
  • 网络Japan in a Day
  1. 日本一天不道歉,我就一天不从数学补考教师里出来。

    Japan has refused to apologize , I have one day without make-up of teachers from the math came out .

  2. 到底是什么原因导致17%的日本劳动者一天都不休息呢?

    What sort of hurdles do Japanese workers face that 17 % of them don 't take a single day of vacation ?

  3. 要求保留核技术的另一个(没有明说的)原因或许是,它至少保留了日本有一天建立核威慑的可能性。

    A further unspoken reason for keeping nuclear technology may be to preserve at least the possibility of one day building a nuclear deterrent .

  4. 中国农民有很大的潜伏力,只要组织和指挥得当,能使日本军队一天忙碌二十四小时,使之疲于奔命。

    The Chinese peasants have very great latent power ; properly organized and directed , they can keep the Japanese army busy twenty-four hours a day and worry it to death .

  5. 真愿那不是我在日本的最后一天。

    I just wish it hadn 't been my last day in Japan .

  6. 中国藏起利爪,等待着经济实力超过日本的那一天。许多日本人也赞同张诚岷的分析,尽管他们可能不会用这种阴暗的字眼表达出来。

    China is hiding its talons until its economic power is greater than Japan 's. Many in Japan share Mr Jang 's analysis , though they might not express it in such dark terms .

  7. 关心环保的日本女性也许有一天能穿上可携带自家筷子的文胸,这样就能减少浪费!

    Japanese women with environmental concerns close to their hearts may one day be able to wear a bra which can carry their own personal chopsticks to cut down on waste .

  8. 同时,八国集团,美国,英国,德国,意大利,法国,俄罗斯,加拿大和日本将在同一天举行双边会谈。

    The G8 nations , meanwhile , the United States , Britain , Germany , Italy , France , Russia , Canada and Japan , will hold parallel talks on the same day .

  9. 股票市场继续在1990年四分之一所有的水平震荡。通货紧缩侵蚀了动物精神人们普遍观察认为日本已经失去了勇猛私人股本投资者也放弃了日本企业有一天会把股东权益放在首位的幻想。

    The stock market continues to thrash around at one-quarter of its 1990 level , deflation saps animal spirits – a common observation is that Japan has lost its mojo – and private equity investors have given up on their fantasy that Japanese businesses will one day put shareholders first .