
  1. 但是要注意,我们不允许养宠物蛇。

    Be careful , we dont allow pet snakes in the apartment .

  2. 比利,你爸爸告诉我你有一只宠物蛇。

    So Billy , your dad tells me you have a pet snake .

  3. 今天肯把他的宠物蛇带到学校里来了。

    Ken took his pet snake to school today .

  4. 有关养宠物蛇改变了你的人生的事。

    About how petting snakes changed your life .

  5. 当乔尔告诉妈妈他买了条宠物蛇时,她非常生气。

    Mum went spare when Joel told her he 'd bought a pet snake !

  6. 一条宠物蛇从乘客的袋子中溜出,藏在夹板里不肯出来,为此,瑞士一列当地的火车已经被迫停运一周。

    A Swiss regional train has been out of service for nearly a week since a pet snake slithered from its owner 's bag and hid in the partition wall of the carriage .