
  • 网络group action
  1. 亏格为4黎曼曲面上循环群作用的拓扑分类

    Topological Classification of Cyclic Group Action on Genus 4 Riemann Surface

  2. 群作用三元组与不动点

    Group Action Triples Versus Fixed Points

  3. 本文讨论了二维非线性系统在线性群作用下的对称性,及GL(2,R)的所有连通子群。

    In this paper , we consider the symmetry of two dimensional control systems under linear groups .

  4. 对半群作用,讨论了M系统,E系统和敏感依赖之间的关系,并给出了它是敏感依赖的两个充分条件;

    We describe the relations of sensitive dependence with M systems , E systems , and give two sufficient conditions for semigroup actions to be sensitive dependence .

  5. Amenable群作用的一维动力系统

    One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems of Amenable Group Actions

  6. 得到了群作用是扩散的一个判别准则;利用开覆盖沿无限网的复杂性函数的无界性刻画了群作用的mild混合和强扩散。

    We get a criterion for the scattering property , and characterize mild mixing and strong scattering using the complexity function of an open cover along some infinite nets .

  7. 代数的群作用和Hopf代数作用理论是代数学中的重要研究内容,有许多数学工作者从事这方面的研究。

    The theory of group actions and Hopf algebra actions on algebras is an important research topic in algebra , and many mathematicians are working on the topic .

  8. Yang-Mills模空间上的群作用

    Group Actions on Yang-Mills Moduli Space

  9. PAHs在驯化微生物作用下降解趋势与自然菌群作用下的趋势相似,都经历了诱导期、稳定降解期和缓慢降解期,但降解周期明显缩短。

    The biodegradation process of PAHs degraded by domestic consortium undergo induction , stabilization and slow degradation stage , which is similar to that degraded by natural consortium , while the degradation period is greatly reduced .

  10. 首先,我们对它建立有限开覆盖的局部变分原理,并由此简洁地得到了可数离散amenable群作用动力系统的经典变分原理。

    First , the local variational principle of a finite open cover is established in this setting , which can be used to obtain the classic variational principle by some standard arguments .

  11. 讨论了一般情形Chevalley群作用下的子代数轨道生成的格。

    This paper is to study the lattices generated by transitive sets of subalgebras under general Chevalley groups over finite fields .

  12. 本文分三部分,第一部分主要介绍Hopf代数上模代数、余模代数、代数的群作用和群分次等基本概念,给出这些概念之间的相互联系以及有关的已知结论。

    In Section 1 , we recall some notions such as module algebra , comodule algebra over a Hopf algebra , group actions and group grading of algebras . We also introduce the relation between these concepts , as well as some known conclusions .

  13. 结果表明,当单脉冲作用时,干扰电压会随信号线与传输线的距离不同而有变化,最大可达50V。当有脉冲群作用时,干扰会更大,最大可达500V。

    Results show that interference voltage changes with the distance between the transmission line and signal line , the biggest value can be 50V for single pulse and 500V for multi-pulse .

  14. 以往研究结果表明,中药甘草在人或小鼠动物肠道微生物菌群作用下可被转化为甘草次酸、达维荚蒾苷元(davidigenin)等不同代谢产物。

    Previous studies have shown that licorice root was able to be transformed to different metabolites , including glycyrrhetinic acid and davidigenin ( DG ), by human and rat intestinal microflora .

  15. 群作用轨道及其应用速效脱毛灵及其性能的研究

    Study of quick & acting depilating agent and its property

  16. 针刺对肥胖大鼠中缝核群作用的探讨

    Effect of Acupuncture on the Raphe Nucleus of Obese Rat

  17. 群作用下的分歧定理

    A Bifurcation Theorem under the Action of Compact Lie Group

  18. 波群作用于垂直桩柱的峰力统计性质

    Statistical characteristics of peak forces on a vertical cylinder due to wave groups

  19. 益生菌和酸奶对乳糖不耐受者结肠菌群作用研究

    Effect of probiotics and yogurt on colonic microflora in subjects with lactose intolerance

  20. 正手前冲弧圈球技术上肢肌群作用的研究

    The Function of Upper Limb Muscles in the Skill of Forehand Loop Drive

  21. 关于群作用下的特征标对应与算子群的交换性的一个证明

    A Prove about Character Correspondences and The Exchange of Operator Group under Group Action

  22. 有限辛群作用下子空间轨道按和生成的格

    Lattices Generated by Joins of Elements in Orbits of Subspaces Under Finite Symplectic Group

  23. 有限奇异辛群作用下轨道中子空间的和生成的格(Ⅰ)(英文)

    Lattices generated by joins of the subspaces in orbits under finite singular symplectic groups (ⅰ)

  24. 等度连续的半群作用的一个特征

    A Characteristic of Equicontinuity of Semigroup Actions

  25. 硫酸乙酰肝素糖蛋白的结构-功能多样性与相关修饰酶群作用

    The diversity of structure and function of heparin sulfate proteoglycans via modification of some relative enzymes

  26. 伪辛群作用下子空间轨道生成的格的同构条件

    The isomorphic conditions of some lattices generated by transitive sets of subspaces under finite pseudo-symplectic groups

  27. 寻找其他合适的半群作用问题是一个重要的研究方向。

    So it is a very important research direction to find other appropriate semigroup action problem .

  28. 猪粪便细菌群作用下3-甲基吲哚(粪臭素)和吲哚形成的研究

    Effect of Mixed Population of Pig Fecal Bacteria on 3-Methylindole ( skatole ) and Indole Production

  29. 第二部分(第二章),着重研究了半群作用的敏感依赖性。

    In the second part ( Chapter 2 ), we study the sensitive dependence of semigroup actions .

  30. 关于群作用相应的理论的推广。

    For group actions .