
  • 网络everett;Edward Everett
  1. 云集在列克星敦的人们来自四面八方,比如学术气息浓厚的剑桥、富人区后湾(BackBay)、林中小镇林肯(Lincoln)和韦尔斯利(Wellesley)、以及埃弗雷特(Everett)和梅德福(Medford)粗犷的“三层楼”(triple-decker)公寓街区。

    People thronged to Lexington from professorial Cambridge ; from patrician Back Bay ; from sylvan Lincoln and Wellesley , and from the gritty , " triple-decker " apartment blocks of Everett and Medford .

  2. 不到48小时,生活在华盛顿州埃弗雷特的被领养人、33岁的京银·戴维森(KyungEunDavidson)便和她的母亲说上了话,这是30年来的头一遭。

    Within 48 hours , the adoptee , Kyung EunDavidson , 33 , of Everett , Washington , was speaking to her mother for the firsttime in 30 years .

  3. 美国国会召开了长时间、有时一片混乱的听证会,在这些听证会上,当时芝加哥商品交易所(cme)总裁埃弗雷特哈里斯(everetteharris)试图让国会议员相信,洋葱期货市场不是价格剧烈波动的原因。

    Congress held long and sometimes tumultuous hearings in which Everette Harris , then president of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , tried to convince lawmakers that the futures market for onions was not the cause of the volatility .

  4. 但是凯文?埃弗雷特立刻倒下了。

    But it was Kevin Everett who immediately went down .

  5. 我是迪摩,你旁边是埃弗雷特。

    I 'm delmar , and that there is everett .

  6. 埃林顿和埃弗雷特知道,他是他们做的家伙。

    And Everett Ellington knows that he 's the guy to do them .

  7. 埃弗雷特可是个声名显赫的家族。

    The everetts are a very important family .

  8. 乔治·埃弗雷特·“巴德”·戴在爱荷华州苏城出生。

    George Everett " Bud " Day was born in Sioux City , Iowa .

  9. 波音在华盛顿的埃弗雷特厂是全球最大的建筑物。

    Boeing 's everett , washington , plant is the largest building in the world .

  10. 但是很多医生说,并没有证明凯文?埃弗雷特是因为降低体温疗法好转的。

    But some doctors say there is no proof that Kevin Everett is improving because of hypothermia therapy .

  11. 25岁的埃弗雷特低下他的头,用他的头盔撞向那个捉住他的球员。

    The twenty-five-year-old Everett put his head down and , with his helmet , crashed into the other player to tackle him .

  12. 他意识到,他需要亲自接手整个案件,而他唯一可以信任的人就只有埃弗雷特了。

    He realizes that he needs to take matters into his own hands , and the only person he can trust is Everett .