
  • 网络astringe essence;arrest seminal emission;arresting seminal emission;stop the nocturnal emission with astringent;control nocturnal emission;treat spontaneous emission
  1. 山茱萸为山茱萸科(Cornaceae)植物山茱萸(Cornusofficinalissieb.etZucc.)除去果核的干燥成熟果肉,具有补益肝肾、涩精固脱之功效;

    Fructus Corni is the pulp of the ripe fruit of Cornus officinalis Sieb . et Zucc . ( Cornaceae , it is called dogwood fruit in English ), which is removed its stones and produced mainly in Henan , Zhejiang and Shanxi provinces .

  2. 具有消食健脾胃,涩精止遗等功效,临床常用于治疗食积胀满,饮食积滞,消化不良,止遗尿,化结石,泻痢等疾病。

    Spleen and stomach with digestion , Shibuya and other effects left just fine , clinical fullness commonly used to treat food product , food toxins , indigestion , only enuresis , of stones , Xie Li and other diseases .