
  • 网络Pre-testing;pre-test;Pretest
  1. 你的同事也可以预先测试评估工具。

    Your co-workers can also pre-test evaluation tools .

  2. 预先测试你的工具以确保用它们获得的数据既准确又容易。

    Pre-test your tools to make sure they deliver data that are relevant and easy to process .

  3. 由专业女性研究人员在预先测试过的研究表格上记录人口和健康数据。

    Demographic and health data were also collected on pretested study forms by trained female research staff .

  4. 并非所有测试都将在正常工作时间中进行,因此要预先为测试时间甚至专用的测试设备做好计划和预算。

    Not all testing will be done during normal work hours , so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment .

  5. 为了提高测试数据压缩率,根据预先计算测试集的特点,文章提出了一种测试位重组算法和端标记交替-连续编码方案。

    To improve testing data compression ratios , a test-bit-rearrangement algorithm and an end-flag alternation-run-length code scheme are proposed based on the characteristics of precomputed test sets .

  6. 这样,就可以创建一套测试,当修改了Web服务后,可以运行预先编写的测试来确保各方面仍正确运行。

    This way , you can create a set of tests , and whenever you make changes to your Web service , you can run the pre-written tests to ensure that everything still works properly .

  7. 得出智能夹层可以被预先制造、测试、贮藏和搬运到异地合成到结构中,提高了结构损伤检测的可信度。

    The conclusions are obtained that the smart layer can be prefabricated , tested , stored , carried and synthesized in the structures and the damage detection reliability in the structure is improved .

  8. 但是如果您去考虑在项目上的大量的重复工作的开销与预先在大型测试环境上的投资做一个对比,我相信您会选择后者。

    But if you consider the cost of massive rework on a project of this scale versus an up-front investment in a large test environment , I 'm confident that you 'll choose the latter .

  9. 该文在测试序列中直接编码连续的0和1以及交替变化位的长度,压缩一个预先计算的测试集,无需像其它文章中受限制仅仅编码连续的0。

    Lengths of runs of 0s and 1s , as well as alternating bits in test sequences are directly encoded to compress a precomputed test set without limitation only to the run of 0s as proposed .

  10. 最后,通过预先设计好的测试用例对部分功能进行了集成测试并进行了总结。

    Finally , the integrated tests for some functions are carried out and summarized using the pre-designed test cases .

  11. 在自动测试系统中,整个测试工作一般都是在预先编制好的测试程序的统一指挥下自动完成。

    During the testing , the whole testing works with the controlling by the procedures which are made beforehand .

  12. 测试人员可以在适配器中打开失败的测试运行,创建一个缺陷并预先填充失败的测试运行的信息,如图14所示。

    The tester can open the failed test run in the adapter and create a defect prefilled with the failed test run information , as shown in Figure 14 .