
  • 网络discrimination;differentiated treatment;disparate treatment
  1. 论法律上的差别对待日语中的性别歧视语

    On the Discrimination of Law The Sexist Language in Japanese

  2. 论法律上的差别对待

    On the Discrimination of Law

  3. 差别对待英国银行家是不公平的。

    It would be unfair to treat the UK bankers differently .

  4. 但对于普通中国民众而言,这种差别对待会让人愤怒。

    But to an average Chinese , such differentiated treatment engenders outrage .

  5. 规定权利主体要针对不同的权利类型予以差别对待。

    The subjects of rights are difference on different types of rights .

  6. 弱势群体需要差别对待

    Vulnerable Group Should Be Treated in Difference

  7. 我们并不是绝对地排斥差别对待,我们只不过是反对不合理的差别对待,不合理的差别对待就是歧视,这是与现代法治的精神相悖的。

    We are against the unreasonable difference treatment , as it violets the spirit of law .

  8. 顺便说一下我是个女孩子,我不确定是否因为这个被差别对待。

    I am a girl by the way , not sure if that makes a difference in treatment .

  9. 短短几个月,一切关税壁垒,配额限制,以及各种差别对待的惯例都一扫而光。

    Within a few months , all customs barriers , quantitative restrictions and discriminatory practices were swept away .

  10. 雇佣者对两性工作平等权的侵犯,从内容看,常表现为差别对待、排斥对待、或优惠对待;

    Employers infringe gender equal rights in employment by means of disparate treatment , exclusion and preferential treatment .

  11. 歧视是占据优势地位的社会群体针对弱势群体的差别对待,是对平等精神的严重违反。

    Discrimination , which treats inferior classes differently by one or more dominant social groups , offends the equal principle .

  12. 基本的问题是自费病人(从各个方面来说)和公费病人是差别对待的。

    The basic problem is that private patients are treated differently ( in every sense ) to those on the NHS .

  13. 差别对待有一个限度问题,它的两种极端包括歧视和反向歧视。

    The difference treatment has a limit question , its two kind of extremes include the discrimination and the reverse discrimination .

  14. 可选择性、以人为本、机会均等和差别对待是教育关怀在制度安排方面的有效原则。

    Selectivity , make people the center , the equal opportunity and difference treat are the valid principle which educational solicitude arrangement needs .

  15. 宪法平等权包括立法上的平等和法律实施平等,其实质在于禁止差别对待,追求形式平等,而结果平等只能是其例外。

    Its substance is to estop the discrimination treatment and seek form equality , however , the result equality is only its exception .

  16. 而这主要归因于政府的干预和对内资的差别对待以及内外资企业关联度低。

    This can be attributed to intervention and differential treatment to them by the government and the weak linkage between domestically-funded and foreign-funded firms .

  17. 因此,构成合理的差别对待的标准就必然包括目的上的合理性和优惠程度的合理性这两点。

    Therefore , the standards which constitutes the reasonable difference treatment will surely include the rationality in the goal and in the preferential benefit degree .

  18. 本文研究和论述的主旨在于从宪法平等权的视角看人身损害死亡赔偿中的差别对待问题。

    This dissertation aims at researching the different treatment issues in the personal injury death compensation from the perspective of the right of constitution equality .

  19. 中国商务部表示,美国的支出法案涉及限制美国从中国购买信息技术的条款,这属于“差别对待”。

    China 's Ministry of Commerce says a U.S. spending bill which includes the clause restricting the procurement of Chinese information technology products was " discriminative . "

  20. 就业平等权的本质含义是指劳动者就业的权利平等和机会均等,反对任何不合理的差别对待。

    The essence of equal right to employment is the employee has equality of rights on employment and equality of opportunity , oppose any kinds of unreasonable difference treatments .

  21. 此部分首先对公平的内涵进行阐释,接着再结合对课堂教学这一概念的理解,指出课堂教学公平包括平等对待中的公平和差别对待中的公平两个方面。

    Second , based on the concept of classroom teaching , this paper points out that classroom teaching equity including two aspects : equity in fair treatment and equity in different treatment .

  22. 为了判断根据基因信息给予差别对待是不是合乎平等和正义,我们应当一一衡量所涉及到的利益与价值,在一个有条理的分配资源框架下寻求最合理的判断准则。

    To judge the differential treatment based on genetic information with equality and justice , we should measure the interests and values , searching the most reasonable criteria in a structured framework .

  23. 从同为一个国家的公民来看,对农民工的差别对待是于法不容的,也不利于社会的稳定、持续地发展。

    As the same citizens of the same country , the different treatment between migrant workers and citizens does not Law permit , and does not conducive to social stability and sustained development .

  24. 有时这是她们自愿的,而有时则是迫于雇佣者的态度或者是对性别差别对待的法律,比如有些地方的法律要求女性获得丈夫的许可才能工作。

    This is sometimes a voluntary choice . But sometimes they are pushed by employers " attitudes or sexist laws , such as those requiring a woman to get her husband 's permission to work .

  25. 在人力资本禀赋给定的条件下,造成群体间差异的主要原因便是劳动力市场上不同群体受到差别对待引起的,在某种程度上可归结为劳动力市场歧视。

    Given the conditions of human capital , the main reason for differences between groups is that different groups was subjected to differential treatment . To some extent this effects can be attributed to labor market discrimination .

  26. 我国现行法律法规对有前科公民就业资格的剥夺或限制构成了差别对待,从报应刑罚主义和社会防卫的角度来看,这种限制有一定的合理性,但是,实质上这种差别待遇是不合理的。

    From the view of recompense punishment and the safeguarding the security of the society , such kind of limitation has some reasonable basis . However , in fact , such kind of differential treatment is unreasonable .

  27. 小男孩抓住了学校制服规定的愚蠢漏洞,规定中没有说男生不能穿裙子。如果学校制止男生穿裙子,就会被指责差别对待。

    He had decided to take advantage of a ' silly loophole in the school 's uniform policy which meant boys could wear skirts because the school would be guilty of discrimination if it tried to stop them .

  28. 不合理的原因有:这种差别对待构成不合理归类;违背了责任相称原则;违背了马克思主义哲学精神;侵犯了平等就业权;同时与诸多现代刑事政策相违背。

    Such kind of differential treatment constitutes unreasonable classification , violates the principle of the punishment being suitable for the conduct ; violates the spirits of Marxism philosophy ; violates the rights of equal employment ; violates many contemporary criminal policies .

  29. 但外国法院对中华人民共和国公民、法人或者其他组织,与其本国公民、法人或者其他组织在诉讼费用交纳上实行差别对待的,按照对等原则处理。

    However , if a foreign court offers discriminatory treatments between citizens , legal persons or other organizations of the people 's Republic of China and those of its home country in this respect , the principle of reciprocity shall apply correspondingly .

  30. 然而在发展权保护的过程中,普遍存在因为身份、地位、种族、性别、政策等诸多因素而导致的不平等,最终导致了差别对待和不均衡发展。

    However , in the process of protecting the right to development , the wide prevalence of inequality based on difference of identity , status , race , gender , policy , and many other factors ultimately leads to differential treatment and non-balanced development .