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  • 网络agricultural association
  1. 中华农学会的早期组织演化与宗旨歧变

    Organizational Development and Changes of the Aim of Agricultural Association of China in the Early Years

  2. 我国农学会的创立与农学期刊的传播《科学》月刊的创办及对科学教育的弘扬

    Chinese agricultural association establishment and agricultural periodical transmission ; The Starting of Monthly Science and Its Influence on the Science Education

  3. 新农村建设:发展与保护同等重要&中国农学会副会长骆世明访谈录

    New Rural Construction : Developing is as important as Environment Protection

  4. 农业图书馆学会和农业图书馆事业&写在中国农学会农业图书馆分会成立20周年之际

    Agricultural Library Branch and Agricultural Library Career & Write at Agricultural Library Branch of Chinese Agronomy Academy Come into Existence for 20th Anniversary

  5. 1924-1934年期间,连续被选为中华农学会干事长、委员长和理事长,为学会的发展做了大量工作,学会有了新的发展。

    During 1924-1934 years , he was elected President of the Journal of Agricultural Association of China . He did a lot of work for association development , the association had new development .