
  • 网络in the dark;Afraid of the Dark
  1. 孩子们怕黑吗?

    Are the children afraid of the dark ?

  2. 我一直很怕黑。

    I 've always been afraid of the dark .

  3. 我怕黑,是个十足的胆小鬼。

    I 'm scared of the dark . I 'm a big chicken .

  4. 她怕黑。

    She is afraid of the dark .

  5. 研究者们认为,自从进化开始,怕黑这种特征已存在于人类的DNA中。

    Researchers believe that being afraid of the dark has been in human DNA since we evolved .

  6. v.嘲笑男孩们嘲笑他怕黑。

    deride The boys derided him for his fear of the darkness .

  7. dodge开始怕黑的时候吗?

    When Dodge was scared of the dark ?

  8. 大人怕死,小孩怕黑。

    Men fear death as children to go in the dark .

  9. 他们将要知道他们为什么会怕黑。

    Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark .

  10. 除了我还有人怕黑吗?

    Somebody else is claustrophobic or is it just me ?

  11. 别哭孩子,这个夜晚,不要哭泣,从今以后你都不会怕黑。

    No cry , its no darkness to fear , its bright now .

  12. 我怕黑。

    A : I 'm afraid of the darkness .

  13. 而克里斯汀跟网上的某个男人聊过她怕黑的事

    and Kristin chatted about her fear of the dark with some guys online .

  14. 有些小孩怕黑。

    Some children are afraid of the dark .

  15. 小孩子通常怕黑。

    Normally , kids are scared of darkness .

  16. 因为我怕黑…

    because I was afraid of the dark ...

  17. 当我还是一个小男孩的时候,我很怕黑。

    When I was a young chap , I was scared of the dark .

  18. “你看他怎么会怕黑呢?”罗杰问。

    " Why do you think he 's afraid of the dark ?" roger asksd .

  19. 你怕黑

    You 're afraid of the dark ?

  20. 我觉得保罗怕黑不是你们最关心的事。

    I don 't think that paul 's fear of darkness is your biggest concern .

  21. 安装一个夜明灯,如果你的孩子怕黑的话。

    Install a hall or night light if your child is scared of the dark .

  22. 来吧,好家伙,希望你不会怕黑吧。

    Come on , big guy . I hope you 're not afraid of the dark .

  23. 京晶:怕黑?

    Scared of the dark eh ?

  24. 我以前怕黑,然后,现在我不怕了。

    I used to be afraid of the dark . However , I am not now .

  25. 这个啊,我怕小丑,怕蜘蛛,怕黑……不,我是说你害怕什么布洛克的事。

    Well , clowns , spiders , the dark ... No , I mean with brock .

  26. 最大的好处,你再也不会那么怕黑了。

    And best of all , you 'll never again be quite so afraid of the dark .

  27. 如果怕黑就不适合做夜班警卫的工作了。

    If you 're afraid of the dark , night guard is NOT the job for you .

  28. 就在马路对面,这样如果我怕黑我可以跑回家。

    It 's right across the street , so I can run home if I get scared of the dark .

  29. 我略微镇定了一下,把所有这些事都归咎于我的怕黑。

    I took a moment to collect myself and blamed all of the incidents on my fear of the dark .

  30. 我明白,我小时候,一直怕黑

    I get it . As a kid , I was always afraid of the dark . I still am .
