
nán yǐ zhuō mō
  • elusive;be elusive/unintelligible
  1. 她已经学会适应他那变幻莫测的情绪和难以捉摸的行为。

    She had learnt to live with his sudden changes of mood and erratic behaviour .

  2. 她难以捉摸,脾气暴躁,冲动鲁莽,容易分心。

    She was unpredictable , explosive , impulsive and easily distracted

  3. 她难以捉摸的魅力和怪异的行事方式都成了传奇。

    Her fey charm and eccentric ways were legendary .

  4. 他的行为越来越难以捉摸,而且愈发残暴。

    His behavior grew more unpredictable by the day , and increasingly tyrannical .

  5. 你这人反复无常,真叫人难以捉摸。

    You are inconsistent and unpredictable .

  6. 翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。

    Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation .

  7. 浪漫的女主人公往往难以捉摸。

    Romantic heroines are often capricious .

  8. 他的态度反反复复,叫人难以捉摸。

    He 's always chopping and changing , and you just can 't tell where he stands .

  9. 牧师深知这一切——他是一个多么难以捉摸又懊悔不迭的伪君子啊!

    The minister well knew -- subtle , but remorseful hypocrite that he was !

  10. 有时他好像很正常,有时又难以捉摸,甚至像个幽灵。

    At times he seems rather ordinary.At other times ethereal , perhaps even spectral .

  11. 因此,是否以及何时将有空间给予新的、基于微RNA的生物标记物仍然是难以捉摸的。

    Therefore , it remains elusive if and when there will be room for new , microRNA-based biomarkers .

  12. 但从最近GDP增长的报道来看,经济何时会复苏已变得越来越难以捉摸。

    But judging by the latest reports on GDP growth , it has become increasingly uncertain when the economy will really starting picking up .

  13. 这样修改几次以后,可能会因为顺序和状态问题而引入难以捉摸的bug。

    After several such modifications , it is likely that subtle bugs will be introduced because of sequencing and state issues .

  14. 但实际上却很难成功:XML语法要求支持多种编码和很多难以捉摸的特性,比如CDATA节和实体。

    In practice it seldom works : XML syntax requires support for multiple encodings and many subtleties , such as CDATA sections or entities .

  15. 但是行星X是难以捉摸的,笼罩着尘埃云并反射阳光到太阳,除了那些罕见的时刻可恰到好处地看到。

    The elusive Planet X is , however , shrouded by a dust cloud that bounces sunlight back to the Sun , except for those rare moments when the angle of reflection is just right .

  16. 到现在为止AGRA的发言人们说辞一直难以捉摸,坦率地说,他们对转基因生物的立场自相矛盾。

    Up to now AGRA spokespeople have been slippery , and frankly , contradictory about their stance on GMOs .

  17. 下一步的打算可能后退一步,但正如周五SpaceX的高层在推特中所言,火箭还真是难以捉摸。

    The next step might have just taken a step back , but as the head of SpaceX tweeted on Friday , rockets are tricky .

  18. Julie说这个难以捉摸的坏心眼儿的K女王仍然不知何故隐藏在黑暗中,但是让她隐藏的很好考虑到克劳斯仍然驻扎在神秘瀑布镇,我们看看能不能把她弄回镇上。

    Julie divulges , That elusive vixen is still somehow lurking in the shadows , but keeping herself well hidden Given Klaus continued presence in Mystic Falls , we shall see if well be able to get her back into town .

  19. 静修主题的目标,是“第四境”(turiya)状态难以捉摸的第四意识层。

    The topic of the retreat , and its goal , is the turiya state-the elusive fourth level of human consciousness .

  20. 随后,在科罗拉多州阿斯彭召开的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune’sBrainstormTech)上,纳德拉同样令人难以捉摸。他着重强调这家公司的巨大潜力,但问题是,这位微软掌门人并没有勾勒他打算如何实现这种潜能。

    He followed it up with an equally elusive appearance at Fortune 's Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen , Colo. during which he emphasized the huge potential of his company . One problem : Nadella did not outline how he planned to achieve it .

  21. 静修主题的目标,是“第四境”(turiya)状态——难以捉摸的第四意识层。

    The topic of the retreat , and its goal , is the turiya state - the elusive fourth level of human consciousness .

  22. 李曾为维吉尼亚·伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)、薇拉·卡特(WillaCather)与伊迪丝·沃顿(EdithWharton)写过精彩的传记,这一次亦出色地捕捉了难以捉摸、另辟蹊径的英国小说家与传记作家佩妮洛普·菲茨杰拉德的人生与时代。

    The life and times of that elusive , original miracle worker , the English novelist and biographer Penelope Fitzgerald , have been brilliantly captured by Lee , previously the author of masterly portraits of Virginia Woolf , Willa Cather and Edith Wharton .

  23. 他这句话的真正意思难以捉摸。

    The real meaning of his remark is involved in ambiguity .

  24. 这些问题的答案令人难以捉摸,是很多非律师朋友难以想像的。

    The answers are far trickier than most non-lawyers would imagine .

  25. 她具有一种你可能称为超凡魅力的难以捉摸的素质。

    She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma .

  26. 但白令海的力量猛烈而难以捉摸

    But the Bering Sea is a violent and unpredictable force .

  27. 还有六种情感和难以捉摸的未知因素。

    There 's also the six emotions and that elusive x-factor .

  28. 这也让他们的个人目的和背景都变得难以捉摸。

    This makes each character 's individual motivations and origins hazy .

  29. 在实际生活中,把货币分为活动余额和闲置余额是难以捉摸的。

    Empirically , the distinction between active and idle balance is elusive .

  30. 然而,一个最接近的目标始终让人难以捉摸。

    Yet a closely related goal has remained stubbornly elusive .