
qún shān
  • mountains;hills;massif;hump;berg
群山 [qún shān]
  • (1) [hills]∶山连山

  • 群山环抱

  • (2) [hump]∶必须飞越的山脉或山峰--主要用于航空学

  • 飞越从智利到布宜诺斯艾利斯的群山

群山[qún shān]
  1. 橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

    The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains .

  2. 波斯尼亚和亚得里亚海之间有群山相隔。

    Bosnia is shut off from the Adriatic by the mountains .

  3. 群山如画,给我们的野餐平添景色。

    The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic .

  4. 这条路在群山中绕来绕去。

    The road weaves through a range of hills .

  5. 我们在群山中走了一个星期。

    We spent a week walking in the mountains .

  6. 蒙蒙细雨渐渐笼罩了群山。

    A fine drizzle began to veil the hills .

  7. 大雾笼罩着群山。

    The hills were cloaked in thick mist .

  8. 群山的轮廓衬托了出来。

    The mountains stood out in silhouette .

  9. 我们不胜向往地朝群山望去。

    We looked longingly towards the hills .

  10. 低矮的群山上,绿色和棕色混杂着。

    The low mountains were a patchwork of green and brown .

  11. 他们看着熟悉的群山渐渐隐没到黑夜当中。

    They watched the familiar mountains fade into the darkness .

  12. 我们在群山、河流和葡萄园构成的美丽画卷中漫步。

    We meandered through a landscape of mountains , rivers , and vineyards

  13. 我放眼绵延起伏的群山。

    I looked across the mountains , ridge upon ridge .

  14. 群山向远处的地平线绵延而去。

    The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon .

  15. 勇士的壮举将永远为后人缅怀,正如缭绕群山的薄雾永远不会消散。

    As long as mist hangs o'er the mountains , the deeds of the brave will be remembered .

  16. 群山在东方天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。

    The mountains are sharply defined against the eastern sky .

  17. 群山被大雾笼罩。

    The hills were cloaked in a thick mist .

  18. 群山笼罩在雾霭中。

    The hills were covered in mist .

  19. 这条河发源于群山之中。

    The river has its source [ rise ] in the mountains .

  20. 我们正在群山上空飞行。

    We 're now flying high up over the mountains .

  21. 群山崛起。

    Mountains rise abruptly ( over the plain ) .

  22. 浓雾包住了群山。

    The hills were enveloped in dense fog .

  23. 巍巍群山耸入云霄。

    The lofty peaks tower into the clouds .

  24. 浓密的树叶覆盖着群山。

    Dark foliage clothes the hills .

  25. 群山耸立。

    Mountains rise straight up .

  26. 今天你能清楚地看到群山。

    You can see clear to the mountains today .

  27. 那个山峰俯瞰群山。

    That peak is dominant over all other hills .

  28. 群山融化的雪不断流经山谷。

    The valley is continuously watered by the melting snow from the mountains .

  29. 这儿可以看到群山的壮丽景象。

    There 's a grand view of the mountains .

  30. 浓雾遮住了群山。

    The thick mist clouded the mountains .