
  • 网络jury system
  1. 试论人民陪审员制度的改革与完善

    The Reform and the Improvement of the People Jury System

  2. 完善人民陪审员制度对审判独立的意义

    Significance of Improving People Jury System to Judicial Independence

  3. 论人民陪审员制度的新发展

    Talk about the new development of people 's assessor 's system

  4. 略论我国人民陪审员制度及其改革

    On Reform and Perfection of China 's System of People 's Jurors

  5. 但是当前我国司法实践中,人民陪审员制度塑造司法公信力的价值并未得到充分实现。

    But the latter value has not been realized in practice yet .

  6. 我国陪审员制度改革略论

    On the Reform of the Jury System in China

  7. 近年学术界关于人民陪审员制度的研究

    On the Study of People 's Jury System of the Academic Community in Recent years

  8. 日本陪审员制度之评介

    Comments on the Jury System in Japan

  9. 完善人民陪审员制度的理性思考

    Reflects on People . s Assessor System

  10. 另外,他用陪审员制度代替了旧的残酷的审判制度。

    He also introduced a new jury system to replace the old ordeal-based trial system .

  11. 论我国人民陪审员制度的完善&基于中美陪审制度之比较

    On Perfection of System of People Juror & Comparison-based on China and America 's Juror System

  12. 《决定》的颁布实施使人民陪审员制度在我国审判实践中进一步得到规范。

    The promulgation of the decision has made the jury system in our trial practice further standardized .

  13. 论司法公信力之塑造&兼论人民陪审员制度的价值预设与实现

    On the Molding of the Public Credibility of the Judiciary : the Presumption and Realization of the Jury System 's Values

  14. 论在我国建立人民陪审员制度&兼评《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》

    Establishing the Peoples Jury System In China & And comment on < Decision on perfecting the people 's jury system >

  15. 我国新的《关于完善人民陪审员制度的决定》已经得到施行,但是在制度设计上仍存在一些问题。

    Now , we have got a new decision about this system , but this decision still exists some problems in the system design .

  16. 本文试图通过对行政诉讼人民陪审员制度未来发展进行探讨,提出完善我国行政诉讼制度的建议。

    This paper attempts to administrative proceedings the jury system to explore the future , put forward a sound proposal of administrative litigation system .

  17. 人民陪审员制度肇始于古罗马时期,发展于欧洲中世纪,在清末引入我国。

    The jury system began in Roman times , the development of the Middle Ages in Europe , introduced into China in the Qing Dynasty .

  18. 例如,人民陪审员制度未能充分发挥其功用,制度本身也发生了一些异化等等。

    For example , the jury system failed to give full play to its functions , the system itself has also undergone some alienation and so on .

  19. 我国现行的人民陪审员制度,是在借鉴原苏联司法经验的基础上并结合我国具体司法实践逐步形成的,其发展经历了几起几落。

    The people jury system in China takes shape gradually on the basis of using Russian judicial experience for reference , and combining our country 's judicial practice .

  20. 现行运行机制包括人民陪审员制度、人民调解制度、公开审判制度、辩论制度、当事人制度及社会各种力量的监督等;

    Present effective pattern includes jury system , people intermediary system , open jurisdiction system , and argument principal , party principal and supervision system of social forces .

  21. 人民陪审员制度的司法工具价值体现为促进司法公正、实现司法权威和加强司法独立。

    The judicial justice values of Chinese people jury system are that they can be useful in realizing judicial fairness , establishing judicial authority and enhancing judicial independence .

  22. 这虽然是一种源于国外的司法制度,但当它引入中国之后,便具有了中国特色&人民陪审员制度。

    Though this is a kind of judicial system originated abroad , but when introduced to China , it got " Chinese characteristics " - people assessor system .

  23. 中国的人民陪审员制度虽系仿原苏联的人民陪审员制度而来,但从渊源和形式上讲比较接近于参审制。

    People Assessor System of China is similar to Assessor System in term of source and formation , though it came in imitation of that of the former Soviet Union .

  24. 以我国司法体制中确立最早、开展得比较成形的公民参与司法活动的一种制度性方式&人民陪审员制度为例,在司法活动中发挥了重要作用。

    Take the Jury System for example . The Jury System is a systematic way which was established first and developed quite well and it has played very important role in judicial activities .

  25. 并针对公民司法参与所面临的理论与现实问题,在公民司法参与的途径,如司法公开、媒体参与、人民陪审员制度的完善等方面提出了对策性建议。

    Aimed at those theoretical and practical problems , it proposes countermeasure suggestions on the ways of civil judicature participation , such as judicial publicity , the media participation and People Assessor System , etc.

  26. 不同于美国随机选取陪审员的陪审制度,我国的陪审员是从当地社区或机关举荐的候选人中选出的。

    Unlike the jury system in the United States , where jurors are randomly selected , jurors in China are chosen from a group of candidates that are recommended by local communities or authorities .

  27. 从制度上保证人民陪审员真正享有刑事裁判权&论人民陪审员制度的完善

    Institutional Guaranty that People 's Assessors Exercise Criminal Adjudicative Power : On Improvement of the People 's Assessors System

  28. 作为陪审制度的另一种形式,中国的人民陪审员制度,经历了非常曲折的发展道路,步履艰难地走到今天。

    As another format of jury system , Chinese People Juror System develops step by step through a tough way of development .

  29. 我国人民陪审制度的立法历经变迁,由于现行宪法删除了对陪审制度的规定,加之陪审员制度存在着不足,导致人民陪审制度被淡化。

    The legislation of the people 's jury system in our country has changed many times . Since the constitution in force deletes the stipulation of jury system , concerning the shortcomings in juryman system , this system is weakened .

  30. 陪审制度在西方国家建立法治社会的过程中发挥了积极作用,而我国的人民陪审员制度在司法实践中却效果甚微。

    Jury system in the western countries played a positive part in the course of their establishing the rule of law society , but the people juror 's system in our country produces little effect in the judicial practice .