
sòng yáng
  • celebrate;praise;extol;eulogize;laud
颂扬 [sòng yáng]
  • [laud;extol;praise;eulogize] 称赞表扬

  • 颂扬战功

  • 这是朝鲜人民颂扬罗盛教的歌。--《罗盛教》

颂扬[sòng yáng]
  1. 一只超然豁达的老鼠高声颂扬大自然的仁厚,赞美它对鼠辈们所给予的特别的关爱。

    A philosophical loudly in praise of nature 's goodness for having made the mice such particular objects of her concern and protection .

  2. 我欲颂扬你之言语都显得无能。

    And my words that would praise thee are impotent things .

  3. 这部电影夸张地颂扬时装行业。

    The movie is a camp celebration of the fashion industry .

  4. 举行的宗教礼仪颂扬了他的一生。

    The service was a celebration of his life .

  5. 主啊,我们颂扬您的圣名。

    We bless your holy name , O Lord .

  6. 这不是在开追悼会,而是在颂扬他的一生。

    This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life

  7. 皇宫影业公司发行了两部颂扬我们文学遗产的精彩影片。

    Palace has released two marvellous films that pay homage to our literary heritage

  8. 他们颂扬前总统为英雄。

    They lauded the former president as a hero

  9. 每当女性取得成功,我们都会表示认同并予以颂扬。

    We like to identify and celebrate women 's success whenever we come across it .

  10. 他的作品颂扬了所有那些身为美国人应该珍视的美德。

    His work exalts all those virtues that we , as Americans , are taught to hold dear .

  11. 我们全心全意敬奉上帝,竭尽所能颂扬他的美名。

    We are all committed to serving the Lord and glorifying His name in the best way we know .

  12. 他电影里颂扬的那些人几乎从不看这种电影,难道他不觉得这是种讽刺吗?

    Does he not find it ironic that the sort of people his movie celebrates hardly ever watch this kind of movie ?

  13. 许多现代影片都颂扬战争和暴力。

    Many modern films glorify war and violence .

  14. 她的教学评估在本系是居最受颂扬者之中。

    Her teaching evaluations are among the most laudatory in this department .

  15. 特森诺夫痛诋大都市,颂扬农民的美德

    Tessenow decried the metropolis and extolled the peasant virtues .

  16. 加思先生对他们的研究成果大大地颂扬了一番。

    Mr.Garth gave a long eulogy about their achievements in the research .

  17. 他们颂扬前总统为英雄

    They lauded the former president as a hero .

  18. 千禧一代显然对哈丁的警告不以为然,每天都在颂扬全球“公地”。

    The millennial generation is celebrating the global commons every day , apparently unmindful of Hardin 's warning .

  19. 但对那些调查恋童癖神父的勇敢的《波士顿环球报》(BostonGlobe)记者的颂扬,抬举了我们这个行将就木的行业。

    But the celebration of brave Boston Globe reporters investigating paedophile priests flatters our dying industry .

  20. 因此,CincodeMayo如今是个颂扬克服阻碍的日子,不论这些阻碍有多么艰难。

    Because of this , Cinco de Mayo is now a day to celebrate overcoming obstacles , no matter how great they are .

  21. 在朝鲜的推荐名单上,排名最靠前的是金正日(KimJongIl)的母亲金正淑(KimJongSuk)的雕像,金正淑出生在这个城市,官方媒体对她多有颂扬之词。

    Topping the list of North Korean recommendations will be a statue of Kim Jong Il 's mother , Kim Jong Suk , who was born in the city and features prominently in state propaganda .

  22. 这首歌颂扬了最好的黑人爵士灵歌传统。

    The song doffs its hat to the best soul traditions .

  23. 全世界都颂扬中国文化。

    The whole world rings with the praises of Chinese culture .

  24. 我爱你,纯洁无邪,如同人们回绝颂扬。

    I love thee purely , as they turn from Praise .

  25. 持续四个小时的开幕式演出颂扬了英国历史和文化。

    The four-hour-long show paid tribute to British history and culture .

  26. 他不可能对你有更多赞美颂扬。

    No praise to thee but what in thee doth live .

  27. 他不停地颂扬自由市场的种种好处。

    He never stops extolling the virtues of the free market .

  28. 颂扬祖国的歌声响彻四方。

    Songs of extolling the motherland are ringing far and near .

  29. 琦君以真挚的情感对母爱进行了颂扬。

    Qi Jun sings high praise for the maternal love sincerely .

  30. 我并不诋毁法律,但是我颂扬上帝。

    I do not blame the law , but I bless God .