
  • 网络difficulty value
  1. 竞技体操裁判员评判竞技体操的标准分两个部分:即难度价值和完成价值。在所有单项上,成套动作有两个单独的分数,A分和B分。

    The standard of that the judges judge Gymnastics is divided into two parts : namely , the difficulty value and presentation value . The exercises have a separate fraction at all singles , A and B point .

  2. 竞技体操动作难度价值规律探寻

    A Probe into the Difficulty Value of Competitive Gymnastics Movements

  3. 技术方面难度价值高编排艺术性强。

    His skills are of high value in difficulty and strong artistic quality in composition .

  4. 自由自选占优势的技术动作中难度价值不如日本队,如转体和旋转的最高周数及出现次数、双手在上踩水时间、双人项目托举的难度、全套出现星级难度的次数等。

    Japanese team is better than Chinese in the difficulty value of superiority technical of optional movement .

  5. 在技术自选的编排中充分考虑附加内容的难度价值;

    It has to be fully considered in the optional technology of the difficulty value of added content .

  6. 其中,跳步类使用率最高,转体类使用最少,身体难度价值相对较低。

    Among them , the highest jump class usage , twist the least , the physical difficulty of relatively low value . 4 .

  7. 我国运动员还存在器械技术基于的身体难度价值低的弊端。

    Our athletes there are still equipment technology is based on the value of the physical difficulty of the drawbacks of the low . 5 .

  8. 2009年版艺术体操评分规则在成套动作的总分值、难度价值、艺术价值等方面都发生了变动。

    The 2009 version of the rules of rhythmic gymnastics score of the total movement in sets of scores , the difficulty value , artistic value of changes have taken place .

  9. 另一方面就是动作完成得不准确、不到位。不仅造成动作难度价值下降,同时还造成完成、艺术方面的减分。

    On the other hand , the action is not very accurate , which not only does the value of difficulty elements reduce , but also gets the decreased score at complete and artistic aspects .

  10. 单杠项目在近两周期发展较快,各国运动员争相提高成套的难度价值,单杠进入高难技术阶段。

    Horizontal bar in the last two cycles the rapid development of the project , the athletes competing to raise the difficulty sets the value of the horizontal bar to enter the highly difficult technical stage . 5 .

  11. 2006-2008年国际评分规则的再次修改,在评分系统上有重大改革和突破,更加突出了体操成套动作中技术动作难度价值的重要性。

    2006-2008 International score rules with again revised , scoring system on a major reform and there is a breakthrough , more prominent in the gymnastics action sets the value of the technical difficulty of the importance of action .

  12. 我国运动员选择的身体动作难度价值分布不均衡,高价值动作在成套动作中占据比例较小,器械动作难度中惊险性动作档次较低,不能充分彰显成套动作惊险度。

    Our athletes choosing the body difficulty of movement value uneven distribution , high value movement in complete set movement occupies scale smaller , equipment , difficulty of movement of low thrilling action class , cannot fully display complete action thriller degrees .

  13. 运用文献法、调查法和逻辑思辩法等探讨体操动作结构-时间-空间的辩证关系,从不同的侧面论述体操动作的难度价值和审美价值以及提高体操动作价值品级的基本手段和规律。

    This article , starting from the dialectical relationships among motion structure , time and space , discusses the difficult value , aesthetic value and basic methods , at the same time , points out the means and regulations of raising the value grade of gymnastic element .

  14. B超预测急性胆囊炎行腹腔镜胆囊切除术难度的价值

    Preoperative ultrasonography to predict laparoscopic cholecystectomy difficulty for acute cholecystitis patients

  15. 本文通过对4首具有高难度艺术价值的中国传统、古典、现代手风琴精品内涵与技巧的剖析,证明了在移植创作中模仿民族乐器技巧及演奏的艺术魅力;

    The analysis of the intention and skills of four excellent pieces of Chinese , classical and modern accordian music has proved the the artistic charm of the skills and playing of the national musical instruments in playing creatively transplanted music .

  16. CT记分对胰头癌可切除性及其难度预测的价值

    The value of computed tomograph score in predicting the resectability of pancreatic cancer

  17. 竞技健美操三人操编排难度动作艺术价值研究

    Artistic Value of Difficult Action in Athletics Aerobics of Three

  18. 目的探讨术前超声判断胆囊周围有无粘连的方法,观察指标及对预测腹腔镜手术难度的临床价值。

    Objective To explore the method and ultrasonographic value in evaluating adhesion between gallbladder and its surrounding organs .

  19. 效率评价,在经济活动乃至社会生活中,都是一项常规、具有难度、且价值重大的任务。

    Efficiency evaluation is regarded as a task of high frequency , great difficulty and remarkable importance in economic circles , or in social activities .

  20. 这是云南省首个能源CGE模型,具有一定的难度和理论实践价值。

    This is the first in Yunnan province energy CGE model , with a certain degreeof difficulty and practice the theory value .

  21. 凝析油气在真实长岩心、地层条件下渗流规律的实验和理论研究是具有相当难度和较高理论价值和应用价值的前沿性研究课题,是合理定制凝析气藏开发方案的基础。

    Experimental and theoretical study on relative permeability of gas condensate in long core under formation condition , as an exploratory subject , rather tough and profound , with high theoretical value and application value , is the foundation of exploitation project establishment for gas condensate reservoir .

  22. 研究结果表明,中外运动员在难度数量、难度价值的分配、难度过程中结合的器械动作、艺术价值的特殊艺术加分情况以及完成情况等方面都存在较大的差距。

    The result of study shows , Chinese and foreign athletes have large different in the quantity of body difficulty motion , distribution of the body difficulty motion , apparatus movement that combined body difficulty motion , special artistic characteristics adding points of artistic value and completion value , etc.

  23. 结果表明,D组以上技巧动作的难度变化不大,动作类型仍以后空翻为主,但难度价值更高的前空翻2周迅速增加;

    The result showed that the movement difficult and skill of D group had not changed , while movement pattern was mainly backward somersault .