
  • pet shop;pet store
  1. 有个人去宠物店买鹦鹉。

    A curious guy goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot .

  2. 一个妇人走进一家宠物店,看见一只很可爱的小狗。

    A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute little dog .

  3. 老伴走了以后,这个人非常寂寞,他接受了朋友的劝告,去宠物店买了一只小狗。

    After the old companion was gone , the old man felt very lonely . He took friends ' advice and went to a pet shop to buy a baby dog .

  4. 1851年的今天,北美首个基督教青年会在魁北克的蒙特利尔成立(YMCA在全球130个国家有分支机构,PetShopBoys-宠物店男孩的名曲‘YMCA’即来源于此)。

    1851-First YMCA in North America established in Montreal , Quebec .

  5. 据宠物店在Facebook上透露,有朋友建议阿奇博尔德去看医生,随后阿奇博尔德自己拨打了911求助。

    A friend called for medical help . Then , Archbold himself dialed 911 , the store said in a Facebook post .

  6. 首个北美基督教青年会成立1851年的今天,北美首个基督教青年会在魁北克的蒙特利尔成立(YMCA在全球130个国家有分支机构,PetShopBoys-宠物店男孩的名曲‘YMCA’即来源于此)。

    First YMCA in North America established 1851 - First YMCA in North America established in Montreal , Quebec .

  7. 正如罗宾・威廉姆斯(RobbieWilliams)和“宠物店男孩”(PetShopBoys)几年前在《她是麦当娜》(She'sMadonna)里所唱的:“她变得粗俗得让人难以置信。”

    As Robbie Williams and the Pet Shop Boys observed a few years ago in their song ' She 's Madonna ' : ' She 's got to be obscene to be believed . '

  8. “猕猴”是条来自首尔的马尔济斯犬,在Instagram一个名为Moelleux的宠物店扮演明星角色,已有超过8000人关注。

    Miho , a Maltese pup from Seoul , has played a starring role on the Instagram account of a pet store called Moelleux , which has over 8000 followers .

  9. 比如,在影片一开始的1999年,镜头正中,涛和一大群人一起跟着《向西》(GoWest)的迷人音乐跳舞,这首歌是“宠物店男孩”(PetShopBoys)1993年翻唱“村民”(VillagePeople)乐队的老歌。

    When the movie opens in 1999 , for instance , Tao is right in middle of the action ( and the frame ) , dancing with a large group to the Pet Shop Boys " dementedly catchy 1993 cover of " Go West , " an old Village People tune .

  10. 鹦鹉,乌龟,兔子,小狗,美元,宠物店

    Carrot , turtle , rabbit , puppy , dollar , pet shop

  11. 可是,两天之后,买鸟人再次出现在宠物店门口。

    Two days later , the guy was back in the shop .

  12. 因此,我去了隔离的宠物店看看。

    So I decided to go to a pet shop next door .

  13. 她有一个宠物店却不喜欢狗?

    She owns a pet shop and she don 't like dogs ?

  14. 它在公寓和宠物店之间。

    It 's between the flat and the pet shop .

  15. 宠物店的人说他是母的。

    They toid me at the pet store it was a femaie .

  16. 宠物店的一位瞻客几乎不敢信任他的恶福气。

    The pet-shop customer couldn 't believe his good fortune .

  17. 我想要到宠物店买一只小狗。

    I 'd like to buy a puppy in the pet shop .

  18. 我们的小狗是在当地一家宠物店买的。

    We bought our puppy at the local pet store .

  19. 宠物店说她是母狗。

    They told me at the pet store it was a female .

  20. 事实上,他在一家宠物店上班。

    You know , he works in a pet store .

  21. 吉田原先在一家宠物店工作,为狗修剪毛发。

    Yoshida originally worked in a pet shop trimming dogs ' hair .

  22. 一个人走进宠物店要买一只鹦鹉。

    A man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot .

  23. 宠物店就没个宽限期

    And the pet store didn 't have a grace period

  24. 我很高兴能在格特鲁德宠物店工作。

    And I was happy to have a job at gertrude 's pets .

  25. 都是我的错,我们从那个宠物店出来。

    It was my fault we were coming out of the pet store .

  26. 我们进城去宠物店。

    We went to the pet shop in town .

  27. 你为什么不从宠物店里面弄一只老鼠呢?

    Why didn 't you just get a rat from the pet store ?

  28. 他在那家宠物店买了一个养鱼缸。

    He bought an aquarium at the pet store .

  29. 而舞台下面却有个宠物店。

    And a petting zoo under the stage .

  30. 动漫后援会:《恐怖宠物店》你需要这样的宠物吗?

    14 ACG Club : Pet Shop of Horrors Do You Need a Pet ?