
dì xià ɡuǎn dào
  • underground piping
  1. 国外核设施地下管道退役的经验教训

    Experience and Lessons of Decommissioning of Underground Piping at Foreign Nuclear Facility

  2. 小型隧道掘进是一种无需开挖的地下管道施工技术。

    Small size tunnel driving is a construction technology of underground piping without excavation .

  3. 他们最近铺了一条地下管道。

    Recently they have laid an underground pipeline .

  4. 本文主要阐述了GIS的原理及其在城市地下管道网络中的应用。

    This article clarified that GIS can be used in the city 's underground pipeline mesh .

  5. 基于DSP及μC/OS-Ⅱ的地下管道泄漏点定位系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Leak Location System for Underground Pipeline Based on DSP and μ C / OS - ⅱ

  6. 用于地下管道防护层质量检测的PCM系统

    PCM System for Testing the Protection Coating of Buried Pipelines

  7. 二维FDTD分析土壤及地下管道的时域散射场

    An Analysis of Time-domain Scattering Field in Soil and Underground Pipe with 2-D FDTD

  8. 基于GIS的OWA在唐山市地下管道评价中的应用

    Application of OWA based on GIS on evaluation of underground pipe line in Tangshan city

  9. 本文介绍了用于地下管道阴极保护效果评价的多功能测量探头的结构及其现场使用结果。这种阴极保护多功能测量探头具有能够测量阴极保护通电保护电位Uon;

    A study is reported in which the design features and field results of a muti combination test probe system were discussed to evaluate efficiency of buried pipeline cathodic protection .

  10. 氯盐类融雪剂一般称作化冰盐(DeicingSalt),其在融化冰雪的同时,它会严重腐蚀道路、桥梁、建筑物、地下管道、汽车等。

    Chloride deicers are referred to as deicing salt , which can thaw ice and produce severe corrosions to road , bridge , building , underground pipeline and car etc.

  11. 从防灾的角度分析了影响地下管道破坏的因素,确定了多个影响因子的相对重要性,在GIS技术平台上构建了评价模型,将多准则评价方法应用于城市地下管道评价的防灾决策。

    To analyze the factors based on disaster prevention , determine the relative importance of factors , and establish evaluation model on GIS , so that multi-criteria evaluation method is applied to decision-making of disaster prevention for underground pipe evaluation .

  12. PCM是一种通过遥测地下管道中电流,既可进行管道定位又可用于管道防腐层状况检测的设备。

    The PCM System is a kind of instrument used in the positioning of pipelines and the detection of piping anti-corrosive coating by remote measurement of the electric current in underground pipelines .

  13. 在应用ADINA软件实现地下管道与土体融合有限元建模的基础上,通过定义管土接触来设定管土相互作用;

    On the basis of finite element modeling , pipe-soil contact is simulated by Boolean Body Operators , and pipe-soil interaction is defined by the pipe-soil Contact Control Operators in ADINA .

  14. 由中国石油天然气管道科学研究院最新研制的DZ-1小型定向钻为各类地下管道的敷设提供了一种先进的方法。

    DZ-1 small - sized directional drilling newly developed by China Petroleum Pipeline Scientific Research Institute provides an advanced method for laying of various pipelines .

  15. 这是因为我们一开始就打算把地下管道世界描绘的更加丰富有趣,吸引人,和Roddy一直生活着的无趣的(地上)环境造成鲜明对比。

    The idea was to make the sewer world more interesting and rich in order to underline how Roddy feels about it in contrast to the sterile world he 's been living in all this time .

  16. 为此系统介绍了地下管道非开挖技术的分类、修复后管道的结构分类以及CIPP内衬制管的构造设计和性能指标。

    Therefore , systematic introduction is given to the classification of trenchless technology for underground pipe system and structure of repaired pipeline , as well as the structural design , and performance index of the pipe with CIPP lining .

  17. 地下管道的震害特征与研究概述

    Summary on earthquake disaster fea-tures and anti-seismic research of underground pipes

  18. 建筑密集地区修筑地下管道方法初探

    A New Method of Constructing Underground Pile in Densely Built Area

  19. 城市有线电视地下管道的建设与维护

    Construction and Maintenance of Under-ground Pipeline for Urban Wire - TV

  20. 采用小型定向钻铺设地下管道的几个关键问题

    Some Main Points of Laying Pipeline With Small Directional Drilling Method

  21. 地下管道动力可靠性分析的降维计算方法

    Dimension Reduction Method for the Dynamic Reliability Analysis of Underground Pipelines

  22. 地下管道阴极保护的控制参数

    The Control Factors of the Cathodic Protection on Pipeline in Soil

  23. 上海市区地下管道探测技术的探讨

    New probing technique for location of buried pipelines in Shanghai Municipality

  24. 基于神经网络方法的地下管道系统地震可靠性分析

    Seismic reliability analysis of underground pipeline system using artificial neural networks

  25. 强环境噪声下地下管道泄漏检测

    Research on leak detection of underground pipelines with strong environmental noise

  26. 长距离地下管道放射性示踪检漏仪

    A leak-detection instrument for long buried pipelines based on radioactive tracer measurements

  27. 地下管道的检测,在日常的生产活动中,意义是非常重大的。

    Detection of underground pipelines is of great significance in normal activities .

  28. 地下管道清掏助手机器人系统的设计与研究

    Design and research of a cleaning assistant robot in sewer

  29. 油气站场地下管道防腐层技术状况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Anticorrosion Coatings at Oil and Gas Pipeline Stations

  30. 补偿导线最好在地下管道中穿过。

    It is desirable that compensating cables be run in earthed conduit .