  • sticky;glutinous
  • 像胶或糨糊的性质:~性。~液。~土。~米。


(像糨糊等那样能使一个物体附着在另一物体上的性质, 同“粘” [nián]) sticky; glutinous:

  • 黏米

    glutinous rice;

  • 这糨糊不黏。

    This paste is not sticky enough.

  1. 地毯上那黏乎乎的都是什么玩意儿?

    What 's all that sticky stuff on the carpet ?

  2. 把牛奶搅进去,和成软而不黏的面团。

    Stir in the milk to make a soft but not sticky dough .

  3. 墙又黑又冷,上面满是黏湿的污迹。

    The walls were black , cold and slimy .

  4. 家里到处是泼洒的橙汁留下的黏糊糊的痕迹。

    Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice

  5. 米饭没煮好会结块,而且软黏黏的。

    When the rice isn 't cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey

  6. 他用某种黑色的黏糊糊的东西粉刷地板。

    He had painted the floors with some kind of black gunge .

  7. 想想你去看牙医时那双黏糊糊的手!

    Think of the clammy hands you get when you visit the dentist !

  8. 池塘表面有一层黏腻腻的污泥。

    There was an unappealing film of slime on top of the pond .

  9. 天亮时我们发现自己呆在一条冰冷黏湿的船上。

    Daybreak found us on a cold , clammy ship

  10. 如果面团太黏,就再加点面粉。

    If the dough is sticky , add more flour

  11. 她感到指尖有什么黏糊糊的恶心东西。

    She could feel something icky on her fingers .

  12. 建议将粗砂掺到黏重的土壤里,以提高排水性能。

    It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage .

  13. 将面粉和酵母混在一起和成黏糊糊的面团。

    Work the flour and yeast mixture together until you have a sticky dough .

  14. 她那被汗水浸透的衣服黏在身上。

    Her sweat-stained clothing clung to her body .

  15. 她的手碰到了一个黏糊糊冷冰冰的东西。

    Her hand touched something cold and slimy .

  16. 这种酱有些黏,尝起来不是非常地道。

    The sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial .

  17. 我的眼睛黏糊糊的。

    My eyes are gummy .

  18. 我裤子上粘了些黏糊糊的东西。

    There is some sticky stuff on my trousers .

  19. 这糨糊不黏。

    This paste is not sticky enough .

  20. 黏糊糊的奶油在她的红茶里弯弯曲曲地凝结成螺旋形

    The sluggish cream wound curdling spirals through her tea .

  21. 硼是让胶状玩具变“黏”的原因。

    Boron is what makes the slime sticky .

  22. 减黏剂:用来降低油墨黏度的添加剂。例如稀光漆,减韧油。

    Easer : Printing ink additive used to reduce tack.Examples are thin varnish , reducing oil , etc.

  23. 青蛙的皮肤上没有任何毛发,但是却覆盖着一层黏滑的液体。

    The skin has no fur or hair , but it is covered with a slimy fluid .

  24. 单手食物是那种小块的可以单手拿住的食物,吃起来也不会弄得手黏糊糊的,在开车或工作时可以单手方便享用的食物。

    One-handed food is food that is small enough to hold in one hand and is not messy to eat so that it can be consumed while driving or working .

  25. 层黏连蛋白促进人晶状体上皮细胞蛋白激酶B的活性

    Laminin increase protein kinase B activity of human lens epithelial cells

  26. B组:全酸蚀干黏接光固化复合树脂修复;

    Group B , all-etching , dry-bonding , light-curing composite resins ;

  27. 皮肤基底细胞癌T钙黏蛋白的表达及其DNA异常甲基化分析

    The expression and aberrant methylation of T-cadherin in cutaneous basal cell carcinoma

  28. 宫颈癌组织中上皮钙黏蛋白mRNA的表达及血清可溶性钙黏蛋白测定的意义

    Expression of E-cadherin mRNA and concentration of serum soluble E-cadherin in cervix cancer

  29. 工业丝级PET固相增黏切片生产工艺的探讨

    The process discuss of industrial yarn solid-state polycondensation chip

  30. 汽车用PVC塑溶胶及PVC塑溶胶用增黏剂发展趋势

    Development Trend of PVC Plastisol for Automobile and Tackifier for PVC Plastisol