
  • 网络crank press
  1. 1100kN伺服曲柄压力机运动仿真与实验研究

    Kinetic Simulation and Experimental Research on 1100 kN Crank Press Driven by AC Servo Motor

  2. 介绍了MCS-51单片机多机通讯技术在曲柄压力机多点测量中的应用,并对其硬件结构和软件设计方法进行了阐述。

    To introduce application of communication technology of multiple single chip processors in multipoint measurement for crank press . And the hardware structure and software design are described in this paper .

  3. VB和有限元法在曲柄压力机结构分析中的应用

    Application of VB Programming & FEM in analysis on crank pressing machine structure

  4. J23-40型开式双柱可倾式曲柄压力机具有曲柄滑块机构刚性好,装、卸模具及操作方便的工艺特点。

    J23-40 open-press has good loading and unloading operations to facilitate die and the process characteristics .

  5. 针对JF75G-125型闭式曲柄压力机侧向惯性力得不到平衡的问题,提出了一种对称布置的结构方案,实现完全意义上的动平衡。

    To alleviate the inertial forces of JF75G-125 type press , a symmetry scheme is presented to realize full dynamic balance .

  6. 开式双动曲柄压力机多线式端头废料飞剪

    Open-type double action crank press d crop and cobble flying shears

  7. 曲柄压力机振源分析及减振技术研究

    Vibration Source Analysis and Vibration Damping Technology Study for Crank Press

  8. 曲柄压力机摩擦离合器与制动器的优化设计

    Optimum design of friction clutch and brake for crank press

  9. 对称布局的增力型曲柄压力机的创新设计与力学性能研究

    The Innovative Design and Mechanical Properties Research of Symmetrical Force-Amplify Crank-Type Presses

  10. 泰式双曲柄管子扳钳两点式无曲柄压力机

    Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle double crankless press

  11. 基于Pro/E平台的曲柄压力机辅助设计软件的开发

    The Development of Crank Press Design System Based on Pro / Engineer Platform

  12. 电液伺服阀在曲柄压力机过载保护装置中的应用

    Applications of Electro-hydraulic Servo Valve in Over - loading Protector of Winch Press

  13. 曲柄压力机的单活塞式气垫的设计计算

    Design and Calculation for Air Cushion of Single Piston

  14. 曲轴是曲柄压力机的关键零件。

    Crankshaft is a key part of Press Machine .

  15. 开式双动曲柄压力机固定台式带式砂光机

    Open-type double action crank press fixed table belt sander

  16. 变速驱动曲柄压力机运动分析

    Kinematical Analysis of Crank Press Driven by Varying Speeds

  17. 新型混合输入式曲柄压力机的逆运动学分析

    Inverse motion analysis of new hybrid mechanical press

  18. 曲柄压力机过载保护装置的选型

    Choices of Overload Protective Devices for Crank Press

  19. 高速曲柄压力机的动平衡

    Kinetic equilibrium for high - speed crank press

  20. 开式双动曲柄压力机蜗杆曲柄双销式转向机构

    Open-type double action crank press worm-and-twin-lever steering gear

  21. 一种新型混合输入式曲柄压力机的研究

    Research on a new hybrid mechanical press

  22. 运动副间隙及刚度对曲柄压力机执行机构动力学过程的影响

    Effects of Kinematic Pair Clearance and Stiffness on Dynamic Process of Crank Press Executive Mechanism

  23. 因为多连杆压力机具有很多的优点,所以在世界范围内得到了广泛的应用,用多连杆压力机代替曲柄压力机正成为压力机的发展要方向之一。

    Multi-link press has many advantages , so it is widely used throughout the world .

  24. 基于混合励磁直流无刷电机的曲柄压力机伺服控制分析

    Analysis of Servo Control of the Crank Press Driven by Hybrid Excitation Brushless DC Motor

  25. 曲柄压力机的噪声试验研究

    Experimental research on noise of crank press

  26. 拉伸用曲柄压力机的运动分析

    Motion analysis of crank press stretching usage

  27. 曲柄压力机的运动模拟及选用

    Motion simulation and selection of crank press

  28. 曲柄压力机的压力能力、扭矩能力与力-转角曲线图的关系分析

    Relation Analysis of the Pressure Ability , Torque Ability of Crank Press and Force-angle Curve

  29. 两点式无曲柄压力机双金属式机油压力表

    Double crankless press bimetallic oil pressure indicator

  30. 曲柄压力机刚性离合器的改进

    Improvement on Rigid Clutch of Crank Press