
  1. 他们请人把他们的宠物狗制成了标本。

    They had had their pet dog stuffed .

  2. 小女孩抱着她的宠物狗。

    The little girl cuddled with her pet dog .

  3. 拐角处有个走失宠物狗待领所。

    There 's a dog pound on the corner .

  4. “丁狗族”是来源于DINKWAD这个英文缩写,代表的是“双收入,没孩子,养宠物狗”的家庭。

    A DINKWAD is an acronym which stands for " double income , no kids , with a dog " .

  5. 据估计,韩国目前有600万只宠物狗和260万只猫。

    South Korea has an estimated 6 million pet dogs and 2.6 million cats .

  6. 对我来说,爱在身患残疾的儿子们给我的每一个拥抱里,在女儿对我的冷笑话给予的微笑里,爱在我的老猎犬和新宠物狗崇拜的目光中,在我胸前小憩喵咪的呼噜声中。

    It is there every time my handicapped sons give me a hug . It is there every time my daughter laughs at one of my dumb jokes . It is there in the adoring eyes of my old beagle and my new puppy . It is there in the purring cat that naps on my chest .

  7. 除了罚款外,“肇事”宠物狗的主人还必须支付DNA检测的费用。

    Pet owners will have to cover the cost of the DNA testing in addition to paying a fine .

  8. 东京,一只宠物狗在名为“DOGSO2”的宠物吸氧仓中休息。

    A dog relaxes in an oxygen capsule " DOGS O2 " at the Ownd Cafe in Tokyo .

  9. 她说,这样一来,街道上和公园里发现的宠物狗粪便可以通过DNA数据库匹配到已注册的宠物狗,从而对主人进行罚款。

    Droppings found on the street or in parks could then be matched through the DNA database to a registered pet , and its owner issued with a fine , she said .

  10. 宠物狗Oscar和女主人共同环游世界,希望可以唤起大家对流浪动物的关爱。

    Oscar and his owner travel around the world , hoping to arouse people 's care for the shelter dogs .

  11. 但当地市民王先生却声称这只“疑似野狼”是他养了两年的宠物狗——性情温顺的“Lady”.

    But a local man surnamed Wang claimed it was his pet dog Lady that he had reared for two years , and who was gentle in nature .

  12. Cormorant村庄的一只7岁的宠物狗—Duke,当选为市长。

    The tiny village of Cormorant electing a 7-year-old dog named Duke to the mayor 's office .

  13. 在带着他的拳师犬米斯特(Mister)前往中央公园和布鲁克林海滨的短途旅行中,友好的乘客跟过来打招呼,并要求抚弄他的宠物狗。

    On jaunts to Central Park and the Brooklyn waterfront with his boxer Mister , friendly riders say hello and ask to pet the dog .

  14. CAPP的总监埃里克?奥伯林(ErickOrblin)表示,自清理狗粪运动以来,巴黎市内的宠物狗数量已经出现下降。

    Erick Orblin , CAPP director , says he has noticed a decline in the Parisian dog population since the crackdown began .

  15. 这只宠物狗被一个路人拍到,所拍照片被上传至Flickr图片分享网站后迅速走红。

    Pictures of the pet taken by a passer-by have become an internet sensation after being posted on the photo-sharing website Flickr .

  16. 宠物狗Earl是一只生活在爱荷华州的第二代哈巴狗,因为其主人DerekBloomfield在Reddit上传了爱狗图片而在网上走红。

    Earl , a second-generation puggle who lives in Iowa , became an internet sensation when his owner Derek Bloomfield posted pictures on Reddit .

  17. 西班牙东北部城市塔拉戈纳(Tarragona)扬言要对狗狗的粪便进行DNA分析,以追查不清理自己宠物狗粪便的主人。

    Spain 's north-eastern city of Tarragona has threatened to use DNA analysis of dog droppings to track down owners who fail to clear up their pet 's mess .

  18. 美国有四分之一的居民是MySpace的用户,而在英国,拥有网上个人空间就像拥有宠物狗那么普遍。

    One in every four US residents uses MySpace , while in Britain it is as common to have a profile page on the website as it is to own a dog .

  19. 粉丝在Instagram上传了许多这只宠物狗的照片,照片中它用后腿蹲立,前爪紧抱一名男性或女性的大腿。

    There are scores of pictures of the pet pooch on her hind legs , with her front paws clasped around a man or woman 's thighs , which are posted by fans on Instagram .

  20. 高端宠物狗护理和美容设施连锁店Dogtopia的创始人兼CEO艾米·尼克尔斯(AmyNichols)则表示,不要低估会计等需求量很大领域的学位的含金量,尤其是在目前的经济状况下。

    Don 't discount the virtues of a degree in a high-demand field such as accounting , especially in the current economy , adds Amy Nichols , founder and CEO of Dogtopia , a chain of upscale dog daycare and spa facilities . '

  21. 现年34岁的Cruse女士说,宠物狗的战斗精神让她感到惊讶。小狗不屑于每一个沮丧的预后,向下一个成长阶段冲刺。

    Miss Cruse , 34 , said she was amazed by herpet 's fighting spirit , shrugging off every gloomy prognosis to battle through to the next stage .

  22. 塔拉戈纳市公共空间议员伊凡娜•马丁内兹(IvanaMartinez)在接受卡迪纳塞(CadenaSer)新闻电台采访时表示,这个地中海海滨城市将与当地一所大学合作创建当地注册宠物狗的DNA数据库,这个数据库可以用来确定他们的主人。

    The coastal Mediterranean city would work with a local university to create a DNA database of registered dogs that could be used to identify their owners , said Ivana Martinez , the city 's city councillor for public spaces , on news radio Cadena Ser .

  23. 25岁的MrBloomfield和他30岁的女朋友Christie说到:“这条狗从第一天就有这个不爽的表情。兽医说它和别的宠物狗一样健康。它之所以看起来不爽是因为它反颌,皱纹和深色的肤色。

    Mr Bloomfield , 25 , from Iowa , who lives with girlfriend Christie , 30 , said : ' He had the grumpy expression from day one . The vet said he 's as healthy as any other puppy . He just looks grumpy because of his underbite , wrinkles , and dark complexion .

  24. Bradshaw认为,野狗和土狗相比于狼而言,与宠物狗的祖先更相近,彼此之间更加包容,它们的组织与野狼或是捕获的狼都是截然不同的。

    Mr Bradshaw says that feral or " village " dogs , which are much closer to the ancestors of pet dogs than they are to wolves , are highly tolerant of one another and organise themselves entirely differently from either wild or captive wolves .

  25. 如果它们的主人在自家庭院里使用过家用的昆虫生长调节剂比如能控制蟑螂、跳蚤和其他害虫的nylar、precor和gentrol,他们的宠物狗患淋巴瘤的风险也更高一些。

    Dogs also were at higher risk of lymphoma if their owners used self-applied insect growth regulators on their yards , such as Nylar , Precor and gentrol , which control cockroaches , fleas and other pests .

  26. 作为总统的宠物狗,波过的好像国王一样的生活。

    It also looks like Bo-the Obamas'dog-is living like a king .

  27. 你的宠物狗需要减肥吗?

    Does your terrier absence to drip a some excess pounds ?

  28. 男孩拯救著名女演员的宠物狗,标题写到。

    " Boy Saves Dog of Famous Actress ", the headline said .

  29. 如果你真想要一只宠物狗,你就会得到一只。

    If you really want a puppy , you shall get one .

  30. 古菲狗和它的宠物狗普鲁托是狗吗?

    What about the doglike character Goofy and his pet dog Pluto ?