
  1. 周一,中国外交部的一位官员谈到有关金正日访华的报导时说,如果我们要发表声明,我们会给你们打电话。

    On Monday , an official at China 's foreign ministry said of reports of the latest visit , ' If we have comment , we will call you .

  2. 金正日访华前夕,围绕3月份一艘韩国军舰沉没事件还爆发了争议;首尔方面相信,这很可能是朝方发动鱼雷攻击的结果。

    His visit also comes after the controversy over the sinking in March of a South Korean warship , which Seoul believes was probably the result of a North Korean torpedo attack .

  3. 2004年,金正日访华后回国,当他乘坐的列车经过中朝边境附近的朝鲜小镇龙川一小时后,当地发生一起爆炸,摧毁了一座火车站和周围的建筑。

    In 2004 , an explosion ripped apart a train station and surrounding blocks in Yongchon , a North Korean town near the Chinese border , just an hour after a train carrying Mr. Kim passed through when he was returning from a trip to China .

  4. 但中国拒绝谴责朝鲜,而且在今年8月份,甚至邀请金正日正式访华。

    But China refused to put the blame on North Korea and , in August , even invited Mr Kim on an official visit .

  5. 金正日上次访华是在2006年1月。期间,他考察了外资企业聚集的中国南方城市广州和深圳。

    During his last visit , in January 2006 , Mr. Kim went to two cities in southern China , Guangzhou and Shenzen , home to many foreign-owned factories .

  6. 金正日此次访华,还暴露了两极分化的韩国政坛的裂痕。左翼希望中国能说服金正日重返有关朝鲜弃核的六方会谈。

    The visit has exposed the fissures in South Korea 's polarised politics , with left-wingers hoping China will coax Mr Kim back to talks on dismantling his nuclear weapons .

  7. 朝鲜领导人金正日在访华过程中表示朝鲜准备好了重启对话,国家媒体新华社报导。

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il said during a visit to China that the North is ready to resume the talks , the state-run Xinhua news agency of China reported .

  8. 这是2006年以来金正日首次访华。分析人士表示,金正日可能是为了寻求从朝鲜最亲密的盟友这里获得更多经济和政治支持。朝鲜去年搞砸了货币改革,留下高通胀遗患。

    In what is his first trip to China since 2006 , analysts said Mr Kim is likely looking to shore up economic and political support from North Korea 's closest ally following a bungled currency reform last year which led to high inflation .

  9. 过去一年,金正日曾3次访华,这令外界猜测,中朝两国正在讨论增强经济联系。

    Mr Kim has visited China three times in the past year , fuelling speculation the two countries are discussing closer economic ties .