
běn mìng nián
  • this animal year;one's birth year same with one of twelve animals representing the years in which people are born;one's year of birth considered in relation to the Twelve Terrestrial Branches;recurrent year in the twelve-year cycle
本命年 [běn mìng nián]
  • [one's birth year same with one of twelve animals representing the years in which people are born] 人生干支十二年循环一次,与出生年所属生肖相同之年为本命年

本命年[běn mìng nián]
  1. 今年是我本命年。

    This year is my zodiac year .

  2. 今年是我的本命年。

    This year is my big year .

  3. 衷心希望大家多给我一些帮助:什么本命年应忌?

    Sincerely hope that you lot give me some help : What Benming year shall bogey ?

  4. 今年是牛年,正好是你的本命年。按年调整间接成本。

    Adjust your overhead costs annually .

  5. 祝你本命年好运气。

    Good luck with your benmingnian .

  6. 这些为本命年辟邪的红色什物就是什么常说的“本命红”。

    Of particular feature is that red is viewed as a colour that wards off evil .

  7. 你问别人的本命年是哪一年。

    You ask others'animal year .

  8. 没错,我就要24岁了,所以我的第二个本命年就要到了。

    That 's right . I will be24 years old , so my second benmingnian will come soon .

  9. 本命年的红色讲究应该是源于中国汉民族传统文化对于红色的崇拜。

    The emphasis of red colour in chinese culture originated from the han-chinese culture 's veneration towards red colour .

  10. 当你的本命年来临时,据说那一年会充满惊喜。

    When your animal takes its turn in the Zodiac cycle , legend has it that your year will be full of surprises .

  11. 那也是民间的一种方法。除了本命年外,其他一些场合,也有人会用这种方法提升运气。

    That 's also something you could do to bring luck and avoid evil , not only in your cycle year , but also at other occasions .

  12. 如果你碰巧出生在2004、1992、1980、1968、1956或1944年,你就是属猴的,今年是你的本命年。

    If you happened to be born in 2004 , 1992 , 1980 , 1968 , 1956 or 1944 , you 're a monkey , and your time is now .