
  1. 睡眠节律紊乱是病毒性脑炎的特征。

    Sleep rhythm disorder is one of characters of viral encephalitis .

  2. 结论动态脑电图对以精神症状为突出表现的病毒性脑炎早期诊断有重要的辅助诊断价值,相对于常规脑电图有更高的敏感性;睡眠节律紊乱是这类病毒性脑炎的共同特征。

    Conclusions AEEG shows high sensitivity in diagnosis of viral encephalitis with obvious psychiatric symptom and sleep rhythm disorder is one of characters of viral encephalitis .

  3. 2岁以下儿童以夜醒、睡眠节律紊乱、入睡过早、夜惊、打鼾、呼吸暂停多见,2岁以上儿童以入睡困难、梦话、磨牙多见。

    There were higher prevalence in nighttime waking , sleep rhythm disorder , falling asleep prematurity , snoring and night terrors in children aged 0 ~ 2 years old while the percentage in difficulty falling asleep , sleeptalking and molar were higher in children aged 2 ~ 5 years old .