
  • 网络forging manipulator
  1. 变结构PID在锻造操作机控制系统中的应用

    Variable-structure PID Control in Forging Manipulator

  2. 一种锻造操作机的机构分析及其虚拟样机建模

    Mechanism Analysis on a Forging Manipulator and Its Virtual Prototyping

  3. 基于HLA的锻造操作机系统协同仿真技术研究

    Research on HLA-based Collaborative Simulation Technology for Forging and Manipulator System

  4. 锻造操作机钳口夹紧力和夹紧缸能力的计算

    Jig Jaw Clamping Force and Cylinder Clamping Capacity Calculation for Forging Manipulator

  5. 锻造操作机缓冲过程仿真与顺应性评价

    Simulation and Evaluation of Compliance Process for Forging Manipulator

  6. 锻造操作机是一种空间并联机器人,锻造操作机设计中的首要问题便是解决其型综合问题。

    Forging manipulator is a spatial parallel manipulator .

  7. 自由锻造操作机冗余驱动系统的驱动力分配与协调

    Distribution and coordination of driving force in the redundant driving system of free forging manipulator

  8. 快速锻造操作机的计算机控制

    Computer control for forging manipulator

  9. 重载锻造操作机是一种与自由锻压机联合实现锻件锻造的大型生产设备。

    Heavy duty forging manipulator is a large production equipment with the free forging press to forge the forging pieces .

  10. 大型重载锻造操作机的双齿轮并联旋转驱动系统对夹钳实现精准旋转定位至关重要,是重载操作装备中的一项重要的研究对象。

    The study of the Double-gear parallel driving system for precise rotary is one of key spots for heavy-duty forging manipulators .

  11. 为了进一步提高锻造操作机的解耦性能,构造了两种类型的串并联形式的混联机构以作为锻造操作机构型。

    In order to further improve decoupling performance of forging manipulators , two kinds of hybrid serial-parallel forging manipulators were configurated .

  12. 本文以250吨锻造操作机夹钳传动系统为研究对象,对夹钳传动系统与控制策略进行了研究。

    The design and control strategies of the rotational driving system for the grippers of 250 Ton forging manipulators were studied in this thesis .

  13. 夹持机构是重载锻造操作机的一个重要组成部分,夹持稳定性和安全性至关重要。

    The clamping mechanism is an important part of the forging equipments , the stability and safety of the clamping is vital for the forging equipments .

  14. 锻造操作机对大载荷和不确定载荷的顺应能力是保证操作装备正常作业的关键。

    The key factor for assuring that the manipulator can work in good conditions is the ability of forging manipulator to comply with heavy and unpredictable loads .

  15. 为了有效评估锻造操作机的顺应能力,本文建立了针对一般操作机器人的被动顺应性评价指标,用于评价操作机在极端工况下缓解外部载荷的能力。

    In order to evaluate effectively the compliance ability of the forging manipulator , passive compliance indices of general robot manipulator have been established to evaluate the buffering ability under extreme conditions .

  16. 本文综合比较锻造操作机与装取料机的功能,对现有锻造操作机的夹钳进行改进,并加上底盘回转机构,达到实现操作机与装出料机二者主要功能的目的。

    The clamp of the existing forging manipulator is improved and the rotating mechanism is added in order to achieve the two main function of the manipulator and put on a feeder .

  17. 锻造操作机顺应过程的仿真结果验证了顺应运动能够有效保护操作装备免受过大载荷的破坏,对保证操作机正常工作具有重要意义。

    The simulation results show that the compliance movement will protect the manipulator from being damaged by large load , which has great significance for assuring that the manipulator can work in good conditions .

  18. 锻造操作机变工况分析与工况模拟装置设计计算了在施工和运行过程中的6种组合工况下钢筋混凝土岔管的应力和变形。

    Analysis of Forging Compliance Process and Design of the Forging Simulator The stress and deformation of the reinforced concrete bifurcation with six combined operating conditions in the phases of construction and operating are calculated .

  19. 作为制造大型锻件关键装备之一的重载锻造操作机,其夹钳旋转角位移控制精度,直接影响锻件的锻造精度和质量。

    A heavy-load forging manipulator is one of the key equipment used to manufacture the large-sized forgings . The precision of the clamp rotating angular displacement , directly affects the precision and quality of the forgings .

  20. 因此本文以锻造操作机实验样机的夹钳旋转系统为研究对象,研究了模糊控制在保证夹钳角位移控制精度和双液压马达负载均衡控制中的应用。

    Therefore , the clamp rotation system is used as the research object in this paper . And this paper study the application in the control of the clamp angular displacement and dual hydraulic motors load balance .

  21. 为了有效评估顺应运动对锻造操作机作业的影响,本文建立了用于描述操作机一次锻打工况下顺应运动的多领域仿真模型,分析了顺应运动对于操作机缓解所受末端载荷的重要性。

    In order to evaluate effectively the influence of compliance movement for the forging manipulator , a multi-disciplinary modeling for describing the compliance movement during one forging process has been established so as to analyze the significance of compliance .

  22. 锻造液压机与操作机的发展

    Development of forging hydraulic press and forging manipulator

  23. 因此,本文提出的模糊控制策略是有效的。该控制策略有助于提高锻件的锻造质量和锻造操作机的整机性能。

    Therefore , the control strategy of Fuzzy is effective , and it can boost the forging quality of the forgings and the performance of the forging manipulator .