
  • 网络tangible cost
  1. 首先,着重对思想政治教育成本中的有形成本进行实例计量,从而说明思想政治教育成本量是可以计量的问题。

    Firstly it stresses to calculate examples of the materiality costs for Ideological and Political Education . it shows that the costs of Ideological and Political Education can be calculated .

  2. 本文认为,在中国法治化进程中,隐性采访需要付出的成本有两种:显性成本或曰有形成本,隐性成本或曰无形成本。

    In the article , during the Chinese legalization process , two kinds of cost needs to be paid to the convert interview . The dominant cost called tangible native cost , called the intangible cost .

  3. 市场产权成本包括有形成本、制度成本及人力成本等,研究市场产权成本有利于确立投资与所有匹配原则、投资与收益匹配原则及成本与效率统一原则。

    Market property right cost includes visible cost , system cost , human resources cost . The research on market property right costs will be in favor of the establishment of the principle of investment matching owning , investment matching income and the cost and efficiency unified principle .

  4. 平衡计分卡的实施成本主要分为两类:一类是有形的显性成本,这类成本对于企业来说是可控的。

    BSC implementation cost can be classified two sorts .

  5. 制定一部良法,国家和社会需要支付巨大的有形和无形成本,也需要国家和社会的巨额成本支出。

    How Come that Large Amount of Money Was Stolen ? To make a good law , country and society must pay enormous material and immaterial cost .

  6. 该体系对定量和定性同样强调,也对有形和无形的成本和收益一样关注。

    The system stressed on the quantitative and qualitative , but also tangible and intangible costs and benefits of the same concerns .

  7. 透过网际网路传送的语音对谈,让沟通更为即时、方便,亦大幅度地省下许多有形与无形的成本;

    It also lows down the visible or invisible costs substantially . Furthermore , e-Learning is also the other powerful conception of Internet applications .

  8. 在会计上,折旧是将有形长期资产的成本在该资产提供服务的期间内分配到各期作费用。

    Depreciation , as the term is used in accounting , is the allocation of the cost of a tangible plant asset to expense in the periods in which services are received from the asset .

  9. 企业员工频繁跳槽不可避免的带来了有形的生产经营成本的提高,也带来了无形的优秀人才的流失,这些损失是无法估计的。

    That Employees change jobs frequently inevitably brings more operation costs . This is only tangible costs . Compared to tangible costs , intangible costs are incalculable . Loss of talent and becoming competitive business elite , which may cause the trade secrets leakage , these losses cannot be estimated .