
  1. 六道众生要经历因果轮回,从中体验痛苦。

    Six paths beings to undergo causal metempsychosis , from the experience pain .

  2. 你当然会感觉很糟糕啦,因果轮回要糟报应了。

    Raj : Of course you feel terrible . You completely screwed up your karma .

  3. 藏传佛教教义认为万事万物都在因果轮回之中,不能改变。

    A Buddhist term means that all things in the world are the result of causes and cannot persist without change .

  4. 这与希腊斯多葛派哲学家的信条很接近,也与佛教的因果轮回说相似。

    It is very close to the doctrine of the Greek Stoic philosophers , and also echoes the Buddhist idea of Karmic repetition .

  5. 万事皆有因果,因果轮回有时是短短几周,有时可能长达数年,还有的时候(就像这次一样)可能是永生。

    Every effect has its cause , sometimes stretching back for weeks , years , or ( in this case ) eons .