
nóng máng
  • Busy farming;busy season;busy season(in farming)
农忙 [nóng máng]
  • [busy season(in farming)] 指农事繁忙

  • 农忙季节

农忙[nóng máng]
  1. 农忙季节,村子里显得空荡荡的。

    In the busy season the village looked deserted .

  2. 农忙季节,人都下地了,村子里显得空荡荡的。

    In the busy season the village looked deserted when all the peasants had gone to the fields .

  3. 农忙季节他们就帮着干农活。

    During busy seasons they help with field work .

  4. 其受伤原因绝大多数为操作不当所引起,主要发生在农忙季节。

    The injury is mainly due to improper operation in busy farming seasons .

  5. 这所学校在农忙季节停课。

    The school shuts down during busy farming seasons .

  6. 自耕农在夏天农忙季节每星期劳动55到60小时。

    Self-employed farmers work from 55 to 60 hours per week during the peak summer mouths .

  7. 他们没有大刀阔斧的摈弃孔子的精英论,还缺乏在农忙时节合理安排课程的能力。

    They aren 't even smart enough to schedule their lessons on seedlings for crop-planting time .

  8. 人们都很感激,因为他们冬天的食物已经准备好了,而且农忙也结束了。语境。

    People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over .

  9. 农资公司在农忙时,乐为农民送货下乡。

    Farming materials company is glad to deliver goods to the countryside for farmers during the farming season .

  10. 有一次逢农忙抢收,父母实在没时间接送他,就让他呆在家里。

    However , one day , they were so busy with farm work that they left him at home .

  11. 他们多在农闲期奔赴上海谋生,又在农忙时返乡务农。

    They made a living in Shanghai during the slack seasons of farming and returned during the busy ones .

  12. 农耕效率提高,使农忙时期缩短,需大量供水。

    The enhancement of the farming efficiency shortens the busy season for farmers but needs large amount of water supply .

  13. 农场规模也从最初的弗雷-塔利一人,拓展到现在农忙季节时多达600人的雇佣工。

    In the beginning , Frey-Talley worked alone , but now she employees up to 600 workers during the peak-growing season .

  14. 通过分析揭示了农业活动强烈扰动下,短时间尺度岩溶地下水的变化规律以及地下水质与农忙季节变化之间的响应关系。

    The analysis revealed a strong disturbance of agricultural activities in the short time scale , to the variation of karst groundwater quality . 4 .

  15. 我所看到的几近我所意料:老太太住在棉田中央的,一幢供农忙时季节工们居住的简陋房子里。

    I found pretty much what I expected : The old lady lived in a one-room sharecroppers cabin in the middle of a cotton field .

  16. 这以后他每天都要到自己地里去转转。秋天农忙时,他更是整日整日地在地里忙着锄草耪地,翻耕耙犁。

    Every day , he went out to look at his land and in autumn he weeded , cut grass and plowed the whole day long .

  17. 朔风扫过,白雪覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹――它抚平了山脊,藏匿了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。

    The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste , smoothing the brow of hill , hiding and cog and trash in the yard .

  18. 朔风扫过,白雪覆盖了人们丰收农忙之后的痕迹&它抚平了山脊,藏匿了院内的车辙和轮齿,让杂物都无影无踪。

    The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste , smoothing the brow of hill , hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard .

  19. 农民在农忙时都来不及回家吃饭,就在塄坎上简单地吃上几口。

    During the busy farming period , farmers cannot even spare time to have meals back at home . They will have a quick meal by the field ridge .

  20. 我们的军队,除了自己生产解决一部分军费之外,每到农忙时候,漫山遍野,都是穿着军服的人,同老百姓在一块劳作。

    Besides producing what is needed to cover part of the military expenses , during busy farming seasons men in army uniform toil alongside civilians across hill and dale .

  21. 因此,研究适合于我省气候特征及解决农忙问题的简便、高效、快速、实用的秸秆整秆氨化技术,为我省秸秆饲料的广泛推广和有效利用提供技术依据。

    The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of ammoniated technique of the whole maize stalk , which is characterized with convenient , efficient and practicality .

  22. 有的季节里,我上午读书下午种地,一到农忙便整月停在地里跟着母亲劳动。

    In some seasons , I would study in the morning and work in the fields in the afternoon . During the busy season , I would spend all day working by the side of mother .

  23. 嗯,可能还有那么一些人会对你印象深刻的,但他们很可能不会给你一份工作,除非他们之中有人是个农场主,正值农忙季节,需要多一个稻草人。

    Well , perhaps a few others too , but they probably won 't offer you a job , unless one of them is a farmer and , with planting season coming around , needs another scarecrow .

  24. 这个阶段由于正值农忙季节,土改工作暂停,广大干部亲自参加劳动生产,农忙过后,土改继续进行。

    In this stage , because of during the busy farming season , the work was stopped , the cadres took in manual labor , and after the farming season , Land Reform was going on then .

  25. 匡衡就在农忙的时节,给有钱的人家打短工,不要工钱,只求人家借书给他看。

    Kuang Heng for the seasonal changes in peak season on a farm give rich family dozen short work , don 't wages , ask others for help a house to lend a book to let him see .

  26. 该商店多年来坚持农忙时节,送货下乡,服务上门,既满足了人民日常生活需要,又提高了商店知名度。

    For many years , during the busy farming season this shop has persisted in sending goods to the countryside and making home delivery , thereby not only meeting the needs of people 's daily life , but also raising the degree of its fame .

  27. 家庭耕地面积越大,农户需耗费越多的劳动力成本收集打捆、运输秸秆,而农忙时要抢收抢种,最终农户会放弃出售秸秆。

    The larger the cultivated area is , the more labor cost the farmers should pay for collecting and transporting straw , and farmers have to be busy rush in the crop harvest season , ultimately the farmers would choose to abandon the sale of straw .

  28. 基于农事周期的考虑,近代江南农村男女劳动力呈现出一种季节性分工与协作的模式:农忙期间,大田劳作主要由男子承担,女子只是间或参加一些大田劳作;

    On the consideration of farming periods , rural men and women workforces in Jiangnan demonstrate a mode of seasonal division and cooperation in modern times . During the busy farming season , farming is undertaken by men mainly , while women only join some work occasionally .