
sòng shī
  • ode;eulogistic poem
颂诗[sòng shī]
  1. 约翰·济慈的颂诗诞生以来一直广为传颂,经久不衰。

    Keats 's odes have been popular ever since their appearance .

  2. 论济慈颂诗中的通感意象及其理论基础

    On the Synaesthetic Imagery in Keats 's Odes and Its Theoretical Bases

  3. 叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵。

    The recitation of a ballad , an ode , etc.

  4. 由合唱队在演古典希腊戏剧时唱的颂诗。

    Ode sung by the chorus in classical Greek drama .

  5. 烛光下的颂诗与祈祷看到丽卿和庄宏吗?

    Hymns and prayers in candle light did you see Li-qing and hong ?

  6. 希腊抒情诗人品达所用的颂诗形式;三部分中有三组。

    An ode form used by Pindar ; has triple groups of triple units .

  7. 颂诗是济慈最重要也是最成熟的作品。

    The odes are generally regarded as keats 's most important and mature works .

  8. 你想听我新的颂诗吗?

    Would you listen to my new ode ?

  9. 代表中国诗歌早期形态的颂诗是先秦仪式展演的产物。

    Lyric poem , representing the initial stage of chinese poem , originated from ritual performance .

  10. 作为诗人,济慈主要享誉于他的几部颂诗和后来的十四行诗。

    Keats ' reputation as a poet rests largely on the Odes and the later sonnets .

  11. 他怀着满腔的爱国之情,写下了许多颂诗,表达了他对国家对民族的顾虑。

    With patriotic fervour he produced many odes showing his concern for his country and people .

  12. 通感群·前景化·陌生化&济慈颂诗的文体学研究

    Synaesthetic Clusters , Foregrounding , Defamiliarization & A Study of Keats 's Odes from the Stylistic Perspective

  13. 概要介绍了周代王朝祭礼颂诗涉及的范围和基本内容。

    The foreword introduces the bound and the basic contents of the sacred odes in the Zhou dynasty .

  14. 第一章主要讨论周代颂诗的性质、创制主体、表演特色及形成此特色的原因。

    The first chapter discusses the character , the main authors , the performing feature and the reason for such feature .

  15. 从文类角度看,东方古代文学中的民族意识突出表现在颂诗和史传文学中。

    From the literary point of view , the nationality awareness in the ancient Orient literature is best realized as odes and chronological literature .

  16. 在此基础上,展开对1917至1949年现代颂诗的基本形态的分析考察。第二部分即本文的主体部分。

    On this basis , the paper spread out to inspect the shape of modern " ode " from 1917 to 1949.The second part is the body of this article .

  17. 通过对现代颂诗展开的一系列考察和梳理,笔者发现,现代颂诗与时代关系颇为密切。

    By modern " ode " did a series of inspection and combing , I found that the relations of between the modern " ode " and the times is quite close .

  18. 去年,也就是我在拉德克利夫学院的第二年,我主修的科目有英文写作,《圣经》文学,美国和欧洲政体,贺拉斯颂诗,及拉丁文喜剧。

    Last year , my second year at Radcliffe , I studied English composition , the Bible as English composition , the governments of America and Europe , the Odes of Horace , and Latin comedy .

  19. 引言主要对颂诗的源流进行简要概述,包括本论文的选题目的、研究意义、研究方法及相关研究述评。

    The introduction is mainly a brief overview of the origin and evolution of ode , including the purpose of this thesis topic , the significance of research , the methods of research and the related research .

  20. 让我把颂诗挂在远山的悬崖上随风飘扬,让我将赞歌伴着欢乐的百鸟,鸣啭回荡在山谷中!

    I 'll hang the ode high up on the precipice of the remote mountain , let it flutter in the wind . I 'll make the ode accompany the cheerful birds , twittering and echoing in the valley .

  21. 著名诗人约翰-济慈因擅长颂诗而闻名于世,但是他只排名第三。这封情书是1819年济慈写给他的邻居芬妮-布朗的,他要告诉她如果没有她他没法活下去。

    Poet John Keats may be famous for his odes but he only manages third place on the table despite his way with words telling his next door neighbour Fanny Brawne that he can not live without her in 1819 .