
  • 网络Pet doctor;Paws & Claws Pet Vet
  1. 这样芭比可以是一个宠物医生,也可以是一位美国总统。

    So Barbie can be a pet doctor . Barbie can be president of the United States .

  2. 您的宠物医生会为您的宠物评估牙齿结石和牙斑,口腔病变迹象,牙龈炎或口腔炎病变程度。

    Your veterinarian will look for plaque and calculus , oral lesions , and signs of gingivitis or stomatitis .

  3. 一名宠物医生刘先生说,大部分的宠物手术都没必要,而且给宠物造成的痛苦太大。

    A vet surnamed Liu noted most pet operations are unnecessary , and they cause too much pain to the animals .

  4. 宠物医生告知她诺曼可能有忧郁症,这点让珍妮弗焦急万分。

    The therapist prescribed medication for the dog , but Jennifer is hoping to nurse her pet back to health herself .

  5. 依此推断,需要给爱狗节食的客户应该不在少数。当宠物医生告诉施威尼她的波士顿梗犬需要瘦身时,她决定好好研究一下如何帮宠物狗减肥

    Sweeney decided to take on the problem in dogs when her veterinarian told her that her Boston Terrier needed to slim down .

  6. 宠物需要医生接种疫苗来预防狂犬病等疾病。

    Animals need vaccinations from doctors to prevent diseases like rabies .

  7. 我不得不带我病危的宠物去看医生。

    I had to take my cat to the dentist .