
  • 网络viscosity;consistency
  1. 结论黄芪联合复方丹参期待治疗重度子痫前期患者可降低平均动脉压,减少24h尿蛋白排出量,降低血液黏稠度,改善微循环,延长胎龄,提高围生儿和新生儿存活率。

    Conclusion Astragalus membranaceus plus salvia miltiorrhiza in the waiting treatment of early serious eclampsia can lower the average artery pressure , decrease proteinuria of 24 hours and blood viscosity , improve microcirculation , prolong pregnancy time and increase the survival rate of embryo and newborn children .

  2. 结果:血液黏稠度与病情严重程度无关;

    RESULTS : Blood viscosity had no relation with severity of disease .

  3. PT升高(P<0.001).结论:调脂作用的辛伐他汀有效调脂同时可发挥其非调脂作用,干预、延迟颈动脉IMT的进程,改善凝血系统,减低血液黏稠度。

    CONCLUSION : Simvastatin has both lipid-lowering and nonlipid-lowering effect , which decreases the IMT of the common carotid arteries and improves the coagulative system .

  4. 在形状或黏稠度上象奶酪的东西。

    Something resembling this substance in shape or consistency .

  5. 观察两组治疗前后临床症状、盆腔血流、血液黏稠度的变化。

    The change of the clinical symptoms , pelvic blood flow and blood viscosity in b.

  6. 早晨空腹喝一杯温水,可以降低血液黏稠度。

    Drinking a cup of lukewarm water on an empty stomach will bring down blood viscosity .

  7. 脑外伤患者气管切开后不同黏稠度痰液适宜吸痰负压的临床研究

    Study on the optimal suctioning negative pressure based on sputum viscosity in brain-injured patients with tracheotomy

  8. 对有高粘滞血症的人,最好是饭前午睡,因为午睡可能会增加血液黏稠度,引起血管堵塞。

    On hyperlipemia , preferably before meals because napping , nap may increase blood viscosity , blood vessels caused by blockage .

  9. 结论清热凉血汤治疗银屑病进行期有较好的临床效果和改善血液黏稠度的作用。

    Conclusion Heat-clearing and blood-cooling soup in treating psoriasis at progressing stage has better clinical effects and a function of improving blood viscosity .

  10. 要静烟台人才网躺一会儿,再喝一杯水,以补充血容量,稀释血液黏稠度,然后进行一些轻微活动。

    To lie down for a while , drink a cup of water , to supplement the blood volume , the dilution of the blood viscosity , and some minor activity .

  11. 当人熟睡时,由于出汗,身体内的水分丢失,造成血液中的水分减少,血液的黏稠度会变得很高。

    When someone is heavy sleepy , the water in his body lose because of sweat , then the water in blood decreases , and finally the blood consistency becomes high .

  12. 肺心病基本病理生理改变特点是肺血管痉挛、肺循环阻力增高,以及红细胞增多、血液黏稠度增加、血小板聚集等。

    The physiopathology characteristic of pulmonary heart disease is that the vessels of the lungs are tic , resistance of pulmonary circulation is increased , the blood platelet is gathered , et al .

  13. 据测定,蜜柚果脯中富含柚皮苷、果胶和纤维素等,经常食用有助于降低血液黏稠度和胆固醇、对保护心脑血管有积极作用。

    It is admeasured that candied pomelos are full of glycosides from pomelo peels , pectin and cellulose , etc , which take active part in cardiovascular and contribute to reducing blood viscosity and cholesterol .

  14. 又浓又香的肉汁本身很棒,但肠子却具有一种……“肠”的黏稠度,有点像肝,但比较糊。

    They were served in a heavy , buttery , savory gravy that itself was terrific , but the intestines had a kind of ... well ... intestinal consistency . Kind of like liver , but mushier .

  15. 结论:肺心病患者口服小剂量阿司匹林4周就能够降低血液黏稠度,改善肺内气体交换,从而改善肺功能,改善肺心病患者的预后。

    CONCLUSION : The aspirin in small dosage for 4 weeks can decrease blood adherence in pulmonary heart disease patients taking orally , improve the exchange of pulmonary gas so as to ameliorate pulmonary function and meliorate the prognosis of pulmonary heart disease patients .

  16. 黏稠电介质的介电常数测量电容器的研制结果凝胶剂质地均匀、细腻、黏稠度适中。

    Study on relative dielectric constant for measuring capacity in sticky dielectric Results The gel exhibited fine consistency and moderate viscosity .