
yīn tè wǎnɡ xié yì
  • Internet Protocol;IP
  1. 新因特网协议IPv6的新特征

    New Features of the New Internet Protocol IPv 6

  2. 利用因特网协议/多协议标记交换(IP/MPLS)技术建设多业务承载网络,可以为商业客户和企业客户提供有服务质量(QoS)保证的融合网络。

    The Internet Protocol / Multi-protocol Label Switching ( IP / MPLS ) technologies can be employed to build multi-service transport network and provide guaranteed QoS to support the converged multi-service networks for business and enterprise customers .

  3. SOAP是用来在较低层的因特网协议之上运载XML有效负载的传输协议。

    SOAP is a transport protocol for carrying XML payloads over lower level Internet protocols .

  4. 这些应用程序要求因特网协议(IP)能够提供有保证的带宽、较高的优先级以及较低的包丢失率。

    These applications require IP to support guaranteed bandwidth , higher priority and lower packet loss rate .

  5. 随着Internet成为全社会的信息基础设施,各种家庭和企业端的应用大都基于IP(internetprotocol,因特网协议)。

    Most of the application are based on IP ( Internet Protocol ) as Internet has become the infrastructure of information society .

  6. 因特网协议地址(Internetprotocoladdress,简称IP地址)盗用是TCP/IP网络中的一个普遍性问题,尤其是在按流量计费的CERNET网络中此问题更为严重。

    IP address embezzlement is a universal problem in TCP / IP network , especially in CERNET .

  7. IP是internetprotocol(因特网协议)的缩写,它是通过计算机网络进行交流的最常用的协议之一。

    The IP is the abbreviation of the Internet Protocol ( Internet agreement ) . It carries on one of the most in common use agreements of exchanges through the calculator network .

  8. 它是基于行业标准的因特网协议,包括TCP/IP和动态主机配置协议(DHCP)。

    It is based on industry-standard Internet protocols , including TCP / IP and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) .

  9. 文章对此进行了分析研究,并指出问题的根源是在因特网协议(即IP协议)本身,是由于网络服务是五连接的,而占统治地位的要求的传送服务是连接方式的。

    The paper makes analysis on them and based on the analysis , the paper points that the root of the problems is Internet protocol itself , which offers a network service of connectionless mode , but above the network layer the dominant transport services are of connection mode .

  10. IPv6是因特网协议第六版的缩写,是由IETF设计的下一代因特网协议,目的是取代当前的因特网协议第四版(IPv4)。

    IPv6 is the abbreviation of The sixth version of Internet Protocol , which is the next generation of Internet Protocol designed by IETF with the destination to replace the current fourth version of Internet Protocol ( IPv4 ) .

  11. 其采用Patriciatrie压缩搜索路径,通过限制因特网协议(IP)前缀长度引入哈希技术,在5维规则的基础上引入防火墙的入口和出口信息,使哈希技术能显著提高算法性能。

    The new algorithm uses Patricia trie , constricts the length of Internet protocol ( IP ) prefix in order to use Hash technology , and improves the performance of the algorithm by adding ingress and egress of firewall for each filter .

  12. 简要介绍了新因特网协议IPv6的诞生背景,分析了IPv6结构和地址格式,讨论了IPv6的安全问题以及如何在现有的网络上实现IPv6,并对其发展方向作了进一步的展望。

    Introduces the background of the next generation internet protocol IP version 6 briefly , analyzes the structure and address format of IPv6 ; and then discusses its security problem , and how to carry out IPv6 over present networks ; at last gives a progressive perspective of its future .

  13. 下一代因特网协议&IPv6的移动性

    Research on the Mobility of IPv6 for Next Generation Internet Protocols

  14. 因特网协议综论(一)

    An Overview of Internet Protocols ( 1 )

  15. 并论述了实现瘦客户因特网协议的思想。

    At last , an idea of achieving a thin-client internet protocol is discussed .

  16. 串行线路因特网协议/点对点协议

    Serial Line Internet Protocol / Point-to-Point Protoco

  17. 防范因特网协议地址盗用的新方法

    New method to avoid IP address embezzlement

  18. 本文对当前因特网协议进行了简要介绍,着重介绍了针对TCP/IP协议潜在的漏洞危险可能导致的安全问题和具体的一些防范措施。

    In this paper , a brief introduction is given to the current Internet protocol , especially on the latent vulnerability exist in TCP / IP that can caused some security problems and some defend measures .

  19. 该平台建立在XML和因特网标准协议的基础上,包含了强大数据库操控能力的ADO.NET。

    Including ADO . NET , the platform based on XML and the Internet standard protocols has powerful data processing capabilities .

  20. Winsock控件是包含在VISUALBASIC软件开发包中的一个强大的工具,它允许执行各种应用里面的任何因特网网络协议。

    : The Winsock control shipped with Visual Basic is the very powerful tool . It allows implementing any Internet network protocol inside of your application .

  21. 传统的因特网组播协议不能适应adhoc网络拓扑结构快速变化的需要,因此对adhoc网络设计切合其自身特点的新的组播路由协议成为研究热点。

    Traditional internet multicast routing Protocols can not meet the quickly-changing of the network topology , so designing the new multicast routing protocols which are suitable for Ad Hoc network is hotspot .

  22. 因特网路由协议研究综述

    Research on Internetwork Routing Protocol : a Survey

  23. 但是无线自组网拓扑频繁变化的特点使得传统的因特网路由协议不能满足其需要,因而路由协议一直是无线自组网的研究重点。

    However , the traditional Internet routing protocol cannot meet the demand of Ad Hoc networks because the topology of which frequently changes .

  24. 本文深入讨论了IPSEC协议簇中因特网密钥交换协议(InternetKeyExchangeprotocol)安全以及具体实施各方面的问题。

    This article thoroughly discussed the Internet Key Exchange Protocol ( IKE Protocol ) of the IPSEC protocol bunch on security , implementation and other various issues .

  25. 新一代寻址方案IPv6将成为未来因特网的主流协议。

    The new method of addressing - IPv6 will be the main protocol of Internet in the future .

  26. 基于扩展安全级的Torus网络容错路由算法研究安全多用途因特网邮件扩展协议

    Research on fault-tolerant routing algorithm in Torus using extended safety levels

  27. 因特网密钥交换协议IKE的分析及改进

    Analysis and Amendment of IKE Protocol

  28. 因特网控制消息协议(ICMP),作为TCP/IP协议簇中的一个控制协议,其协议规范本身存在一些漏洞。

    Internet Control Message Protocol ( ICMP ), as a control protocol of TCP / IP stacks , has been found some leaks in its protocol standard .

  29. IKE协议中存在的安全漏洞因特网密钥交换协议(IKE)是一种网络信息安全协议。

    The Security Leak in the Internet Key Exchange ( IKE ) IKE is one of protocols of Internet information 's security .

  30. 本文深入研究了下一代因特网IPv6各种协议的结构特点,设计了一种新的基于协议分析的网络入侵检测系统框架;

    In this paper , the structure characters of IPv6 protocols in next generation Internet are studied , and a new network intrusion detection system framework is designed based on protocol analysis technology .