
  • 网络population growth
  1. 少免耕小麦高产群体生长模式及其控制技术的研究

    Modelling high yield population growth of wheat with minimum or no-tillage techniques

  2. 随密度增加净同化率降低,而群体生长率增加。

    The net assimilation rate deceased with the increase of plant density , but the population growth rate increased .

  3. 由此看出2个群体生长和存活率存在较大差异,AA具有生长快优良性状,BB具有存活率高的优良性状。

    The result shows that there are significant differences : group AA grow fast , group BB have higher survival rate .

  4. 基于各器官的动态变化模型和几何显示模型,利用OpenGL函数实现了小麦群体生长过程的三维动态显示。

    Basing on the dynamic model and geometric display model of wheat organ , tri-dimensional dynamic display of wheat population was carried out with OpenGL . 4 .

  5. 介绍了利用动态纹理位图生成技术和BillBoard技术相结合,实时显示虚拟植物群体生长的方法。

    The article describes using the dynamic generated texture combines with the BillBoard to display group virtual plants ' growth .

  6. 高产品种的总颖花量、LAI及群体生长速率(CGR)都较高。

    They had higher total spikelet number , leaf area index ( LAI ) and crop growth rate ( CGR ), as compared with other genotypes .

  7. 试验结果表明,连作导致大豆生长发育受阻,在生理上表现净光合生产率(NAR)、群体生长率(CGR)降低;

    The result showed that soybean 's net assimilation rate and crop growth rate were reduced gradually in soybean successive cropping field year by year .

  8. 不同浓度云南白药水溶液对体外培养人牙周膜成纤维细胞增殖和ALP、OC表达的影响养殖密度、水层和养殖地点对马氏珠母贝选育群体生长存活的影响

    Effect of Yunnan BaiYao on proliferation and expression of ALP 、 OC of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts in vitro The growth and survival of a selected line in pearl oyster Pinctada martensii cultured in different densities , water layers and sites

  9. 以单细胞的真核模式生物裂殖酵母(S.pombe)为材料,研究钙与细胞增殖的关系。结果表明,外源钙浓度的增加能明显缩短群体生长的延滞期,促进细胞增殖。

    Taking an example of unicellular eukaryotic organisms fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ( S.pombe ) , the effects of Ca 2 + on cell proliferation were studied .

  10. 突变率计算中细菌群体生长不同步系数的修正

    Modification the Synchrony Coefficient for Mutation Rate Calculating in Bacterial Population

  11. 水稻群体生长过程和产量的动态模拟

    Simulation of the dynamics of growth process and yield of rice population

  12. 青海环湖地区天然牧草群体生长动态数值模拟

    A dynamic numerical simulation for colony growth of natural herbage around Qinghai Lake Shore

  13. 非参数检验在儿童群体生长水平比较中的应用

    Use of Nonparametric Tests for Comparing the Growth & Development of Different Groups of Children

  14. 集雨补灌对冬小麦套玉米复合群体生长特性研究

    Research on developing characteristics of winter wheat / corn intercropping systems with supplementary irrigation of catchment water

  15. 群体生长动态子模型模拟了小麦的叶龄发育,叶面积指数动态以及分蘖的消长情况;

    The crop growth submodel was simulated wheat leaf development and leaf index dynamic state and tillers .

  16. 实行科学管理,是保持绿萍群体生长优势,提高适应能力的必要条件。

    Scientific management is the prerequisite for keeping the growth superiority of Azoila mats and raising their adaptability .

  17. 茬口对不同专用小麦品种产量及个体和群体生长动态的影响

    Effect of Crop for Rotation on Yield of Special Usage Wheat Variety and Dynamic Growth of Individual and Population

  18. 构建限制性条件下微生物群体生长模型时的问题

    The Difficulties and Puzzles in Estimation of Microbial Population Growth Parameters in Limiting Growth Environment by Logistic and Monod models

  19. 长江鲢、草鱼原种&人繁群体生长差异与生化遗传变化

    Growth differences and biochemical genetic changes between wild stock and hatchery populations of silver carp and grass carp from Yangtze River

  20. 从第一次灌水处理至成熟,群体生长率平均比地面灌溉高10.1%;

    Its average crop growth rate after the first time of irrigation was 10.1 % higher than that under surface irrigation ;

  21. 宁南山区旱地苜蓿垄沟集水种植生物群体生长特征及其水分利用效率

    Growth Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Biotic Colony Under Catchment and Furrow Planting Technique of Medicago Sativa in Southern Ningxia Mountain Region

  22. 超高产水稻的生物产量积累优势在中、后期,中、后期具有较高的群体生长率,是生物产量高的主要原因。

    Super-high yielding rice had accumulative superiority of biomass and higher colong growth rate ( CGR ) at the middle and late growth stages .

  23. 分析人群的发育动态,在于了解群体生长发育的趋势、现状、特点。

    Depending on the development of dynamic analysis , to understand the trend of growth and development groups , the status quo , characteristics .

  24. 总体上来说,增施氮肥可以改善水稻的群体生长质量。

    Conclusively , nitrogen increasing tend can improve the group growth quality . However , too much nitrogen is not beneficial to the growth of rice .

  25. 因不同生育阶段群体生长率、净同化率和光合势对旱稻品种总干重的影响不同。

    Colony Growth Rate , Net Assimilation Rate and Leaf Area Duration influenced the total dry weight of upland rice varieties at the different stages respectively .

  26. 本研究是在水稻群体生长模型和纵卷叶螟种群生命系统模拟模型的基础上进行的。

    The study has been based on both the model for rice population growth and the model for simulating population life system of lice case worm .

  27. 分析了产量因素、抽穗期、株高、叶片性状、干物重、群体生长率和净同化率与产量和产量因素间的相关。

    Correlations between yield and heading stage , plant height , leaf char-acter , dry matter weight , crop growth rate , net assimilation rate was analysed .

  28. 不同施肥方式下各处理烟株个体发育均比较充分,群体生长协调,与烤烟大田常规生产相似。

    Under different fertilization , the tobacco individual in each treatment was sufficient grow , groups grow coordination , and were similar to the regular production of flue-cured tobacco .

  29. 早播叶源量高值持续期长,吐丝后叶片衰老慢,净同化率和群体生长率高。

    High value duration of total leaves area were long , leaves senescence were slow after spinning , net assimilation rate and population growth rate were high under early sowing .

  30. 枫香人工林林冠截留对降水水量输入的影响红麻冠层发育光能截获及群体生长的关系分析

    The Influence of Liquidambar formosana Plantation Crown-interception Upon Its Input Volume of Precipitation Water Analysis on the relationship between the canopy developing and photo-energy utilizing as well as population growing in kenaf