
  • 网络cohesion;cohesive force;kPa
  1. MSW试样的摩擦角随龄期的发展单调增加,但黏聚力随龄期先增大而后减小。

    With fill-age developing , friction angle of MSW increase monotonously , but cohesion force of it first increases and then decreases .

  2. 黏土冻融后,黏聚力降低,内摩擦角增大;

    After freezing and thawing , the cohesion decreases , and the internal friction angle increases .

  3. DDA法计算边坡安全系数的黏聚力影响分析

    Effect of cohesion on evaluating slope stability factor of safety by DDA method

  4. 在对国际断裂力学领域里所提出的三种裂缝扩展阻力曲线理论加以总结的基础上,以能量为表征,基于裂缝黏聚力提出了描述混凝土结构裂缝扩展全过程的新GR阻力模型。

    Three crack extension resistance theories for describing concrete fracture toughening phenomena are summarized , and based on the concept of crack cohesive force , a new analytical extension resistance model , named GR model , is proposed for investigating the resistance variation with crack propagation during fracturing in concrete .

  5. 孔隙比、压缩系数、液性指数、内摩擦角、黏聚力、压缩模量、导热系数、标贯击数的线性相关程度很好,相关系数达0.947以上,平均为0.97353。

    The correlativity coefficient is over 0.947 , and the average value is 0.973 53 .

  6. 卸荷后,黏聚力的降低幅度比内摩擦角要大;

    The reduction extent of cohesion is bigger than angle of internal friction after unloading confining pressure .

  7. 在同一含水率下,黏聚力和内摩擦角随试样压实度的增加而增大;

    The cohesion and internal friction angle increase with the increase of compaction under the same water content .

  8. 最后讨论了直径对煤样黏聚力和内摩擦角的影响。

    Finally , the effect of the diameter on the cohesion and internal friction angle of coal samples is investigated .

  9. 通过试验分析发现,香根草护坡可以提高土的黏聚力和内摩擦角,从而提高土的抗剪强度,进而增加土壤稳定性。

    Vetiver grass is found to increase adhesion and internal friction angle , enhance shear strength and improve soil stability .

  10. 黏聚力形成的阻抗强度因子数值,与黏聚裂纹长度和材料极值拉伸应力存在数量关系。

    The resistant SIF of cohesive force has relationship with the values of length of cohesive crack and ultimate tension stress .

  11. 土塞形成过程中挤密效应是显著的,黏聚力则因扰动的影响有不同程度的降低。

    Soil is evidently compressed during the penetration into pile , whereas reduced cohesion is measured probably due to the disturbance .

  12. 试验结果表明,石灰土的孔隙度和导水系数随着石灰含量的增加不断减小,而黏聚力则不断增加。

    The test results show that the porosity and hydraulic conductivity of lime soil decrease and the cohesion strength increases with increasing of lime content .

  13. 卸荷后,岩石的黏聚力和内摩擦角均有较大幅度的降低,特别是有水压时,降低更是明显;

    The cohesion and angle of internal friction of rock reduce considerably after unloading confining pressure ; the reduction is more obvious especially with water pressure .

  14. 试验结果表明,条状土工膜提高的是黏聚力,其内摩擦角有所下降,而块状土工膜黏聚力和内摩擦角都有很大程度的提高;

    It was shown that cohesion of strip geomembrane was increased , internal frictional angle was reduced , while both of lump geomembrane were increased considerately .

  15. 遂宁组母质易风化,风化后的碎屑黏聚力弱、结构力差,易遭受径流侵蚀。

    Parent material of Suining group is easy eroded , and the erosion material is of poor cohesion and structure and even easier being eroded by runoff .

  16. 研究表明:放顶煤开采、提高支架工作阻力可以减缓煤壁压力,煤体合理注水可以提高煤体黏聚力与抗剪强度,它们是防治极软煤层煤壁片帮的有效措施。

    The following research results are obtained : the top coal caving technique and increasing the resistance of the support can reduce the pressure on the coal wall .

  17. 在不同的吸力条件下,固结排水剪的有效内摩擦角基本不变,黏聚力的增长与吸力的增长基本呈线性关系。

    Under conditions of different values of constant suctions , the effective friction angle is approximate a constant , and cohesion coefficient versus suction relationship is approximately linear .

  18. 含水量越大,体积增加越大,土体密度及黏聚力减小程度也越大。

    The greater the water content is , the greater the volume increase , and the greater the decreasing degree of loess sample ? s density and cohesion are .

  19. 研究结果对于岩土工程设计和数值计算时岩样黏聚力和内摩擦角的选取具有参考价值。

    The research results provide the reference value for the choice of the cohesion and internal friction angle of rock samples in the process of geo-engineering design and numerical simulation .

  20. 土体强度增大,边坡的稳定性明显增加,但土体摩擦角对安全系数的影响比黏聚力更为敏感;

    The greater the soil strength is , the higher the stability of slopes is ; but the friction of soils is more sensitive to safety factor than cohesion of soils .

  21. 基于极限平衡理论及平面滑裂面假定,在考虑土黏聚力及放坡角度的基础上,推导了平面滑裂面剪切破坏角的数学表达式。

    Based on the limit equilibrium theory and the hypothesis of planar sliding surface , a formula for calculating the angle of shear failure was deduced considering cohesion and cut slope angle .

  22. 研究结果表明:垃圾土的强度包线可以用双线强度包线来表达,黏聚力和内摩擦角取决于是否填埋碾压;

    The results show that envelop of solid waste can be simulated by double lines , and that the cohesion and friction angle are dependent upon whether or not the solid waste is rolled .

  23. 随冻融循环过程增加,低密度土体的黏聚力有所提高,而高密度土体的黏聚力下降,内摩擦角变化较小。

    With the repeatedly freezing-thawing cycles , the cohesion of low density clay increases , but the cohesion of high density clay decreases , and the internal friction angle of the clay changes little .

  24. 而处于研磨阶段时,轴向压力、扭矩和试样弹性模量、黏聚力及内摩擦角有关,与抗压强度无关。

    When the sample is at the stage of grinding damage , the axial force and torque are related to the Young ? s modulus , cohesion and internal friction angle except the compression strength .

  25. 研究结果表明:土体初始屈服冲击速度非常小,其中黏聚力对其有较大影响,而内摩擦角对其影响相对较小。

    The result shows that the impact velocity of initial yield is very small for the soil , and the cohesion has an obvious influence on it while the internal friction angle does relatively small .

  26. 当冻结冰的体积大于其在黄土体内的自由膨胀空间体积时,黄土体体积稍有增加,黄土密度和黏聚力减小;

    When the volume of ice is larger than its expansion in the loess free space , the volume of loess increases a little ; and the density and cohesion decrease because the water in loess frost heaves .

  27. 研究发现,压实土的黏聚力值,单剪比直剪低20.3%,内摩擦角低5°。

    The results show that the cohesion of the simple shear test is lower than that of the direct test by up to 20.3 % ; and the internal friction angel of the simple shear is 5 ° lower than that of the direct shear .

  28. 结论土与结构接触界面的抗剪强度、摩擦角、黏聚力等力学参数与接触材料类型及土体含水率密切相关,研究结果为工程设计的计算参数取值提供了试验依据。

    Experimental data shows that mechanical properties of soil-structure contact surface , such as shear strength , cohesion force and friction angle , closely depend on structure material and soil water content . This experimental research provides the good foundation for engineers to determine calculating parameters for engineering design .

  29. 分析讨论了墙土参数对曲面滑裂面下的主动土压力值的影响,可知填土的黏聚力和内摩擦角是影响土压力值的关键参数。

    The effects on the active earth pressure of the retaining wall and various parameters of the soil backfill with curved sliding surface are analyzed , revealing the the cohesion and internal friction angle of the backfill are the key factors determining the value of active force . 4 .

  30. 极值I型分布不适宜作为坡残积黏土质围岩黏聚力、内摩擦角的概率分布;

    Extreme type I isn ′ t equal to be probability distribution of cohesion and internal friction angle of clinosol and residual cohesive soil surrounding rock .