
  1. 故虽是重陈述的历史研究,但是本论文参入了科际整合的概念,以战略的角度切入探讨该时代的兵学思想。

    Although mostly in this thesis demonstrate historical events , it also refer to Interdisciplinary conception while exploring the ancient war strategy during Chun-Chiu Period .

  2. 结论:复方二甲双胍胶囊中二甲双胍和格列本脲与参比药相比皆生物等效目的:建立以高效液相色谱法测定复方二甲双胍格列本脲片中杂质双氰胺含量的方法。

    CONCLUSION : The main components of CMGC , metformin and glibenclamide , are bioequivalent to the reference tablets , MT and GT . OBJECTIVE : To establish a HPLC method for the determination of foreign substance dicyanodiamide in com ˉ pound metformin and glibenclamide tablets .

  3. 本试验中,参试的几个品种对不同的温度预处理方式、不同的激素组合(包括愈伤组织诱导及不定芽的诱导)的反应,表现在诱导率上差异很大。

    In this experiment , response of several tested varieties to different temperature pretreatment mode and different hormone combination , including callus and inducing adventitious buds , showed in inducing rate , had great difference .