
  • 网络Clay brick;chamotte brick;Textured bricks
  1. CFRP加固实心黏土砖柱研究

    Research on Brick Columns Strengthened by CFRP

  2. FRP加固实心黏土砖短柱轴心受压试验研究

    Experimental study of the axial compression of short columns of solid clay bricks strengthened with FRP sheets

  3. 同时,生产高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖比生产黏土砖减小排放CO2和SO2,具有显著的环境效益。

    In addition , the production of fly ash sintered bricks can reduce the emission of CO2 and SO2 than the production of clay bricks , so it also has prominent environment effects .

  4. 黏土砖的物相组成和显微结构都没有发生明显的变化。

    As to the fireclay brick , in which both the phase composition and microstructure show no obvious change .

  5. 该板是理想的轻质节能墙体材料,对取代传统的黏土砖建筑有着积极的作用。

    It is the ideal light quality energy-conserving wall material , Have positive function in replacing the traditional clay brick building .

  6. 以用后硅砖、黏土砖和滑板砖为原料合成莫来石生产混凝土砖用造型机

    Synthesis of mullite from wasted silica brick , wasted fireclay brick and wasted slide gate moulding machine for making concrete blocks

  7. 针对用于代替黏土砖住宅结构的钢筋混凝土柔性梁柱加人字支撑形成的新型复合结构,进行了低周反复荷载下的抗震试验研究。

    Experiments are conducted on novel composite structures with flexible reinforced concrete beams and columns and herringbone braces under low-period cyclic load .

  8. 从砌体抗压强度、裂缝开展以及破坏特征等方面分析,黄河淤泥多孔砖可以替代黏土砖用作承重墙材。

    Yellow River sullage porous brick can substitute for clay brick and be used as bearing wall material based on analysis of masonry compression strength , crack development and breakage feature .

  9. 论述抓住禁止生产和使用实心黏土砖的机遇,利用煤矸石资源性的因素,生产煤矸石空心砖等新型建材。

    Discusess that seizing a golden opportunity no produced and used solid chamotte , making use of the refuse resources , produces new construction material such as refuse air brick , etc.

  10. 结果表明,再生混凝土多孔砖是脆性材料,在正常的使用状态下,不会出现裂缝,可以成为替代黏土砖的一种新型墙体材料。

    The result proves that reclaimed concrete perforated brick is a brittle material that will not accrue to crack under normal service modes so it can be a new wall material substitute for clay brick .

  11. 试验研究结果表明,混凝土普通砖砌体具有较高的受压承载力,在正常的使用状态下不会出现裂缝,可成为替代黏土砖的一种新型承重墙体材料。

    The result of experimental study shows that concrete solid brick masonry has higher compression bearing capacity and crack will not accrue under normal service load so it can be a new bearing wall material substitute for clay brick .

  12. 掺塑化剂的高掺量粉煤灰黏土烧结砖的试验研究

    Experimental study on high content fly ash clay sintered brick body with plasticizer

  13. 多孔砖作为黏土实心砖的替代产品,可以提高砌筑墙体的热阻,加强围护结构的保温性能。

    The porous brick as a substitute of solid clay brick can increase the thermoresistance of walling and enhance the heat-insulating property of building envelope .