
  • 【体】syllabus of physical education
  1. 论编订九年义务教育中小学体育教学大纲的心理学问题

    Psychological Problems in Formulating PE Syllabuses for Primary and Secondary Schools in Nine-Year Compulsory Education

  2. 对现行中小学体育教学大纲目标体系的质疑

    Interrogatory to Target System in Present Physical Teaching Instruction Outline for Middle and Pupil Students

  3. 舞蹈是我国中小学体育教学大纲的规定内容。

    Dance is a must in the syllabus of physical education in primary and high schools .

  4. 天津市中、小学体育教学大纲实施情况的研究

    The Research on Implementation of Physical Education Teaching Outline in Primary and Middle School in Tianjin

  5. 新中国中小学体育教学大纲与教材建设的回顾

    Retrospect of Physical Education Teaching Program and Teaching Material Construction in Primary and Middle Schools of New China

  6. 随着体育教学大纲和教学目的改革,体育教学方法也发生了巨大变化。

    As a result of the reform of physical education syllabus and teaching aim , physical education teaching method has changed greatly .

  7. 跳远是田径运动项目之一,是体育教学大纲要求的必修课,是一项锻炼身体,增强体质的体育运动。

    Long jump track and field sports is one of the requirements of compulsory physical education curriculum is an exercise to enhance physical sport .

  8. 新的体育教学大纲引起了人们对于学校体育的功能定位和体育与健康问题的高度关注。

    New PE teaching outline brings great attention of the public to orientation of physical education 's function and the relationship between PF , and health .

  9. 有权威观点认为:体育教学大纲是编写体育教材,进行体育教学,评估体育教学质量和对体育教学管理的依据。

    The authoritative view is that the physical education outline is the basis of compiling teaching materials , physical education , teaching valuation and administration of physical education .

  10. 武术进入中学体育教学大纲已经许多年了,由于种种原因,目前各校开展武术教学的情况并不尽如人意。

    Martial arts teaching has been included in the curriculum of middle schools for many years , but the practical teaching is not satisfactory due to various causes .

  11. 篮球教学一直是中学体育教学大纲所规定的限选内容,在中学体育教学呼唤改革的大背景下,篮球教学对改革的要求也更加迫切。

    Basketball has been teaching in middle school PE curricula are provided for the election limit the content of PE at school call for the reform of teaching background , basketball teaching demands for reform more urgent .

  12. 而体育教学大纲、体育教学质量、体育安全问题和应试教育对体育教师又分别起着:指导其体育教学,衡量并督促其体育工作,影响其能动性发挥,边缘化其教育地位。

    The PE teaching outline guides teaching and the requirement of PE teaching quality measures and encourages teachers ' work , while PE safety problems and exam-oriented education affect teachers ' initiative and marginalize their status in education .

  13. 它是在有条件的地区,从实际出发自编学校体育教学大纲到实施学生体育健身方案、对学校体育的全面考核与评估,走我国学校体育发展道路的一项战略性转变的改革。

    It was suggested that in areas of good condition teaching programs of school physical education be edited starting from practice , fitness schemes by physical exercises for students be put into practice and school physical education be assessed and evaluated all-roundly .

  14. 通过对河南省部分大、中城市中学贯彻执行《体育教学大纲》情况的调查,剖析了《体育教学大纲》在执行过程中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出了相应的解决办法。

    Through studies on the implementation of the physical education syllabus in some big and medium-sized cities in Henan Province , this paper first analyzes the problems existing in the process of carrying out the syllabus , and then puts forward some appropriate solutions .

  15. 然后分别对体育教学大纲和体育新课程标准下的教学进行辨析,阐述了不同环境下的教学观,对教学大纲下教学存在的弊端,新课程标准实施过程中存在的困惑经过访谈进行了总结。

    Then each of sports and sports syllabus for teaching the new curriculum standards for Analysis , described the teaching concept of different environments , under the teaching of the syllabus the drawbacks of the new curriculum standards and the confusion existing in the process through interviews were summarized .

  16. 高等体育专业教学大纲制订及其应用初探

    Drawing out and application of teaching outline of Higher Physical Education Speciality

  17. 同时,体育舞蹈教学大纲、教材的编制、辅助课程的开设、高校间的竞赛组织也是制约体育舞蹈运动发展的重要因素。

    Meanwhile other primary factors which influence the development of sport dance in universities are the compiling of teaching material , teaching outline , the set up of correlative courses , and organization of competitions between universities .

  18. 完善《体育与健康教学大纲》内容,把气排球运动编入教材。

    Improving the physical education and health teaching outline , let the gas volleyball sport into teaching book .

  19. 中、日、美、俄4国体育教学内容和大纲的比较与分析

    A Comparative Study and Analysis of The Contents and Programs of P.E In China , Japan , America And Russia

  20. 2000年教育部正式批准将软式排球列入九年制义务教育《体育与健康教学大纲》中。

    In 2000 , soft volleyball was formally included by the Ministry of Education into the curriculum for sports and health for the nine-year compulsory education .

  21. 采用调查、问卷、文献资料等方法,对甘肃省实施《体育与健康教学大纲》情况进行研究分析。

    The article used the methods of investigating , question aire , documents to study the present situation of implementing the new syllabus in Gansu province .

  22. 采用问卷调查法、座谈访问法、文献资料法和经验总结法,对15所高校保健体育课程的教学大纲、教材、教学内容、教学方法、评价标准等进行分析研究。

    By means of questionnaire , interview , literature review and experience summary , the paper analyzes and researches the curriculum , teaching materials , teaching contents , teaching methods and appraisal standards in 15 colleges and universities .

  23. 对甘肃省农村中小学实施《体育与健康教学大纲》现状调查分析&加强师资队伍建设是实施新大纲的关键

    Investigating the present situation of implementing " syllabus of sports and healt " h in the countryside middle schools and primary schools in Gansu province ── Strengthing teachers training is a key to carry out the new syllabus

  24. 2000年国家教育部颁布了《九年义务教育初级中学体育与健康教学大纲》,体育与健康课程在全国38个国家级中小学实验区进行实验,并逐步扩大。

    State Ministry of Education promulgated " the Nine-year Compulsory Education System Syllabus of PE and Health For Junior High School " in 2000 . Meanwhile ," PE Health " has been experimented in 38 state-grade primary and secondary schools progressively .

  25. 2000年我国启动了基础教育课程改革;2000年12月教育部颁布了普通高级中学《体育与健康教学大纲》,并于2001年9月1日起在全国范围正式实施。

    In 2000 China launched the reform of basic education curriculum ; December 2000 the Ministry of Education issued a general high school " sports and health curriculum , " and in September 1 , 2001 at the national level since the formal implementation .

  26. 在旧的大学公共体育教学目标、教学大纲、教师的教学方法等因素的综合作用下,大学公共体育课显得郁闷而无生气。

    Owing to its teaching objectives , syllabus , methods , the traditional PE teaching approach turns PE lessons of non-PE majors into dull and boring activities .

  27. 早在1961年,国家把武术作为我国优秀的民族传统体育项目列入学校体育教学大纲,时至今日,已有50年的历史。

    As early as 1961 , the state elite martial arts as a national tradition of sport in school physical education curricula , today , over 50 years .

  28. 软式排球是一项新兴的体育项目,已列入学校体育教学大纲。

    The soft vollyball is a new physical item , and has figured into school physical teaching conspectus .

  29. 第二代体育课程以1992年义务教育体育教学大纲为主要标志,走向成熟,但,第二代体育课程还不能适应素质教育的要求;

    The second physical education curriculum takes the compulsory physical education outline as symbol in1992 , but it cannot meet the requirement of quality education .

  30. 体育教师的能动性,对执行体育教学大纲,开展体育教学,降低体育安全风险和减轻学生学业负担起着积极作用。

    The initiative of PE teachers has a positive effect on carrying out PE teaching outline , PE teaching , lowering PE safety risk and reducing students ' study pressure .