
yǒu xiàn qún tǐ
  • finite population
  1. 有限群体中基因频率概率分布的模拟实验

    A Simulation Study on Probability Distribution of Gene Frequency in Finite Population

  2. 有限群体遗传算法的动力性

    Dynamical Behavior of Genetic Algorithms with Finite Population Group Dates

  3. 只让有限群体知道的秘密的词或短语。

    A secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group .

  4. 对有限群体还可以建立开放式育种体系,必要时通过引进公羊或精液,解决近交问题。

    We also can setup open breeding system and introduce ram or sperm to solve inbreeding problem . 7 .

  5. 捕获再捕获与捕获移出研究是数理统计的一个重要方向,它研究如何利用随机样本估计有限群体的总体数目。

    The field of capture-recapture and removal is an important direction of mathematical statistics , which studies the estimation of the sizes of finite populations from incomplete random samples .

  6. 本文从动植物遗传资源保存的角度出发,系统地介绍了影响有限群体中基因频率偏离平衡状态系统性效应和分散性效应。

    This paper , starting off with the point of view that the resource of animal and plant reserves , systematically introduces systematic and dispersive effect that influences deviation - balance state of frequency of gene in the limited colony .

  7. 有限感知群体的动力学仿真建模与分析

    Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Dynamics of Range Limit Perceived Group

  8. 株型紧凑群体(尤其是有限果枝群体)的农艺经济性状有较大变异,这对杂交育种和遗传选择有较大潜力;

    Agronomic and economic characters of tight plant types , especially limited fruit branch populations had more variation which could bring out more potentiality for hybrid breeding and genetic selection .

  9. Fuzzy决策中有限方案的群体一致性评价方法与算法

    The Group Consensus Assessment Methods and Algorithms of Finite Scheme in Fuzzy Decision

  10. Wang等证明单倍域可以从有限大小的群体中自然产生。

    Wang et al proved that block-liked structure could be generated naturally in a population with limited size .

  11. 通过建立理性政府与有限理性开发商群体的进化博弈模型,分析了政府选择财政政策激励力度的理论依据。

    Through establish evolutionary game model with rationality between government and developers , analyze the theory basis of government selecting incentive degree of fiscal policy .

  12. 如果改革收益仅由一个有限竞争的群体获得,改革就会中途受阻或者被扭曲。

    If the profit of reform is only shared by a certain group that has limited competition , then the reform will be obstructed or distorted in the midway .

  13. 教师由个体的有限适应走向群体的无限适应,通过合作发展使教师在群体适应性的提高中实现个体的适应,是新课程改革的必然要求。

    The limited adaptation of individual teacher must change into the infinite adaptation of teachers as a group , which can be promoted by cooperative development and then make the adaptation of individual teacher realized .

  14. 消费社会中,资本把大众卷入消费活动,进而通过把消费目的由功能引向消费价值,在有限的消费群体中创造出无限的消费市场。

    In the consumption society , the capital drift the masses into the war of consumption active , switch the purpose of consumption to consumption value from function , and create an infinite market in the limited consumption colony .

  15. 目前在结构性改革、新技术应用带来的劳动力结构性矛盾日益突出的现状下,出现了一部分易受劳动力市场排斥、就业前景有限的弱势群体。

    Under the present condition of the increasingly sharp conflict of labor force structure caused by reform of structure and the application of new technology , there appear certain groups of weak people who are dispelled by the labor market and have limited chances of employment .

  16. 司法的有限性与弱势群体的权利救济

    On the Limitedness of Justice and the Relief Rights of Vulnerable Groups

  17. 该算法综合了非确定有限自动机和次群体的动态数据结构,可有效地完成神经网络模式分类器的结构学习,以获得最优的求解结果。

    This algorithm integrates non-determinate finite automata and dynamic data structure of sub-population . It can perform structure learning for a neural network pattern classifier efficiently to obtain the optimal result of problem solving .