
  • 网络Serious Problems;Difficult Work
  1. 家家有本难念的经。

    We all have our crosses to bear .

  2. 家家有本难念的经,也都难免互生嫉妒,但总归血浓于水。

    Families have their problems and jealousies , but blood is thicker than water .

  3. 各有一本难念的经。

    Each has his own hard nut to crack . ; Each has his own trouble .

  4. 据预测,IBM将帮助改造广发银行运行不畅的IT系统。许多中国的银行IBM的大客户,但IBM在销售上也有难念的经。

    IBM , which has a huge business serving banks but has had its own sales challenges in China , will presumably be of help transforming Guangdong 's lousy [ 5 ] IT systems .

  5. 家家都有一本难念的经,只是经书的难度稍有不同。

    Every family has problems , The difference is the difficulty level .

  6. 就像每个人,家家都有难念的经。

    I had family problems , like everyone does .

  7. 城乡结合家庭中难念的经&解读小说《新结婚时代》

    Difficulty Story in City-countryside linked Family & Analyse Novel New Marriage Age ;

  8. 每个人都有一本难念的经。每个人也都在自己的时间做着该做的事。

    Everyone has their own troubles , Everyone does things in their own time .

  9. 家家都有一本难念的经。英国小说家萨克雷

    There is a skeleton in every house . & William Makepeace Thackeray , British novelist

  10. 就在于他们对待问题的态度上,是的,家家有本难念的经。

    It 's all in the way they treat their problems . Yes , every living person has problems .

  11. 中国人常说,家家有本难念的经,其中的复杂性只有家人自己最知晓。

    As an old Chinese saying goes , only the family members can appreciate the complexities and difficulties within the family .

  12. 我感到又惭愧,又不好意思,我想起了这样一句老话:家家有本难念的经&只有设身处地,才能知道谁都不容易。

    Feeling sheepish and ashamed , I remembered the adage , 'never criticize another until you have walked a mile in his shoes . '