
chǒng ér
  • darling;favourite;pet;blue-eyed boy;minion
宠儿 [chǒng ér]
  • [pet;favourite] 娇生惯养的孩子,通常指惯坏了的、受到特殊优待或照顾的人

宠儿[chǒng ér]
  1. Combi机液态食品PET包装的宠儿

    Combi to Be the Favourite in Liquid Food Package

  2. 希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton),这位书商的宠儿在2016年承担的最重要的工作是当祖母。

    The bookmakers " favourite to take the world 's biggest job in 2016 , Hillary Clinton , is a grandmother .

  3. 到了20世纪20年代,他成为伦敦文学界的宠儿。

    By the 1920 's , he was lionised by literary London

  4. 罗杰尼希是一个富有家庭的宠儿。

    Rajneesh was the darling of a prosperous family .

  5. 他是媒体的宠儿。

    He was the media 's blue-eyed boy .

  6. 她立刻成了民众心目中的宠儿。

    She quickly became the darling of the crowds .

  7. 小红是她全家的宠儿。

    Xiao Hong is the family darling .

  8. 她是他的宠儿,可以那样无礼他说话

    She was his favorite and could speak to him so impudently .

  9. 作为独子,他是父母的宠儿。

    As an only child he was the idol of his parents .

  10. Internet是信息时代的宠儿,它的迅猛发展在给社会带来大量财富的同时,也带来了日益严重的安全问题。

    The evolution of Internet has brought wealth to human community , along with security problems .

  11. Ajax已快速成为Web应用程序开发人员的新宠儿。

    Ajax has rapidly become the latest darling of Web application developers .

  12. 自从那时起,IBM的增长势头使它的股票成为了科技投资者眼中的宠儿。

    Its growth since then has made the stock a favorite among tech investors .

  13. 这样说太简单了,但的确概括了总部设在伦敦的渣打银行(standardchartered)成为市场宠儿的主要原因所在。

    The London argot is basic , but it encapsulates the main reason London-headquartered Standard Chartered is such a stock market darling .

  14. 金融业一直是纽约所倚重的宠儿,其历史可以追溯到J。

    Finance has always been a strong suit in New York , dating back to the days when J.

  15. 模特儿经纪公司竞相争夺混血美女,欧亚混血儿俨然成为音乐频道MTV及ChannelV的宠儿。

    Modeling agencies are scrambling for women with mixed blood , while Eurasians are becoming the darlings of music stations MTV and Channel V.

  16. 鲍尔默今年工作尤其努力,他肩负着重整微软的责任,并力图超越高科技新科“宠儿”Google公司。

    Ballmer has been working especially hard this year to revamp Microsoft and make it more competitive with tech 's new " it girl ," Google .

  17. 以大卖场为代表的KA终端突然成为了消费者的宠儿。

    Taking super markets as representative , KA terminal has suddenly become to be consumer 's pet .

  18. 根据《Variety》杂志爱玛的角色原来打算让石头姐出演,后来她因为拍摄电影《宠儿》而无法出演。

    Emma 's role was originally intended for Emma Stone , according to Variety , who reported that she was unable to commit to the role , as she is currently working on The Favourite .

  19. OLED作为平板显示技术的新一代宠儿,成为近年来平板显示技术研究的主要方向之一。

    OLED is a novel display device with potential prospect . It become one of the main display technical research fields .

  20. 一项针对汽车制造商和供应商关系的年度调查显示,丰田汽车(toyota)已不再是北美汽车零部件制造商的宠儿。

    Toyota is no longer the darling of North American car parts makers , according to an annual survey of relations between vehicle manufacturers and suppliers .

  21. 安踏还从之前的市场宠儿李宁(LiNing)的失误中吸取教训,李宁曾试图进军高端市场,结果度过了惨淡的几年。

    It has also learned from the mistakes of former market darling Li Ning , which tried to take its brand up market , resulting in several poor years .

  22. 在生涯早期,他便是NBA的宠儿,华丽的扣篮,让全世界球迷沉浸在卡特带来的风暴当中。

    He was the toast of the NBA early in his career , when fans worldwide fell in love with " Vinsanity " because of his high-flying game .

  23. 过去两周,twitter吸引了硅谷为其下一代互联网宠儿保留的那种夸张措辞尽管这种“自吹自擂”也曾导致了网络狂热。

    Over the past two weeks , Twitter has attracted the sort of hyperbole the valley reserves for its next Internet darling though such self-reinforcing adulationalso led to dotcom mania .

  24. 人们不禁会想,就像后危机时代银行业市场的其他宠儿、特别是渣打银行(StandardChartered)和法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)一样,富国银行早就该失宠了。

    It is tempting to think that like the other darlings of the post-crisis banking market , notably Standard Chartered and BNP Paribas it is overdue a fall from grace .

  25. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)已同意出售其香港消费金融业务,这是该银行提高股价并安抚投资者情绪的努力的一部分,投资者担心,这个昔日的新兴市场宠儿已迷失方向。

    Standard Chartered has agreed to sell its Hong Kong consumer finance unit as part of efforts to boost its share price and appease investors worried that the former darling of emerging markets has lost its way .

  26. 可能吧但他是Zeke的宠儿

    Well , maybe . But he 's Zeke 's prodigy .

  27. ·音乐流媒体宠儿Spotify让一位科技作者重新评估(并再次爱上)音乐流媒体服务Napster,详情如何?

    How music streaming darling spotify got one tech writer thinking about ( and appreciating ) Napster again .

  28. 上世纪70年代的流行风格再度成为时尚宠儿,圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)与古驰(Gucci)是这股复古之风的引领者。

    The 1970s is achingly cool once again . In the world of fashion , Saint Laurent and Gucci are riding the crest of the 70s-inspired look .

  29. 时尚界的宠儿维多利亚和她的丈夫碰见了她的亲密友人美国Vogue杂志编辑安娜温特。温特常规出席她的时装秀,而且为她的藏品做着贡献。

    While fashion lover Victoria and her man caught up with her close friend US Vogue editor Anna Wintour , who regularly attends her catwalk shows and champions her collections .

  30. 大约10年前,IMAX公司推出了数字母带重制技术,可将传统影片转换为IMAX格式。此后,该技术成为大片的宠儿。

    After the company unveiled a digital remastering process to refit conventional films into IMAX about a decade ago , the technology became a darling for blockbusters .