
  • 网络mutual benefit organizations
  1. 本人通过借鉴有关国家和地区的立法,提出我国业主自治组织确立为互益性法人组织的性质。

    I use legislation precedents in relevant countries and areas for reference and propose that the owners ' autonomy organizations in China should be defined as mutually beneficial organizations of legal persons .

  2. 本文的研究对象界定为:从事公益性社会活动,在政府、企业和家庭以外的社会领域中,具有一定程度自治性、志愿公益性(或互益性)组织。

    This paper is to study public welfare activity , which is , to some degree , a self-government , voluntary and public interest organization , besides the field of government , enterprises and families .

  3. 在传统定位中,高校学生社团被认为是学生为了共同兴趣和爱好而聚合在一起的互益性、非正式组织。

    In the traditional positioning , college student association is believed to be the student for the common interest of polymerization in mutual benefit , informal organization .

  4. 从其名称来看,非营利机构是不以营利为目的的组织,亦即在公众支持下,为实现公益和互益而存在的组织。

    We can see by the name that NPI are run not for the profit , that is to say , they are the organizations for public interest and mutual interest with the support of public .