
tǐ zhònɡ jiǎn qīnɡ
  • lose weight
  1. 靠消耗身体脂肪获得能量会使你体重减轻。

    You lose weight by feeding off your own fat .

  2. 随着你体重减轻,精子数量会升上来。

    As you lose weight , the count goes up .

  3. 这种疾病的症状包括发烧和体重减轻。

    Symptoms of the disease include fever and weight loss .

  4. 吉姆体重减轻,医生非常高兴,并说这将使他显得年轻。

    The doctor is so pleased about jim 's loss of weight , and says it will take years off him .

  5. 他们还会被询问决策能力如何,是否出现呕吐、肿胀、呼吸急促、非计划性体重减轻、脱水或食欲不振。

    The ability to make decisions is also asked and whether they have suffered vomiting4 , swelling5 , shortness of breath , unplanned weight loss , dehydration6 or loss of appetite .

  6. 一项研究观察了67位接受睡眠呼吸暂停综合症治疗且体重减轻的患者,扫描图像显示,正是舌头上脂肪量的减少促进了他们的睡眠得到了改善。

    In a study of 67 people treated for sleep apnoea who had lost body weight , scans suggested it was the reduction in volume of tongue fat which prompted improvements in their sleep .

  7. 一种防止皮肤损伤、防治体重减轻的B类维生素。

    A B vitamin that prevents skin lesions and weight loss .

  8. 结果消化道表现为体重减轻、食欲下降,影像学检查尤其是B超及CT是诊断本病的主要手段。

    Results Weight loss and loss of appetite are the main symptoms . The diagnosis mainly depended on B ultrasonography and CT scan .

  9. 男女性比较,前者疗前体重减轻项及疗后易激惹项均较女性为重(P0.05)。

    Compared with the female , the male heroin addicts were severer in weight loss before treatment and in irritability after treatment ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 结果MCT组肌肉利用脂肪乳的能力明显提高,氮平衡也有所改善,且术后体重减轻较少。

    Results Muscle utilization was significantly improved with MCT administration .

  11. CARROLL:在密苏里州FortLeonardWood为期15周的训练中,他的体重减轻了54磅。

    CARROLL : In his 15 weeks of training at Fort Leonard Wood , Missouri , he 's dropped 54 pounds .

  12. 体重减轻和腺癌发病率降低、性别、年龄、初始结直肠镜检和初始BMI相关。

    Weight loss was associated with lowered incidence of adenoma , independent of gender , age , initial colonoscopic findings , and initial BMI .

  13. 烧伤后72小时TEN组体重减轻明显低于TPN组(P<0.05)。

    The loss of body weight in the PN group was higher significantly than in the EN group 72 hours after burn ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 他说他已把体重减轻到105磅。vt.伤害;

    He said that he had slimmed down to 105 pounds .

  15. 体重减轻与这些改善及AHI下降明显相关。

    Weight loss was significantly related to these improvements and to the decrease in AHI .

  16. 糖尿病肾病对照组(B组)的大鼠出现多饮、多尿、多食、体重减轻的典型的三多一少症状,其皮毛枯黄,并出现皮下脓肿、行动迟缓。

    The rats of diabetic control group ( B group ) had more to drink , polyuria , polyphagia , weight loss of the typical " more than three a little " symptom , yellow fur , subcutaneous abscess and moved slowly .

  17. 结论:GLP-1受体激动剂治疗后的体重减轻与心血管危险因素谱向更有益的方向转变有关。

    CONCLUSIONS Weight reduction with GLP-1 receptor agonists was associated with a shift toward a more favorable cardiovascular risk profile .

  18. 与正常组相比,模型组的体重减轻,有统计学意义(p0.05);与正常组相比慢性应激组大便量增加有统计学意义(p0.01)。

    Compared with normal group , the weight loss of model group ,, there is statistical significance ( p0.05 ) . Compared with the normal stool of chronic stress group has statistically significant increase ( p0.01 ) .

  19. 结果··:用药组的戒断综合积分、体重减轻情况及其对热刺激的痛阈值和出现的扭体反应次数与NS组比较,差异均有显著性意义(P<0.01)。

    Result : The total scores of abstinence symptoms , the body weight loss of morphine dependent rats and the pain threshold , the number of writhing of mice were compared with NS group 's , and the difference was significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. [结论]针对性的健康教育、科学合理的饮食结构调整、适合老年人的运动方式,能够使中老年MS病人的体重减轻,有利于身体的康复,延缓疾病的进程。

    Conclusion : A pertinency health education , scientific and reasonable adjustment of diet structure and proper exercises can reduce the body weight of middle and old-aged MS patients , which is very important both for the recovery of their disease and for delaying its progress .

  21. 根据Koliatsos,体重减轻,说明疾病发生。

    Weight loss , according to Koliatsos , indicates disease onset .

  22. 结果发现,该药可使大鼠腹泻,16.6mg/(kg·d)组大鼠给药60d后体重减轻。

    The results revealed that a slight diarrhoea of individual rat was observed . IHC - 64 16 . 6 mg / ( kg · d ) ig for 60 day , the body weight of rats reduced .

  23. 按照美国国立癌症研究所(NCI),HL的常见症状包括淋巴结,脾增大,发热,体重减轻,疲乏,或夜汗。

    According to the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ), common symptoms of HL include the enlargement of lymph nodes , spleen , fever , weight loss , fatigue , or night sweats .

  24. 传统治疗师使用Sutherlandiafrutescens治疗从体重减轻到疼痛等一系列疾病。这种植物有时候也被称作“抗癌灌木”。

    Traditional healers use Sutherlandia frutescens , sometimes known as'cancer bush ' , to treat a host of ailments from weight loss to aches and pains .

  25. 术后6个月,D3,4组患者腹泻发生率较D2组增多(P<0.05);体重减轻方面,D2组于术后1、3、6个月明显优于D3,4组(P<0.05)。

    The patients in D2 lymphadenectomy group had a better QOL especially in Spitzer scoring , diarrhea incidence 6 months postoperatively and weight loss 1,3,6 months postoperatively than those in D3 and D4 lymphadenectomy groups ( P < 0 05 ) .

  26. 结果:PHC预防给药第7d开始,IDDM大鼠的高血糖、多饮和体重减轻情况明显改善,28d后测得血清SOD活力显著升高;

    Result : The decreased hydroposia amount , and high blood sugar and the increased bodyweight in rats of prevented groups were showed significantly and began 7 days after prevent of PHC , the SOD vigor was obviously increased 4 weeks later ;

  27. HAMD总分抑郁症组明显高于精神分裂症组(P<001),其中尤以抑郁情绪、罪恶感、自杀、早醒和体重减轻突出。

    The HAMD total score was significantly lower in schizophrenia than in depression ( P < 0.01 ) . Depressed mood , feeling of guilt , suicide , loss of weight and insomnia-late scores were significantly lower in schizophrenia than in depression ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 服用大剂量qsymia一年的患者,结合节食和锻炼,体重减轻10.9%,而服用安慰剂的对照组体重只下降了1.6%。

    Patients who took high doses of qsymia for a year , combined with diet and exercise , lost 10.9 % of their body weight , whereas a control group taking a placebo lost only 1.6 % .

  29. 他病后体重减轻了不少。

    He has lost a lot of weight since his illness .

  30. 由于你体重减轻了,那套衣服显得肥大。

    Since you have lost weight that suit bags on you .