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lǎo lao
  • 见"姥姥";maternal grandma (grandmother)
老老 [lǎo lǎo]
  • [maternal grandma (grandmother)] 即姥姥,外祖母

老老[lǎo lao]
  1. 男男女女,老老小小都轮流击棒。

    Boys and girls , young and old , take turns to bat .

  2. 他们老老小小踏上了我们的海岸。

    They arrive on our shores old and young .

  3. 约翰·吉尔伯特认为1864年那会儿你妈妈偷了老老乔纳森一件手工品

    John Gilbert thinks your mom stole an artifact from Johnathan Sr. Sr. Back in 1864 .

  4. 只要看看几乎每个巴厘人民的四个名字老大、老老老四提醒每个人自己在家中的出生时间和所属位置即可知晓。

    Just look at the four names of almost every Balinese Citizen-First , second , third , fourth-reminding them all of when they were born in the family , and where they be-long .

  5. 直接攀登岩石的登山者。徐老老英雄/同上明月峰/登高不用杖/脱帽喜东风。

    A climber of vertical rock faces . My respected elderly Xu is a real hero / Together the Moonlight Peak we ascend / Without the help of a stick he makes his way up / At the summit he waves his cap in the east wind .

  6. 自从我工作以后,就再也收不到了,不仅如此,每年春节都得往外给。什么侄子,侄女,爷爷,奶奶,老老小小都得给!

    Eversince I started working , I haven 't gotten any . Not only that , every Spring Festival I have to give to other peoplelike my nieces and nephews , grandmaand grandpa , old and young , it doesn 't matter , I have to give to all of them !

  7. 有间很老很老的房子,新刷的油漆。

    There was an old , old house renewed with paint .

  8. 因为他是个很老很老很老的老人了。

    Because he 's a very , very , very old man .

  9. 我下星期老时间老地方和你见面。

    I 'll see you next week , same time , same place .

  10. 我会在老时间老地方等你。

    I will see you at the usual spot at the usual time .

  11. 他们的老爸爸老妈妈还健在,住在乡间的农庄里。

    They had Hale old parents who lived on farms in the country .

  12. 就是这种药,你能把它给非常老的老�

    there 's a drug that you can give to mice at a pretty old age

  13. 老吾老以及人之老,遵循老年人的行为特点,结合基地具体情况、设计服务于老年人的建筑空间是一项重要课题。

    It is on important task to design architectural space serving the old people by following their behavior characters and combining with the actual site conditions .

  14. 2010年,大连市人大督办的十三件事项中,保护老建筑老街区排在第四位。

    Among the13 issues that will be supervised by the municipal people 's congress in2010 , the protection of old buildings and old streets ranks fourth .

  15. 跟他一模一样的那位小人儿,脸上露出一副老而又老的神态,像圣人一样全神贯注、一动不动地注视着那红色的景象。

    his little image , with an old , old face , peering into the red perspective with the fixed and rapt attention of a sage .

  16. 中西区是个多变而又多元化的地方,它既弥漫著老店铺老街道的怀旧气氛,亦充满了最新最摩登的建设。

    Possessing both the oldest streets and shops as well as the newest infrastructure and skyscrapers , the Central and Western District is no doubt a dynamic and vibrant city .

  17. 当还未决定选择哪种颜色粉刷房间时,不如选择老而又老的白色,有时候,最古老的办法往往是最稳妥的办法。

    When not yet decided to choose which color to paint the room , the better to choose the old but the old white , sometimes , the oldest is often the safest way to approach .

  18. 格尔达更大声地喊起来。这时有一个很老很老的女人拄着拐杖走出来了:她戴着一顶大草帽,上面绘着许多美丽的花朵。

    Gerda called still louder , and an old woman then came out of the cottage , leaning upon a crooked stick . She had a large broad-brimmed hat on , painted with the most splendid flowers .

  19. 董贝先生身子毕挺,神情十分庄严地凝视着火焰;跟他一模一样的那位小人儿,脸上露出一副老而又老的神态,像圣人一样全神贯注、一动不动地注视着那红色的景象。

    Mr Dombey so erect and solemn , gazing at the blare ; his little image , with an old , old face , peering into the red perspective with the fixed and rapt attention of a sage .

  20. 第二天,我们见到了一个很老很老的人,他是1934年参加红军的,但由于没能在新丰突围出去,便回家种地了。

    On the second day , we met a very , very old man who had joined the Reds in ' 34.But unable to break through the blockade at Xinfeng , he had returned home to tend the fields .

  21. 通过改进微机游戏口的设计和结合高级语言编程对仪器进行简便改造和控制,给人们提供了微机接口应用的一种较新颖和较简单的方法,为改造老仪器老设备也提供了参考实例。

    The improvement on the design of the microcomputer game interface combined with simple transformation and control of advanced language programming will produce a new and simpler method for the application of microcomputer interface and will also provide actual reference examples for transforming old instruments and equipment .

  22. 他人老心不老。

    He is old in body but young in heart .

  23. 例句我的奶奶是个摇滚音乐迷,她虽然已经75岁了,但仍人老心不老。

    My granny is a big fan of rock and roll music – she is 75 and still young at heart .

  24. 幼虫孵出后即潜入叶肉取食,经3~4d即老熟,老熟幼虫爬出虫道化蛹的高峰期在6:00~10:00。化蛹在土表至土层3mm深处,这一土层中的化蛹数占总数的80%左右。

    The peak of pupation is found during 6:00 ~ 10:00 , the number of pupation in 0 ~ 3mm deep soil layer accounts for about 80 % of the total pupated .

  25. 与我们同行的还有弗兰克可爱的女友、摄影师安妮-索菲•马库斯(Anne-SophieMarkus),以及弗兰克的司机老纪。老纪觉得我们做的大部分事情都很好笑。

    Frank 's lovely girlfriend , Anne-Sophie Markus , a photographer , came along , as did Mr. Ji , Frank 's driver , who thought most everything we did was hilarious .

  26. 眼前的这个家伙就人老心不老,我瞎猜的。

    Here 's a guy who thinks young , I figure .

  27. 她真是人老心不老啊。

    She is old in age , but young in mind .

  28. 老朋友和老方法都不应该被抛弃。

    Old friends and old ways ought not to be disdained .

  29. 那就是说,老时间,老地方啰?

    That is to say , same time , same place ?

  30. 他要离开他的老邻居和老朋友了。

    He will leave his old neighbors and old friends .