof

  26. 老顶给定变形下直接顶受力变形分析

    Mechanical analysis of the immediate roof subjected to given deformation of the main roof

  27. 因此,加强老顶来压的监测对煤矿安全开采具有十分重要的意义。

    So it is important to strengthen the monitor of the main roof pressure .

  28. 老顶的初次断裂步距和周期断裂步距

    First and periodic fracture length of main roof

  29. 老顶的来压过程及其预报

    Weighting Process of Main Roof and its Forecasting

  30. 老顶边界条件下采场矿压显现规律及直接顶破坏模式

    Longwall Face Roof Behaviour and Immediate Roof Failure Pattern under Main Roof upper Boundary