- 名Ethiopian

Liya is a perfect ambassador for this issue-not only is she a young woman and a working mother-she is an Ethiopian who has risen to the top of her industry .
But the day she marries an ethiopian .
Many Ethiopians would be happy to have a few dams .
Dieng estimates another $ 100 million will be necessary to meet Ethiopia 's needs until the end of the year .
An estimated one million Ethiopians eventually died as a result .
The Ethiopians have a crying need for more food immediately .
That includes more than 21000 Somalis and nearly 10000 Ethiopians .
Forth from thy hovel door thou Ethiopia com ist to me .
One of his ancestors had been an Ethiopian who entered the Imperial service in Russia .
Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians are working in the Middle East in manual labor jobs .
Libyans came from the northwest , Ethiopians from the south , and Assyrians from the northeast .
The Ethiopia Civil Code is combined the Ethiopian national conditions with many unique legal systems formulated .
We may not think often of the insects that secrete this sticky fluid , but Ethiopians do .
Staff at the station in Halle had to call police who then took the30-year-old Ethiopian man to hospital .
My friends'kids have an American mother and an Ethiopian father and have lived virtually their whole lives in China .
Nine of the repatriated Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia are running a chicken business on the outskirts of Addis Ababa .
Humans The Heart Man The Ethiopian of Africa discovered the coffee in ancient time and the Arabian planted it in middle age .
And providing temporary public jobs to hungry Ethiopians during the off-season for work enables them to plant more drought-resistant trees as an investment .
Cambodians chinese , japanese , El salvadorians , and Ethiopians bring their native dishes to add to the United states , already heady culinary stew .
In the worst case to date , nine Chinese workers and 65 Ethiopians were killed in April when guerrillas attacked an oil installation near the Somali border .
A complicated situation has been made worse by Eritrea , which supports Somalia 's hardliners because they are killing Ethiopians , whom the Eritreans deem to be their enemy .
The health of millions of Ethiopians is worsening by the day , and the international community must act to support the country 's government to ease this terrible suffering .
The contents of his historical philosophy consist of four parts as follows : Africa , well-known for old Ethiopian and splendid civilization of Ancient Egypt , was the cradle of human civilizations ;
Almost a year later , returned Ethiopians such as Binyam Zerihun , who spent four years in Saudi Arabia as a truck driver , says he is optimistic despite his financial challenges .
Originally discovered in Ethiopia , coffee beans were brought into the Middle East by Arab traders , spreading to Egypt , Yemen , Persia , Turkey , and North Africa by the15th century .
The Ethiopians do not control the Ogaden and we have warned the Chinese that we will not allow them to drill there . They want our wealth without our consent , he said by phone .
This week , Ethiopians were closely following any news about the condition of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi . A spokesman said in Addis Ababa on Thursday that the prime minister was taking sick leave on doctors ' orders .
WFP : Ethiopia 's Emergency Food Reserve Near Zero WFP 's Ethiopia Country Director Abdou Dieng says despite a good response to international appeals for food aid , Ethiopia faces a critical shortfall in emergency supplies .
As legend goes , coffee berries were first discovered in850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush .
The head of the U.N. World Food Program ( WFP ) in Ethiopia says the country 's emergency food stocks are almost completely exhausted , with drought conditions expected to worsen before they improve .