
The leader of the World Health Organization criticized the drug industry on Monday , saying that the drive for profit was one reason no vaccine had yet been found for Ebola .
By comparison , about 150,000 people have signed a petition urging the Food and Drug Administration to fast-track research on a potential vaccine and treatment for Ebola .
The study , published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation , demonstrated that the aerosol Ebola vaccine activated immune cells in the respiratory system of rhesus macaques and provided full protection against the virus .
The Ebola vaccine on which Dr. Geisbert collaborated is made from another virus , V.S.V. , for vesicular stomatitis virus , which causes a mouth disease in cattle but rarely infects people .
A single dose of a new Ebola vaccine that can be inhaled has been found to neutralize the deadly virus in monkeys , researchers reported on Monday .
The Chinese government issued a directive last summer that helped inspire the production not only of MIL77 but also of an Ebola vaccine , which is currently in human safety studies ; rapid Ebola diagnostic tests ; and copies of antiviral drugs made by companies in other countries .
In addition to the planned HIV-vaccine trial , an Ebola vaccine in development also relies on an adenovirus-5 vector .
Progress in research of Ebola vaccine
Amid mounting anxieties , some possible good news : Russian health officials say they have developed vaccines against Ebola that are ready for testing .
The large amount of the drug already present in Africa puts it on a scale with GlaxoSmithKline 's plans , announced in August , to manufacture 10000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine being developed with the US National Institutes of Health .
There 's a vaccine for the Ebola virus ?
Canada views this experimental Ebola vaccine as a global resource , and , in the interest of global public health , we are sharing it with our international partners to help address the Ebola outbreak in West Africa , Canadian Health Minister Rona Ambrose said in a statement .
Thus article mainly reviews the research and development of accelerated vaccination against Ebola virus in non-human primates .
A vaccine that is made up of weakened viruses could merge with the wild virus to form new strains , making the spread of the virus in humans and apes harder to predict and control .
GALVESTON , Texas - Almost a decade ago , scientists from Canada and the United States reported that they had created a vaccine that was 100 percent effective in protecting monkeys against the Ebola virus .
GALVESTON , Texas & Almost a decade ago , scientists from Canada and the United States reported that they had created a vaccine that was 100 percent effective in protecting monkeys against the Ebola virus .