
  1. 机会空间的营造&以B市被拆迁居民集团行政诉讼为例

    The Construction of Opportunity Space : A case study on collective lawsuit in B city

  2. 然后分别对这两种系统中存在不同干扰界限值时的系统吞吐量进行了仿真,进而验证了认知MIMO系统中机会空间正交计划的使用价值及其现实意义。

    Finally , we simulate respectively the system throughput when the different interference threshold values of these two systems vary . It verifies the advantages and significance of the opportunity space orthogonal plan in the cognitive MIMO systems .

  3. 首先通过介绍SIMO系统中存在一个等候次级用户时机会空间正交计划,然后推广到系统中存在多个等候次级用户的情况,再将机会空间正交计划应用到MIMO系统中。

    First of all , we introduce the OSO when there is only one waiting secondary users in the SIMO , and we further extend it to the case when there are many waiting secondary users , then we apply the opportunity space orthogonal planning to MIMO systems .

  4. 提供足够大的成就实现机会空间,保持适度的竞争和压力;

    Providing enough opportunity to realize personal ideal and keeping proper competition and pressure ;

  5. 限制性卖空的引入有助于扩展投资机会空间,增强市场效率。

    Restricted short selling can increase the efficiency of the security market by expanding the opportunity space .

  6. 计算结果表明,风险偏好系数在整个取值范围内都能够较好地反映投资者对收益和风险的选择态度,而且,含无风险资产的借贷拓展了投资机会空间。

    The result indicates that risk preference coefficient with short sales allowed reflects the investor 's expected rate of return and the variance within the entire interval .

  7. 文章还以一个具体例子验证该算法的有效性,并证明在一定变化范围内,借入资产的资金与总资金的比例越大越有助于拓展投资机会空间。

    At last , we proved the algorithm was highly effective and in some intervals , the bigger the borrowing rate was , the more opportunity the investors would have .

  8. 快速建立和发展第三支柱的要求,更为商业养老保险提供了无限的机会和空间。

    The establishing and developing of the third pillar will giving insurance company great opportunity and space .

  9. 分析的理论关注点主要集中在城市报纸是否为农民工这个弱势社群的公共表达提供了机会和空间?

    It focuses on whether the urban newspapers provide any public space for the group to express itself .

  10. 你如何为这个新机会创造空间则真的无关紧要。

    It really doesn 't matter WHY you would be creating a new space for this new opportunity .

  11. 这种趋势无疑为民营高校带来了新的机会和空间。

    And beyond doubt this trend will bring new opportunities and space of development for private colleges and universities .

  12. 努力为合作者提供良好的机会及空间,使企业、员工和友商共同创造,共同发展,和谐共赢。

    Try to provide the good opportunities spaces for the co-workers , make the group , staff and partners work promote together , gain the double successful fruit .

  13. 在这种背景下,作为团体业务主体的团体养老保险如何寻找新的发展机会和空间,已经成为保险公司的当务之急。

    Under this kind of background , looking for a new development opportunity and space of group pension insurance business have already become the urgent matter of commercial insurance company .

  14. 现代会计报告系统中公认会计原则的局限性为盈余管理创造了很多机会和空间,而盈余管理的存在会削弱财务报告所提供的盈余信息的可靠性。

    In modern accounting reporting system , there are many opportunities for earnings management due to the localization of general accepted accounting principles . However earnings management will weaken the reliability of reported earnings .

  15. 所有权、管理权、保管权在相关利益中的分配不尽合理,为违法侵权行为提供了机会和空间,因此加强基金内部约束力势在必行。

    Ownership , management right and the right to custody are not rationally distributed among related interests , which provides opportunity and space for illegal and tort acts . Therefore it is necessary to strengthen the fund internal binding .

  16. 随着中国加如WTO,中国进出口贸易额将逐步扩大,为航空货运提供了更加广阔的机会和市场空间。

    With China 's entry into WTO , the amount of import and export will increase , which offers more opportunities .

  17. 多元经济主体地位的加强,能够寻求到新的投资机会和发展空间;

    The position of multi economy has been strengthened , which makes more opportunities possible for investment and development .

  18. 受草场质量、到草场的距离等因素影响,不同子流域内禁牧的机会成本是空间异质的。

    Spatial heterogeneity of opportunity costs for grazing prohibition exists in each sub-basin due to grassland quality and access to grasslands .

  19. 在村镇银行试点的不断展开中,国家给予了农村广泛的投资机会和发展空间。

    While the pilot rural banks are spreading rapidly , the government affords them a wide range of investment opportunities and development space .

  20. 我正在创造这个背景、这个机会、这个空间,我正在给你各种各样的挑战。

    And I am creating this context , this opportunity , this space , and I am giving you all kinds of challenges .

  21. 有机会成为蓝色空间的签约艺术家,获得学术和经济上的持续支持。

    Having the chance to become a contract artist of Blue Dream Land and get ongoing academic and financial support from Blue Dream Land .

  22. 相反地,由于他们与城市居民在就业机会、居住空间、交通等方面存在竞争,而遭到城市社会的排斥。

    On the contrary , they are excluded by urban society for the competitions in job opportunities , living space , transportation , etc which are brought by them .

  23. 第二部分为彩电产业环境分析,就中国彩电行业所面临的竞争压力以及在行业演变过程中展现出的潜在获利机会和发展空间进行了描述和预测。

    The second part analyzes the environment of Color TV Industry , describes and forecasts the competitive pressure , potential for larger market and further development for Chinese Color TV industry .

  24. 回到空间本身&论海德格尔的空间观念青藤子艺术空间欢迎艺术家来借此展示、建议及合作,并有机会成为本空间的特邀画家。

    Go Back to the Space Itself & on the View of Space in Heidegger s Philosophy ; If possible , to be an invited painter for the Liana Art Space .

  25. 好消息是,一旦考虑你的基础分数,你的学位等级对你的工作机会或发展空间就无关紧要了。

    The good news is that once your underlying scores are taken into account , your degree class seems to make no difference to your chance of a job or further place .

  26. 目前,中国出现了工业化、城市化、信息化、市场化、全球化齐头并进的局面,这种格局将对中国的房地产业带来巨大的市场机会和发展空间。

    At present in China , industrialization , urbanization , information , market and globalization go hand in hand , which will bring forth great market opportunities and development space for Chinese real estate industry .

  27. 大学生电子设计竞赛给参赛选手提供了综合运用所学知识,发挥想像力和创新能力的机会和思维空间,对培养大学生的创新能力起到了极大的推进作用,具有重要的意义。

    The contest provides the competitors with opportunities and thinking space of the ability to utilize comprehensive knowledge and to create their imagination . It is of great significance and worthy of summary , popularization and promotion .

  28. 国家电力建设规划调整将给电力设备制造企业带来新的投资机会和成长空间,也为电力设备行业在相当长一段时间长期稳定发展提供了良好的外部环境。

    Will adjust and bring the new investment chance and growth space to electric equipment manufacturing company in national electric construction plan . Have offered the good external environment condition for electric development steady in a long-term in quite long period of equipment trade too .

  29. 目前,我国零售行业仍然存在着较多的投资机会,而且发展空间巨大。

    Currently , there does exist abundant investment opportunity with large extending possibility in Chinese retail industry .

  30. 他表示,只有开放和合作才能为发展创造更多机会、更大空间。

    He said that only openness and cooperation can bring more opportunities and create more space for development .