
āi sài é bǐ yà rén
  • Ethiopian
  1. Liya在这一问题方面是一位完美的大使&她不仅是一位年青妇女,而且是一位从事工作的母亲,她是已上升到自己行业顶端的一位埃塞俄比亚人。

    Liya is a perfect ambassador for this issue-not only is she a young woman and a working mother-she is an Ethiopian who has risen to the top of her industry .

  2. 但是当她和一个埃塞俄比亚人结婚的时候。

    But the day she marries an ethiopian .

  3. 许多埃塞俄比亚人将很高兴能有一些水坝。

    Many Ethiopians would be happy to have a few dams .

  4. AbdouDieng估计,为了满足埃塞俄比亚人年底之前的需求,还需捐赠1亿美元。

    Dieng estimates another $ 100 million will be necessary to meet Ethiopia 's needs until the end of the year .

  5. 估计约有100万埃塞俄比亚人最终因饥荒而死去。

    An estimated one million Ethiopians eventually died as a result .

  6. 埃塞俄比亚人急切需要更多的食品。

    The Ethiopians have a crying need for more food immediately .

  7. 其中包括2万1千名索马里人和大约1万名埃塞俄比亚人。

    That includes more than 21000 Somalis and nearly 10000 Ethiopians .

  8. 你埃塞俄比亚人,从你的茅屋的门里走出,向我走近。

    Forth from thy hovel door thou Ethiopia com ist to me .

  9. 他的一位前辈是曾经为俄罗斯皇家服务的埃塞俄比亚人。

    One of his ancestors had been an Ethiopian who entered the Imperial service in Russia .

  10. 成千上万的埃塞俄比亚人在中东曾从事体力劳动的工作。

    Hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians are working in the Middle East in manual labor jobs .

  11. 来自西北的利比亚人,来自南面的埃塞俄比亚人,以及来自东北的阿细里亚人都相继攻入了埃及。

    Libyans came from the northwest , Ethiopians from the south , and Assyrians from the northeast .

  12. 在法典中,结合自己的国情,埃塞俄比亚人创制了许多独特的法律制度。

    The Ethiopia Civil Code is combined the Ethiopian national conditions with many unique legal systems formulated .

  13. 我们可能并不经常去想分泌这种粘稠液体的昆虫,但埃塞俄比亚人却对此十分关注。

    We may not think often of the insects that secrete this sticky fluid , but Ethiopians do .

  14. 加油站里的工作人员看到有顾客喝汽油的时候就马上致电警察,警察到场后就把这位30岁的埃塞俄比亚人送到医院。

    Staff at the station in Halle had to call police who then took the30-year-old Ethiopian man to hospital .

  15. 我有个朋友是美国人,她丈夫是埃塞俄比亚人,他们的孩子从生下来就一直在中国生活。

    My friends'kids have an American mother and an Ethiopian father and have lived virtually their whole lives in China .

  16. 被沙特阿拉伯遣返的9名埃塞俄比亚人正在亚的斯亚贝巴郊外从事着鸡肉生意。

    Nine of the repatriated Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia are running a chicken business on the outskirts of Addis Ababa .

  17. 古代非洲埃塞俄比亚人发现了咖啡,中世纪阿拉伯人栽培了咖啡。

    Humans The Heart Man The Ethiopian of Africa discovered the coffee in ancient time and the Arabian planted it in middle age .

  18. 在淡季为饥饿的埃塞俄比亚人提供临时性的公共部门就业岗位使他们能够种植更多的投资型抗旱树种。

    And providing temporary public jobs to hungry Ethiopians during the off-season for work enables them to plant more drought-resistant trees as an investment .

  19. 柬埔寨人、中国人、日本人、萨尔瓦多人以及埃塞俄比亚人把当地的菜肴带入美国,为本已令人心醉的美国烹调品种锦上添花。

    Cambodians chinese , japanese , El salvadorians , and Ethiopians bring their native dishes to add to the United states , already heady culinary stew .

  20. 迄今为止,最为恶劣的事件发生在4月份,游击队员袭击了索马里边境附近的一个石油勘探地点,造成9名中国工人和65名埃塞俄比亚人丧生。

    In the worst case to date , nine Chinese workers and 65 Ethiopians were killed in April when guerrillas attacked an oil installation near the Somali border .

  21. 如此复杂的情形又因厄立特里亚的参与而更加恶化&厄立特里亚地区支持着索马里的强硬路线派,因为他们在杀害着与之有不共戴天之仇的埃塞俄比亚人。

    A complicated situation has been made worse by Eritrea , which supports Somalia 's hardliners because they are killing Ethiopians , whom the Eritreans deem to be their enemy .

  22. 现有数百万埃塞俄比亚人的健康状况正在每况愈下,国际社会必须行动起来,为该国政府提供支持,以减轻这一可怕的苦难。

    The health of millions of Ethiopians is worsening by the day , and the international community must act to support the country 's government to ease this terrible suffering .

  23. 布莱登历史哲学的内涵由四部分内容构成非洲是人类文明的摇篮,曾以古老的埃塞俄比亚人和灿烂的古埃及文明彪炳于世界历史;

    The contents of his historical philosophy consist of four parts as follows : Africa , well-known for old Ethiopian and splendid civilization of Ancient Egypt , was the cradle of human civilizations ;

  24. 像是曾在沙特阿拉伯度过自己4年卡车司机职业生涯回国一年后的埃塞俄比亚人毕亚姆·萨利恩表示尽管面临财务问题,但仍然乐观。

    Almost a year later , returned Ethiopians such as Binyam Zerihun , who spent four years in Saudi Arabia as a truck driver , says he is optimistic despite his financial challenges .

  25. 最初埃塞俄比亚人了咖啡豆,阿拉伯商人将其带往中东地区,并在15世纪传播到埃及、也门、波斯、土耳其和北非。

    Originally discovered in Ethiopia , coffee beans were brought into the Middle East by Arab traders , spreading to Egypt , Yemen , Persia , Turkey , and North Africa by the15th century .

  26. 埃塞俄比亚人并不控制欧加登,而且我们已经警告过中国人,我们不会允许他们在那里钻探。他们未经我们允许就想拿走我们的财富。

    The Ethiopians do not control the Ogaden and we have warned the Chinese that we will not allow them to drill there . They want our wealth without our consent , he said by phone .

  27. 本周,埃塞俄比亚人密切关注总理梅莱斯·泽纳维病情的最新进展。

    This week , Ethiopians were closely following any news about the condition of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi . A spokesman said in Addis Ababa on Thursday that the prime minister was taking sick leave on doctors ' orders .

  28. 世界粮食计划署埃塞俄比亚负责人AbdouDieng表示,尽管国际社会对粮食救助的呼吁反应积极,埃塞俄比亚仍然面临严重的紧急物资短缺。

    WFP : Ethiopia 's Emergency Food Reserve Near Zero WFP 's Ethiopia Country Director Abdou Dieng says despite a good response to international appeals for food aid , Ethiopia faces a critical shortfall in emergency supplies .

  29. 传说咖啡的果实是公元850年一个埃塞俄比亚牧羊人发现的:他注意到山羊吃了当地某种灌木的红色果实之后便活蹦乱跳起来。

    As legend goes , coffee berries were first discovered in850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush .

  30. 联合国世界粮食计划署埃塞俄比亚负责人说,该国的紧急粮食储备几乎完全耗尽,目前的干旱灾情预计会进一步恶化。

    The head of the U.N. World Food Program ( WFP ) in Ethiopia says the country 's emergency food stocks are almost completely exhausted , with drought conditions expected to worsen before they improve .