
  1. 力拓前中方铁矿石谈判代表胡士泰(SternHu)及3名其它中国雇员周二被起诉,提醒着投资者不要忘记力拓的中国问题。

    The indictment on Tuesday of Stern Hu , its former chief iron ore salesman in China , and three associates was a reminder to investors of its so-called China problem .

  2. 土地所有者对矿上的中国雇员以暴力回击。

    Land owners have also attacked Chinese employees at the mine .

  3. 外资保险企业对中国雇员人力资源开发研究

    Research on Human Resource Development of Chinese Employees in Foreign Insurance Companies

  4. 中国雇员组织承诺特征之道德追溯

    Organizational Commitment Features of Chinese Employees Based on their View of Morality

  5. 二是情感承诺更加影响中国雇员的组织行为;

    (ⅱ) effect degree of affective commitment on organizational behavior of Chinese employees ;

  6. 胡士泰和三名力拓中国雇员自上周日以来一直被拘。

    Mr Hu and three Chinese Rio employees have been held since Sunday .

  7. 这些公司需要招募有合格英语能力的中国雇员。

    These companies seek for prospective Chinese employees with adequate certification of their English proficiency .

  8. 中国雇员与西方雇员不同,他们更重视集体的团结。

    Chinese employees differ from those in the west in that they emphasize the group solidarity .

  9. 本文旨在探究中国雇员在跨国公司中的跨文化适应过程。

    The present paper intends to explore the adaptation process of Chinese employees in multinational corporations .

  10. 调查显示,负责与安远交涉的是奥林巴斯的一名中国雇员。

    Discussions with Anyuan were handled by a Chinese Olympus employee , according to the inquiry .

  11. 这些抱怨凸现出专家所说的一个问题,也就是日本汽车制造商在提拔中国雇员担任管理层方面动作迟缓。

    Such grievances highlight what experts say is Japanese carmakers ' slowness to promote Chinese employees to management positions .

  12. 我们为中国雇员缴纳所有的税和养老保险,事情似乎相当顺利。

    We pay all our taxes and pensions for Chinese employees and that stuff seems to be pretty smooth .

  13. 中国雇员有没有机会被调往总公司,或世界各地其他的分公司?

    Are there any chances for Chinese employees to be transferred to the head office or other branch offices around the world ?

  14. 许多中国雇员,即便是高素质的毕业生,都只会一成不变地想问题,缺乏创造能力,也不敢挑战权威或勇于提出问题。

    Many Chinese employees , even qualified graduates , think rigidly rather than creatively and do not challenge authority or ask questions .

  15. 该公司4月份曾承认,在对费用报销申请进行审核后,7000名中国雇员中有极少数人被开除。

    The company acknowledged in April that a very small number of its 7,000 Chinese employees had been dismissed following an audit of expenses claims .

  16. 要留住优秀的中国雇员,跨国企业需要证明,他们的晋升之路可以直达公司顶层,而不会被仅仅视为中国专家。

    To retain good Chinese hires , multinationals need to demonstrate they can be promoted throughout the global organisation and are not just seen as China experts .

  17. 以东莞办事处的名义与具资格的对外服务公司签订聘用中国雇员合同幷办理中国雇员合法聘用手续。

    Sign the contract on the employment of Chinese employees and go through the relative procedures of employment in the name of the representative office with an authorized agent .

  18. 几乎所有中国雇员都有资格参加培训课程,但由于一次参加培训的人数有限,我们只好依照他们的业绩来挑选。

    Almost all Chinese employees are eligible to attend the training course , but as the number of trainees at one time is limited , we select them on their merits .

  19. 调查人员发现,工厂的一名中国雇员在一份所注日期为2011年8月的建议书中提出,向深圳海关缉私部门负责人赠送总价值为2万人民币,约合3000美元的现金和相机。

    Investigators found a proposal by a Chinese employee at the plant dated August 2011 to offer cash and cameras worth 20000 renminbi , or about $ 3000 , to the head of the customs office 's antismuggling department .

  20. 新的办公地址代表了更加专业的公司形象,给我们的中国区雇员提供了更好的工作环境。

    The new office presents a more professional image and improved working environment for our China staff .

  21. 贝恩公司说,私募股权公司为保持竞争力一直在加强团队规模,特别是增加中国本土雇员的数量,而且企业在投资方式上也显示出更多灵活性,有时它们会在私募股权领域利用公共投资。

    Bain said that to remain competitive , firms have been increasing their teams , especially at the local level and have been showing more flexibility in their investment approach , including sometimes making use of public investments in private equity .

  22. 他的最高理想是建立他称之为englishpodenterprise的企业他计划教中国企业的雇员说英语:比起为分布于中国辽阔疆土上的数千名员工聘请家教,在线教授英语的费用肯定较少。

    His highest hopes are for a venture he calls EnglishPod enterprise - his plan to teach English to employees of Chinese companies : teaching English online will surely cost less than hiring a tutor for thousands of employees spread across the vast expanse of the Middle Kingdom .

  23. 弗兰克福特说:我们正受到中国制造业雇员工资急速上涨的影响。我们支持工资上涨。

    Mr Frankfort said : We are subject to rapid wage increases in China among employees working in the manufacturing sector , which we support .

  24. 汇丰银行十月发布的一份由37个国家和地区的7000名外派雇员参与投票的调查发现,今年中国是外派雇员最想前往工作的国家。

    A survey released in October by HSBC that polled 7 , 000 expatriates in 37 countries and regions found that China is the favorite destination for expatriates this year .

  25. 力拓的盈利能力在在华外企中位列前茅,中国给其雇员判以重刑的做法标志着国内的反腐斗争迎来了新的局面,眼下中国持续的反腐努力主要针对的是政府官员和本土商业大亨。

    China 's aggressive prosecution of employees of one of the most profitable foreign companies operating on its soil marked a fresh turn in an ongoing , if sporadic , corruption battle that has until now ensnared mostly government officials and local tycoons .

  26. 另外,力拓驻中国的四名前雇员于去年被捕,最终被判犯有贿赂和侵犯商业秘密罪。

    Separately , four former Rio employees in China were arrested last year and were eventually convicted of bribery and of stealing commercial secrets .

  27. 中国常见翻译是我们的中国雇员翻译的,更加口语化。

    Chinese common translation is the interpretation from a mainland Chinese speaker .

  28. 该家族企业在1997年进入中国市场,如今在中国拥有3600名雇员。

    The family-owned company entered the Chinese market in 1997 and now has 3,600 employees there .

  29. 她也告诉立法者美国的行政人员做出回顾中国的商业运作的决定,“我们在中国的雇员不知情或者没有参与。”

    She also told the lawmakers that the decision to review the business operation in China was made by the executives in the US ," without the knowledge or involvement of our employees in China . "

  30. 成千上万名中国人在该国工作,这些人要么是中国公司的雇员,要么自己做生意人们很难统计出准确的数据。

    Tens of thousands of Chinese are working in Nigeria , either for Chinese companies or for themselves precise figures are impossible to obtain .