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jiāo qī
  • beloved wife;pretty young wife
娇妻 [jiāo qī]
  • [young and beautiful wife] 美丽且年轻的爱妻

  1. 足球巨星大卫贝克汉姆和他的歌手娇妻维多利亚决定给他们的第四个孩子取名HarperSeven。

    Football star David Beckham and his singer wife Victoria have named their fourth child Harper Seven .

  2. 不过,这本文集中的几位作者也把某些担忧归因于公园坡的风气,那里似乎想造就一代“复制妈妈”(Stepfordmoms,此语来自电影《复制娇妻》[TheStepfordWives]——译注)。

    A few contributors to her anthology do , nevertheless , chalk up some of their misgivings to Park Slope-ish fads that seem intent on creating a generation of Stepford moms .

  3. 娇儿无孝,娇妻作乱

    A petted son is unfilial and a petted wife troublesome

  4. 艾米让我想起了《复制娇妻》。

    Amy kind of reminded me of a Stepford wife .

  5. 美丽娇妻豪华住房

    You have a beautiful wife , a gorgeous house .

  6. 而最为人津津乐道的就是他拥有八位国色天香的娇妻。

    He was envied by many men , cause he had eight wives .

  7. 让他们回家和娇妻团聚。

    Let them go home to their wives .

  8. 是你的极品娇妻在说话吗?

    Is that your hot wife I hear ?

  9. 我这亲爱的小娇妻。

    This sweet wee wife of mine .

  10. 坐在我身边的是我衷爱着的、我的亲爱的娇妻!

    It was my dear little wife I was sitting next to , whom I loved so much !

  11. 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西本应是他的娇妻,但往往那些是她的衣裳。

    The dear object to a married man shall be his wife but it is not infrequently her clothes .

  12. 你买跑车、娶娇妻,都不过是想要留住一个年轻有为的自己。

    You acquire fast cars and young wives to try and stay young yourself in the hope of confusing youth with relevance .

  13. 我最终相信了这一切!坐在我身边的是我衷爱着的、我的亲爱的娇妻!

    I believed it at last ! It was my dear little wife I was sitting next to , whom I loved so much !

  14. 他爱娇妻也许甚于爱科学,但这爱情只有与对科学的爱互相交织,并且把科学的力量与他自己的力量相结合,才显得更为强烈。

    His love for his young wife could only be the stronger of the two if it could link itself with his love of science .

  15. 我相信缘分,而之前我都没意识到它的存在。现在我们经常开玩笑说,导盲犬可以给你带来美娇妻。

    I trusted in the luck I didn 't seem to know existed . Now we joke that with every guide dog you get a free wife .

  16. 这位赛车手只在午休前出庭了一小会儿,马上奔赴布里斯托尔,探望娇妻乔治娜和他们刚出生的第三个娃男孩,名叫卡修斯。

    The racer left court shortly before lunch to return to Bristol , where his wife Georgina has just given birth to their third child - a boy called Cassius .

  17. 法国第一夫人布吕尼与老公萨科奇在法国南部海边晒日光浴,老公萨科奇则眼神含情脉脉地看着自己的娇妻,目光不愿意从妻子的肚子上离开,据悉,布吕尼此次怀上的是双胞胎。

    That 's my baby : French President Nicolas Sarkozy gives an admiringly look at his wife Carla Bruni 's belly as they sunbathe on the beach in the south of France .

  18. 传奇的俄罗斯演员伊万·科拉斯科将迎娶曾是自己学生、今年24岁的娇妻娜塔莉。他们在圣彼得堡低调地举行了婚礼,婚礼只邀请了家人及好友。

    Legendary Russian actor Ivan Krasko married his 24-year-old fianc é e Natalia Shevel , a former student of his , in a secret ceremony attended only by close friends and family in St Petersburg .

  19. 而另一方面,女人却总被社会期望着做“全能冠军”:美丽俏佳人、孝顺乖乖女、职场女英豪、甜美小娇妻,天使级妈妈。

    A woman , on the other hand , is expected by society to be perfect in many roles : Gorgeous woman , dutiful daughter , outstanding career woman , adoring wife , angelic mother .

  20. 我们在简?奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》一书中都读到过这样一句话,“这是一个举世公认的真理,即一个腰缠万贯的单身男人必欲迎取一位娇妻。”

    We have all read in Jane Austin 's Pride and Prejudice that " It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife . "