
  • 网络Coddled;pamper;AMAE
娇宠 [jiāo chǒng]
  • [indulge] 娇惯宠爱

  • 父母对孩子不能过于娇宠

  1. 我们没有娇宠这些人。

    We haven 't coddled them .

  2. 我和我的朋友已经被对亿万富翁友好的国会娇宠足够长了。现在是我们的政府认真对待共享牺牲的时候了。

    My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress . It 's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice .

  3. 我试厌那些女孩子纷纷娇宠夸赞那婴儿的样子。

    I hate it when those girls start fawning over the baby .

  4. 现在,我得说,此刻真的感觉备受娇宠。

    Now , I am feeling rather pampered right now , I have to say .

  5. 我不想真正受伤的人,看见他这样受到娇宠。

    I won 't have these men who really are wounded see that man babied so .

  6. 他小时候一直受到百般娇宠,长大后继续放纵自己。

    He continued to be self-indulgent , as he had been indulged when he was a little boy .

  7. “她是在一种错觉下放弃那些的,”他回答,“把我想象成一个传奇式的英雄,希望从我的豪侠气概的倾心中得到无尽的娇宠。

    She abandoned them under a delusion , 'he answered ; ` picturing in me a hero of romance , and expecting unlimited indulgences from my chivalrous devotion .

  8. 多渴望丈夫能给我一点暗示:他依然欣赏我,并知道我需要他的一点点娇宠。

    I hoped for an omen , any hint that my husband still found me desirable , a tiny assurance that he knew I needed a bit of pampering .

  9. 在家长的娇宠之下,这些坏孩子认为这个世界欠他们的,并认为其它孩子也应该象自己的家长一样对他们充满崇敬。

    They are spoilt by their parents and feel the world basically owes them , and that the other children should be as in awe of them as their families .

  10. 作为独生子女,他们青春时代可谓一帆风顺,大多数人都得到父母以及祖父母的精心照料,甚至是娇宠。

    Being the only child in their family , and without much to trouble them during their youth , most of them were taken good care of or even spoiled by their parents and grandparents .

  11. 她脸上流露出痛苦和惶惑的神情,这种惶惑说明,她这个娇宠惯了、经常有求必应的孩子如今可碰到生活中不愉快的事了。

    There were pain and in her face , the bewilderment of a child who has always had her own way for the asking and who now , for the first time , was in contact with the unpleasantness of life .