
  1. 结论在病理性妊娠中MMP-9活性增强可导致滋养细胞发生过度浸润。

    Conclusions The increased activity of MMP-9 in pathologic pregnancy is responsible for the excessive infiltration of trophoblast .

  2. 锁水磁石,可深层滋养肌肤,持续为肌肤补水并有效锁水,使肌肤完全处于润泽轻松的状态。

    Water locking magnes can deeply nourish skin , constantly supplement and lock water for skin , keep skin in completely moisturized and relaxed state .

  3. 特有的美白粒子与天然泉水融合可深层滋养牙龈、持久保持美白坚固,并为您带来真实的清新舒爽。

    White particles and unique integration of natural spring water can be deep nourish teeth Gingival , lasting whitening maintain strong , and bring you the real fresh Relax .

  4. 结论双氢青蒿素可杀死Pc滋养体和包囊,从而减轻肺组织的炎症反应。

    DHA may kill Pc trophozoites and cysts and alleviate inflammatory responses in the lung tissues in PCP rats .

  5. 结论尿hCG的DSA结合率可用于恶性滋养细胞疾病的诊断及疗效认定。

    CONCLUSIONS The DSA binding rate of urine hCG may be used in the diagnosis and follow up of the therapeutic effect in malignant trophoblastic tumors .

  6. 蜂蜜蕴含大量纯天然养分,可杀菌、滋养、保湿、疗愈及促进机能再生。

    Honey contains great amounts of pure natural nutrients , possessing the functions of disinfection , nourishment , moisturizing , curing the skin and promoting skin regeneration .

  7. 当洗去BrdU后,NOR活性可逐步恢复。滋养细胞肿瘤的发生可能与患者具有的潜在的可被激活的NOR活性无关。

    The NOR activity could be recovered after incubating the cells in the BrdU-free medium . The potential and activable NOR might have no relation to the tumors .

  8. CDFI作为一种无创,可重复的方法,不仅可对恶性滋养细胞肿瘤进行早期诊断,而且可用于观察化疗效果,判断疾病预后转归。

    CDFI are useful for early diagnosis of the gestational trophoblastic tumors , for evaluating chemotherapeutic results and disease prognosis .