
  • 网络exercise time
  1. 干预组结局期的有氧锻炼时间和与医生沟通情况都比基线有所改善,而对照组结局期的这两个变量值则比基线还有所减少,两组变化值比较有统计学差异(P0.001)。

    Intervention group increased their aerobic exercise time and improved communication with doctors comparing with base line , while the control group decreased . The variation of these two groups has statistical difference ( p0.001 ) .

  2. 学生应科学安排学习、生活、锻炼时间。

    Students should arrange study , life science , exercise time .

  3. 这意味着肠道微生物可能掌握着延长锻炼时间且不会精疲力竭的秘密。

    Which means that gut microbes may hold the secret to extending that workout — without getting pooped .

  4. DHS组:平均手术时间为78min,出血量190.2ml,切口长13.7cm,早期起坐锻炼时间4.5d。

    DHS : average operating time was 78 min , average bleeding volume 190.2 ml , average incision length 13.7 cm , forepart time of siting up 4.5 days .

  5. 应用改良的Baird和Jackson评分系统对其术后疗效进行评定,并将骨折类型、骨折固定方法、术后功能锻炼时间与最终功能的关系进行分析。

    All patients were evaluated with modified Baird and Jackson scoring system . The relationship between final result and fracture pattern , fixation methods , the time of exercise initiation after operation were analyzed respectively .

  6. 所以我们要加一些额外的锻炼时间。

    Thus , we should spend some extra time doing exercise .

  7. 手部屈肌腱修复术后功能锻炼时间的选择

    Choice of training time of hand flexor tendon injury after tendon repair operation

  8. 很难计算出确切的锻炼时间。

    Finding time to exercise can be tough .

  9. 下肢骨折后功能锻炼时间与方法的探讨

    Probe into time and methods of functional exercise for patients with fracture of lower limb

  10. 最少有效锻炼时间的运动可降低2型糖尿病受试者运动中心率。

    Minimal Effective Exercise Duration exercise can decrease heart rate during exercise of diabetic subjects .

  11. 2型糖尿病患者最少有效锻炼时间的研究

    Time is * Research on " Minimal Effective Exercise Duration " for Type 2 Diabetic Patients

  12. 随着加试分值增大,初中学生体育锻炼时间明显增多,对此,无论是学生个人、家长和学校都给予积极的评价。

    With the score increased , junior high school students sports exercise time is significantly increased .

  13. 日均做家庭作业时间长,日均体育锻炼时间短是消瘦等的危险因索。

    Longer mean daily homework time and shorter mean daily physical exercise are risk factors for marasmus .

  14. 从锻炼时间来看,主要是利用周末,平时早上和晚上的时间。

    From the exercise time , mainly using the weekend , usually the morning and evening time .

  15. 男性必须在工作、家庭和健康所必需的锻炼时间间建立起平衡。

    Men need to create a balance of work , family and personal time for optimal health .

  16. 自觉运动强度在12~13运动当量范围,锻炼时间6个月。

    The aware exercise intensity ranged 12 to 13 exercise equivalent , the training lasted for 6 months .

  17. 试着学会如何每天增加十分钟的锻炼时间,我们的目标是每天锻炼半小时。

    Learn how to add 10 minutes of exercise a day . The goal is 30 minutes a day .

  18. 究其原因:参与体育活动项目比较单一,而且民族传统项目非常少,锻炼时间总体偏短。

    The main reason is monotonous sport activity , few national traditional sport events , short of exercise time .

  19. 稍势休息后,进入每天的早锻炼时间,先是慢跑,当然还有为宝贝量身定做的训练计划。

    Am having morning exercises after a short break , jogging and other customized trainings designed for your puppies .

  20. 腰椎间盘手术后锻炼时间的选择对预后的影响

    The Influence of Effect on Choice of the Time to Begin Exercise for Recover of Prognosis Lumbar Disc Prolapse

  21. 在选择每日锻炼时间的时候,关注生物钟能提升锻炼成果。

    When choosing a time of day to exercise , paying attention to your body clock can improve results .

  22. 不同术式腰椎间盘术后卧床及锻炼时间的选择

    Choice of the Time in Bed and to Begin Exercise After Different Operative Methods for Treatment of Lumber Disc Prolapse

  23. 本研究的目的是探讨2型糖尿病患者的最少有效锻炼时间,并观察最少有效锻炼时间的运动对患者的影响。

    Minimal Effective Exercise Duration for type 2 diabetic patients was discussed and its effects were observed in this research .

  24. 在选择体育锻炼时间的时候,关注一下生物钟也可以提高锻炼效果。

    When choosing a time of day to exercise , paying attention to your body clock can also improve results .

  25. 日均睡眠时间短、日均体育锻炼时间短和日均家庭作业时间长是视力不良的危险因素。

    Shortage in average sleep time , daily physical exercise , and daily homework time are risk factors for poor eyesight .

  26. 由于锻炼时间被设定在这个时候,我知道我需要每天5点前就起床。

    Since it 's set at the time , I know I need to wake up at5am to get it done .

  27. 虽然各种健身风潮来了又去,但高强度健身法是少有的倡导人们减少实际锻炼时间的方法。

    Although exercise fads come and go , high-intensity is in the unusual position of advocating that people actually practise it less .

  28. 随着日照时间改变,你也要改变最佳锻炼时间的看法。

    Adjust with Daylight : As daylight changes , so may your attitude towards what is the best time of day to workout .

  29. 在锻炼时间的选择上,主要是集中在早晨和傍晚,其中早晨以中老年人为主。

    Exercise choice in time , mainly concentrated in the morning and evening , in which mainly the elderly in the morning to .

  30. 同时,在个性、态度、锻炼时间、偏好的原因、重视程度、课程评价及改进方面显示出不同的差异。

    There exist great differences in personality , cognition , time of training , cause of favoritism , course judgement and its improvement .